PPT of Protista and Fungi

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Protists and Fungi
Kingdom Protista
• The most diverse of all organisms, Protists are
mostly single celled and microscopic.
• A few species are more complex and
• Protists can be Autotrophic or Heterotrophic
or in the case of euglenoids….both.
• Protists- The first Protists originated 1.5 billion
years ago from complex bacteria that
incorporated mitochondria and chloroplasts
from the outside environment.
• They developed a nuclear membrane around
the DNA to protect it.
• They were larger than bacteria and could
perform more specialized tasks than their
• They began to develop a means of
reproduction bacteria could not use….Sexual
• All Protists are also classified as Eukaryotes as
they have membrane-bound organelles and
distinct Nuclei.
• All Protists exhibit some form of mobility.
• Protists are the predecessors of Fungi, Plants
and Animals.
Basic categories of Protists
1. Algae- Photosynthetic, living in
environments where sunlight is
2. Protozoans- Non-photosynthetic,
living in water or inside of host
Unicellular, Heterotrophic, Move by
Pseudopods. Ex. Amoeba
• Unicellular, heterotrophic, have shells with pores,
Examples H. depressa
• Unicellular and Photosynthetic, glass shell
made silica. Examples----Diatoms
• Unicellular, colonies, multicelled and
photosynthetic. Have green cholorophyll A
and B. Examples includes, spirogyra, volvox,
and chlamydomonas
• Multicellular and Photosynthetic, has
phycobilins (red cholorophyll), includes red
seaweeds and algae that causes Red Tides
• Multicellular and Photosynthetic, Chlorophyll C
and Fucoxanthins. (Brown Algae and Brown
Seaweed) Examples include Sargassum and Kelp
• Unicellular, Heterotrophic and Autotrophic species.
Shells of cellulose plates. Chlorophyll a,c and
carotenoids. Move by flagella ….Examples: Noctiluca
• Unicellular and Heterotrophic. Have at least
one Flagellum. Parasitic and live in hosts. Ex.
• Unicellular and Both Photosynthetic and
Heterotrophic. Single flagella, Ex. Euglena
• Unicellular and Heterotropic. Have many rows
of cilia for movement. Ex. Paramecium,
Stentor and Vorticella
• Unicellular Fungus-like heterotrophs that form
masses called “slugs”. Produce spores.
Examples include Cellular Slime Molds
• Unicellular but collect in colonies. Heterotrophic
and fungus like. Plasmodial Slime molds.
Examples include Physarum
• Unicellular Parasites and Heterotrophs. A
decomposer like fungi. Examples include water
mold, white rust and mildews.
• Unicellular, Heterotrophic. Non motile. Complex Animal
parasites that live in blood or tissues. Examples include
Plasmodium, Toxoplasma and the Plasmoidals that causes
Life cycle of toxoplasmoids
Kingdom Fungi
• Heterotrophic and Generally Multicelled, they are
primary decomposers and occasionally parasites.
They absorb nutrients after external digestion by
• Follow the Haploid Life Cycle….
• Most are long and filamentous but are identified by
the reproductive structures they produce. Almost all
reproduce sexually by Spores.
• The cell wall structure of a mushroom is made of
Chitin, its slender thread-like structure is called the
Hyphae and a mass of hyphae is called a mycelium
Bozeman Fungi
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj9m7Oc3
Often referred to as the “Club” Fungi.
Includes mushrooms, toadstools, shelf
and bracket fungi. Most field mushroom
are edible but avoid the red caps of the
poisonous Fly Agaric and the Amanita
Number of species…16,000
Structure of a common mushroom
On the sides of the Gills are the basidia, the spore producing
structure of the mushroom….
Often referred to as the “Cup or Sac”
fungi….reproductive structure is the
Ascus… includes. Morels, truffles.
Yeasts, puffballs and earth stars.
Species number is 30,000
Reproductive structure is the
Zygosporangium. Filamentous fungi that is
common to food molds such as black and
green bread molds. Species numbers are 665
Fungi Imperfecti (Deuteromycota)
Imperfect fungi lack
traditional spore
structures…..most are
powder like molds like
penicillin & aspergillis
and also includes
plant rusts and smuts.
Yeasts are also
considered in this
Lichen of all types exhibit a symbiotic
relationship between Terrestrial Fungi and
Aquatic Algae. The Fungi provides a place for
the algae to live and the algae provide fungi
with organic food. Includes species like,
encrusting Lichen, Wolfsbane, British soldiers
and Spanish Moss. Species 15,000
Symbiotic relationship between Plants and Fungi….Fungi increases
surface area for plant room systems and the uptake of vital minerals.
In return, the fungi get organic food from the plant…..80% of all plant
species use mychorrhizae …..Species numbers 5,000…..