South East of Scotland Cancer Transforming Care After Treatment
Transcript South East of Scotland Cancer Transforming Care After Treatment
South East of Scotland Cancer
Transforming Care After Treatment
Sandra Bagnall
SCAN Patient Involvement Manager
TCAT Project Manager
Transforming Care After Treatment (TCAT)
• National programme funded by Macmillan - £5
million over 5 years
• Aim is to support initiatives that redesign the care of
patients following active treatment of cancer
• Consider the physical, emotional and financial
consequences of cancer treatment
• Enable people to play a more active role in
managing their own care, where appropriate
• Focus on partnership working – improve integration
between different service providers and provide more
care locally
The overall aim of the programme is to
ensure that people affected by cancer in
Scotland, are prepared and supported to
live with the consequences of the
diagnosis and its treatment.
• Driven through the Cancer Networks
> Regional TCAT Clinical Leads
> Regional TCAT Project Managers
• 3 Phases of Projects
> Phase 1 – Secondary Care Led
> Phase 2 – Local Authority and Primary Care Led
• Required Criteria
> Clear description of gap in service provision and how proposed changes will impact.
> Demonstrable Partnership Involvement
> Plans to implement at least one aspect of the recovery package.
> Evaluation intentions
• TCAT Cancer Experience Panel
• Evaluation of Programme – Edinburgh Napier
• NHS Borders
• Integrated pathway
for all cancers
• Redesign FU for
• NHS Fife
• Pall Care for Lung
• Supported self mgt
for Melanoma
• NHS Lothian
• Recovery based
approach to Lung,
Rectal, Breast,
Gynae and Prostate
• Redesign of care for
• Redesign FU for
• NHS L’shire
• Evaluate EoT
summaries and
PROMs e health
• Supporting self
management /
effective transistions
• NHS Tayside
& NE Fife
• Supported self
management for Pelvic
and H&N
• NHS Highland
• My Cancer Portal
NHS Lothian- Recovery Clinics
To offer timely specialist support for incontinence and erectile dysfunction to
men following surgery.
Clinics led by Alan McNeil and Prasad Bollina
Alan-12 slots every 3rd Thursday. Prasad- 6 to 8 slots monthly Friday
Men reviewed 8-12 weeks post-op
Specialist input and support from Karen Edwards (Physio) and Alasdair
Innes (Nurse) at same appointment
Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA) to identify need and guide support
Initial Impressions:
A welcome addition
Patient feedback positive
Feels better to be able to offer men the support they need at the first followup appointment
As a result of the clinic and specialist input, we hope that no-one feels
unsupported through this process
Any Questions?