Geography Exercise ppt

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Geography Map
Exercise 1
 Polaris
The North Star
 90oS
South Pole
 Gobi
Large desert in Northern China
 Nile
Longest river in the world
 Andes
Longest mountain range on Earth
 Japan
Land of the rising sun
 Continental
All of the US except Alaska and Hawaii
 Everest
Tallest mountain on Earth
Continents & Oceans
 Asia
 Atlantic
 Africa
 Indian
 North America
 Pacific
 Australia
 South America
 Europe
 Antarctica
Use the link below
to practice finding
the continents and
Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn
Tropic of Cancer (North), Tropic of Capricorn (South)
23O 26’ from the equator (Earth’s tilt)
Direct sunlight only hits the Earth between these latitude lines
Tropic of Cancer
Tropic of Capricorn
23O 26’ from the equator
In Unit 2 “Force that Shape our World” we
will learn more about the Earth’s tilt, how it
creates our seasons, and the significance
of the Tropics.
Central Mexico and South Mexico through Central America,
including Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador.
Sometimes Nicaragua, and Northern Costa Rica are included.
Latitude lines
Run East to West Parallel to the Equator
Measures degrees North or South of the Equator
Longitude lines
Run North to South from
North Pole to South Pole.
Measures degrees East or
West of the Prime Meridian.
Sahara Desert
Developing Mental Maps
 What
do you visualize when
someone says desert?
 What
mental images do you
associate with this geographic
NOT a typical desert
Typical Desert-DRY
Typical Desert-DRY (TUNDRA)
Himalaya Mountains
Prime Meridian
Amazon River
Mediterranean Sea
Nile River
Forces that Shape our Earth
 The
Himalaya and Andes Mountains are
being created (yes they are still “growing”)
by the movement of tectonic plates.
Forces that shape our Earth
The Andes Mountains are part of the “Ring of
Fire.” This region of the world has a high level of
geographic instability due to the collision of the
Earth’s tectonic plates.
One plate pushed under the other