Transcript PPT

Weathering and
To understand how rocks are broken down at the
Earth’s surface and how the broken-down
materials are removed (weathering and erosion).
Weathering: Rocks are
weakened and broken
down into smaller
Erosion: Weathered
pieces of rock are
carried away to be
deposited somewhere
Weathering and erosion help shape our landscape
and provide the basic inorganic components of
soil from which we get most of our food.
Two end-member types, physical weathering and
chemical weathering
Physical weathering: Rocks
are broken down by
mechanical processes
Chemical weathering:
Rocks are broken down by
chemical reactions at the
Earth’s surface
Physical weathering
Frost wedging: Water works its way into cracks in
rocks, freezes and expands
– physically wedges the cracks apart—
analogous to freezing a can of soda pop
Physical weathering
Thermal expansion: Rocks expand and contract
due to daily and seasonal temperature
fluctuations or fires
– Differential expansion and contraction
gradually breaks them apart
No puppies were harmed in
this fire
Physical weathering
Mechanical exfoliation: Rocks equilibrated deep in
the crust expand as they approach the Earth’s
– Pop apart along discrete planes called joints
Devil’s Tower, Wyo.
Half Dome, Cal.
Physical weathering
Abrasion: Water and wind-blown particles scour
away bedrock
Chemical weathering
Dissolution: Ionic bonds are broken in water
• Dissolving calcite is chemical dissolution
• Water’s dipolar shape helps pull ionic bonds
Weathering of Calcite
H2O + CO2 ↔ H2CO3
CaCO3 + H2CO3 ↔ Ca2+ + 2HCO3-
Water molecule
Chemical weathering
Hydrolysis: H+ or OH- ions replace cations or
anions in a mineral’s crystal structure
• Weathering of potassium feldspar to kaolinite is
common example.
Climate and chemical
Chemical weathering
favored by:
1. High rainfall and
2. Warm temperatures
Puppies can
be important
agents of
Think-pair-share activity
Q—Which do you think is more important in
shaping the Earth’s surface, wind erosion or
water erosion? Can you think of an example of
a feature of the Earth’s surface shaped by
1. Answer the question
2. Compare, discuss, and refine your answer with
one or two of your neighbors.
3. Write up your results and pass them in.
The Grand Canyon
Big Hollow, Wyo.
Water erosion
Water erosion: Particles are washed away
– Does most of the work of shaping the Earth’s
surface... even in arid areas.
– Glaciers are more effective, but are less
Wind erosion
Wind erosion: Particles are blown away.
– Most important in arid environments
– Led to the “dust bowl” of the 30’s.
Soil formation
• Weathering produces
layer of loose rock over
the Earth called
• Organic-rich upper few
centimeters to few
meters of regolith that
supports plant life is
called soil
Factors that influence soil formation
Topography: Steep topography hastens erosion
• Soil formation is a competition between
weathering and erosion.
Factors that influence soil formation
Climate: Warm, moist climates speed regolith
formation and accumulation of organic material
Cold, dry = thin soil
Hot, wet = thick soil
Factors that influence soil formation
Composition of material from which regolith is
Plants don’t like soil from ultramafic rocks