astronomy notes
Transcript astronomy notes
Astronomy and
Where does the Earth fit in?
Formation of the Earth
Formation of the Earth
Big Bang
Solar Nebulas
Star Formation
Beginning of Life
Big Bang
The theory that states the universe
began with a tremendous explosion
12 bya to 15 bya (billion years ago)
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What is a theory?
A theory is well-tested and supported
by evidence
A theory is widely accepted by
A theory can be disproved
Large grouping of stars in space,
formed when chemical clouds gathered
after the Big Bang
Large galaxies contain more than a
trillion (1,000,000,000,000) stars
Contain gas clouds, open clusters, and
globular clusters
Gas clouds are also known as nebulas and
are generally found in spiral galaxies
Open clusters are groups of newly formed
Globular clusters are groups of older
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We live in the Milky Way Galaxy
The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy
Our sun is about two-thirds of the way
from the center of the Milky Way
Star Formation
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Gravity collects
hydrogen and
helium to form a
Our sun is an
average sized star
Planetary Formation
Dust gathers to form planetesimals
Biggest planetesimal in each orbit
swept up all the dust in that path
Gas giants collected lots of gases
because of large gravitational pull
Gases evaporated from inner planets to
leave rocky planet
Planets rotate on its axis. One rotation
is one day.
Planets also revolve around the sun. One
revolution is one year.
Big enough for its gravity to make it a
Clear the neighborhood around its orbit
Revolution vs. Rotation
Inner Planets
Solid planets
Warmer than outer
Close together
Short revolution
Mercury, Venus,
Earth, Mars
Outer Planets
Gas Giants
Far apart
Long revolution
Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune
Dwarf Planets
Past outer planets
Pluto- formerly a planet
Ceres-formerly an
UB313 or Xenadiscovered in 2003
The Moon
The moon does not produce its own
It reflects light from the sun
Half the moon is always lit, even
though we don’t always see the same
thing in the sky
Phases of the Moon
Lunar Eclipse
The earth casts a
shadow on the moon
The moon is in the
full moon position
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Solar Eclipse
The moon casts a
shadow on the earth
The moon is in the
new moon position
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Small body of ice, rock, and dust
loosely packed together
Also known as “dirty snowballs”
Tail forms when comet gets too close
to the sun
Elliptical orbit
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Small, rocky bodies that orbit the sun
Irregular shapes
Different compositions based on where
asteroid is found in the asteroid belt
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Small, rocky bodies orbiting the sun
Smaller than asteroids
A meteoroid is called a meteorite when
it comes into the earth’s atmosphere
and hits the ground
The streak of light that you see when a
meteoroid enters the earth’s
atmosphere is called a meteor
Distances are so far apart in
astronomy, so we use
Astronomical Units (AU)- average distance
between the earth and the sun or about
150,000,000 km (93,000,000 miles)
Light Years- distance light travels in one
earth year or 9.5 trillion km
Other Stars…?
Our nearest star is Alpha Centauri
It is 4.27 light years away or
40,565,000,000,000 km
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