Adding Hyperlinks to Email
Transcript Adding Hyperlinks to Email
How To:
to your Outlook eMail Signature.
By: Tom Jackson 2-5-09
Outlook Signatures
Outlook Signatures: Hyperlink Text
Using Word, type in how you want your
Signature to look.
- Font
- Color
- Information (Name, Phone, etc)
- Links (email, web, LinkedIn, etc)
Once done go ahead and save this .doc.
Remember, What You See Is What You Get
Outlook Signatures: Hyperlink Text
Web Link
Typically, when you type in a “link” (ie
email addr or web) Word will pick it up as
a hyperlink (ie will turn text blue then add
However, to verify the links are correct.
Right Click on the Link in question.
The screen shots show you the pop up for
a web page of email. You can add these
or edit the information.
(Note: this will be needed later for adding
a HyperLink to a image)
Outlook Signatures: Hyperlink Text
Now you have your Signature ready to add to Outlook.
(Note: all my links are blue and underlined)
From Outlook. Click on <Tools>, <Options>.
Then on the <Mail Format> tab ensure that the
“Compose in this message format:” is <HTML>.
Then click on <Signatures>
Outlook Signatures: Hyperlink Text
The next screen will show what your existing
signature looks like – assuming you have one.
Click <New>
The next screen allows you to “name your
signature” in this case I used ‘Signature with
Click <Next>
Outlook Signatures: Hyperlink Text
The next screen will allows you to pick which
signature you want to use. In this case it will
be ‘Signature with Hyperlinks’ – the one I just
created. Select <Signature with Hyperlinks>.
Click <OK>
The next screen gives you a preview of how
the signature will look.
If you have a ‘V-Card’ you can select it here as
well (more ways to make it easy to contact you
the better!)
Click <Finish>
Outlook Signatures: Hyperlink Text
The next screen is where you manage your
- Select which signature to use
- Select a different signature for New
messages vs replies, etc.
In this case it will be ‘Signature with Hyperlinks’
Click <OK> and <Apply> if prompted.
Now create a new email and your signature will
be there for all to see.
Outlook Signatures: Hyperlink Images
To add an IMAGE with a hyperlink. First get the
image you want to work with in a folder (ie .jpg, .gif,
etc). In this case I am using the ‘LinkedIn’ image.
From the original word document, where I created
my signature – I deleted the LinkedIn .txt.
Go to <Insert>, <Picture>, <From File> and go to
the folder with the image. Select and it will be
added to the signature I am working on
Just like with the Text links. I right click on the
IMAGE. Select <Hyperlink>.
Note: in this case I will have to enter a web address.
Outlook Signatures: Hyperlink Images
This screen will allow you to enter
the web link you want people to go
to when they click on your image
from your email signature.
In this case it will be my LinkedIn
Since, Word does not know what to
do with the image – two things
must be done.
1) Click on the <Existing File or
Web Page>
2) If you already have the web
page open – click in the <Address>
section it will usually populate
automatically. OR - type in the
web URL.
Click <OK>
Outlook Signatures: Hyperlink Images
Once you are returned to the Word
page being edited. Due a save-as to
keep the word.doc for your records or
further edits.
Then, create a file for signature
document. When you do this next
step, Outlook will create a file and a
folder (My folder name is Toms Outlook
Do <Save As> <Web Page>. Make
sure the file name is descriptive – this
how you will select it when choosing
your Outlook signature.
Click <Save>
HTML allows Outlook do use the
I saved the file as
Thomas Jackson LinkedIn.htm
Outlook Signatures: Hyperlink Images
Next step is to COPY the HTML Signature file that was just created, to Microsoft Outlook
Signature Folder. This Folder is typically located following the same basic root directories
located below – sometimes the Signature folder is in Outlook sometimes not. An easy way
to find this folder is to just SEARCH and search for <Signatures> this should show you
where the FOLDER is located. The copy to the HTML file to it.
Outlook Signatures: Hyperlink Images
Now, when you goto Outlook <Tools>,
<Options>, <Mail Format>, <Signature>.
You will see the HTML file name in the
window. Go ahead and select it.
When you go to send an email
this what the signature looks like.
The use of a graphic just makes
your signature stand out more
and makes people want to see
what Your Profile Is….