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Services Based Hosting – NOT Platform-As-A-Service
Compute Hosting
Services are accessed via Web standard protocols (HTTP/S, Rest, Atom, etc.)
Load Balanced .NET Web Applications or .NET Web Services (WCF)
Agent provides programmatic access to Fabric Services
Applications built in Visual Studio 2008 and published using application manifest XML which can include instance,
scaling, and performance directives
Storage Hosting
Data storage specification by data type
BLOB = Files, images, binary objects
Table = Relational data accessed via LINQ
Queues = Message based storage
Fabric Controller allows for application scaling, reliability, and geographic location
Applications hosted in multiple VMs, across multiple physical servers, and across multiple data centers
Services can be upgraded in-life without a loss of service
Consumption based cost model
Compute time, measured in machine hours
Bandwidth requirements (transmissions to and from
the Azure data center), measured in GB
Storage, measured in GB
Transactions, measured as application requests
such as Gets and Puts
Customers will have option to pay upfront for usage, postpay, or to reserve capacity.
ISV Partners will be able to sell Azure Services as part
of their own licensing and pricing model.
October, 2008 - Community Technology Preview
No charge for developers during CTP
Consumption limited
Number of projects limited
??? - Beta 1
??? - Beta 2
H2 2009 - General Release
Based on Microsoft’s usual release cycle this will most likely mean
limited availability through standard developer channels such as
MSDN with formal launch in Q1 of 2010
 May be tied to Visual Studio 2010 release
Live Services are a set of web services within the Azure
Services Platform for building applications
Platform Independent
Use Web standard protocols such as HTTP/S, Rest, Atom Pub
Provide SDKs for .NET, Java, and Ruby
Can be used from any device
Exposes Service Endpoints Indirectly in the Cloud
Users can access a global hierarchical namespace that is DNS- and transport- independent
Services can be located through a stable, Internet-accessible URL, irrespective of location.
Offers Multiple Connection Options
One-way messaging between sender and listener supports unicast and multicast datagram distribution
Full-duplex connection-oriented sessions between sender and listener support bi-directional
Full-duplex, connection-oriented peer-to-peer sessions with network-boundary traversal create direct
end-to-end connectivity through NAT
Supports Publish and Subscribe for Multicasting
The simple publish/subscribe model lets multiple publishers and multiple subscribers simultaneously use
the service’s topic management and event distribution system
Componentized Workflow Activities
Visual Workflow Creation via Visual Studio
Workflow Management
Tools and APIs allow for deployment, management, and tracking of running workflow instances
Scalability managed in the Cloud
Activities hosted in the cloud platform can receive and send message as well as perform XML
Microsoft .NET Framework activities can be created for control flow
Transparent scalability of the service’s underlying components and automatic distribution of loads
between hosts
Can integrate directly with other .NET Services
Federated Identity and Access Control
Access Control Service can federate with third-party Secure Token services to support processing identities from existing systems or from
external organizations.
Issuer trust can be set up with a simple Web interface or programmatically through APIs
The service directly supports Active Directory and other identity infrastructures
Service Bus endpoints can be secured with a Web interface or programmatically, based on Access Control Service rules
Flexible, Standards-Based Service
Multiple Credentials
Windows Live Ids
X.509 certificates
Traditional user names and passwords
Managed card and personal cards
Standard Web Protocols, WS-*/REST
Multiple "Relying Parties“
Applications that run both inside and outside organizational boundaries can rely on the service
Data and connectivity services can use the Access Control Service to validate application and user requests
Built on Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Accessed via Web Standards (HTTP/REST)
Relational database queries like select, joins, Top, OrderBy
Blobs and standard data types are supported
Full text search will be supported
Future support for aggregates, distributed queries, schemas, projections, relationships and other
relational database capabilities
Example: https://<authority-id><container-id>?q='from e in
entities where e.Kind=="MyKind" select e'
New Data Model
Can hold any objects (Entities), not just tables/rows
Largest possible scope for search and update
Directly relates to a single physical data center
Can be geographically locked
Holds a collection of containers
A single object that represents a set of user-defined properties
All operations work on the Entity as a whole, no direct property level change
Currently in Technology Preview
No defined business model
No defined licensing or pricing
Identity Services
• Manage person, device, and application identities with associated
services such as Delegated Authentication
Directory Services
• Manage the association and relationships between identities, data,
devices, and applications
Storage Services
• Manage the persistence and retention of user-centric information
such as contacts, files, and extensible data types
Communications and
Presence Services
• Provide transport infrastructure for transient and persistent state
management between applications and devices
Search Services
• Provide a set of technologies for building and enhancing search on
web sites and applications
Geospatial Services
• Provide geocoding/reverse geocoding features, routing, search,
road and aerial image mapping data for visualizing geospatial data.
Interoperable Services
Core framework that many of the Live
applications are built upon
Web Standards Based (HTTP/REST)
Device and programming language independent
Windows Live Messenger
Windows Spaces
Most services available for use now
Licensing for each service varies but the
average is up to 1 million users does not
require licensing
Provides synchronization services across any device
Storage (online and offline)
P2P Comms
Platform independent
Uses Web Standards (HTTP/REST/Atom/RSS)
Custom client for accessing Mesh Services
Windows and Non-Windows clients
File synchronization
Remote Access
Windows XP/Vista
Windows Mobile
Base for other Mesh enabled applications