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On Integrating Service-Oriented
Paradigm Into Introductory IS
Billy B. L. Lim
Chu Jong
School of Information Technology
Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61790-5150, USA
Evolution of Approaches
Delivery mode
Java Applet, JavaScript
Analysis and Design
Graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
Next wave
SOA (service-oriented architecture) / WS (Web services)?
Service, Service Paradigm,
and SOA
“Services are self-describing, platform-agnostic
computational elements that support rapid low-cost
composition of distributed applications.” (Papazoglou,
“[A service] is an application function packaged as a
reusable component for use in a business process. It
either provides information or facilitates a change to
business data from one valid and consistent state to
another.” (Bennett, 2002)
Service-oriented paradigm / SOA
utilizes services as fundamental building blocks for
developing applications
Web services: The 4 W’s
“A Web service is a software system designed to support
interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a
network. It has an interface described in a machineprocessable format (specifically WSDL). Other systems
interact with the Web service in a manner prescribed by its
description using SOAP-messages, typically conveyed
using HTTP with an XML serialization in conjunction with
other Web-related standards.” [W3C]
Web services Components
WSDL (Web Service Description Language)
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration)
Web services: The 4 W’s (cont’d)
4 papers at ISECON 2006
“Creating Web Services for Legacy COBOL”
“Web Services: Introduction and Travel Project Tutorials
Using Visual Studio and ASP.NET”
“Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts and
“Integrating a Service-Oriented Paradigm into Introductory IS
This seems to be one of the most promising advances in
software design & development in recent years
Interoperable, Easy to use, Reusable, Ubiquitous,
Firewall-friendly, Platform/language independent, etc.
Web services: The 4 W’s (cont’d)
Major solution providers
State Farm, Caterpillar, Amazon, Google, Nordstrom,
General Motors, Nasdaq, etc.
List of public Web Services http://www.xmethods.net/
Who should pay attention to this?
Microsoft, IBM, Sun, Oracle, HP, BEA, etc.
All of us!
2006 to 2008 (fully dynamic search and use) [IDC]
Casual / ad-hoc use of services
New business models possible
Commoditization of software
Pervasive use in nontraditional devices
Service Paradigm in
Introductory IS Courses: Why?
Why not!
Prepares students for upper division
=> prepares students for the IT industry
Allows for “concrete” showcase of
Makes the courses fun!
Integration Scenarios
Method Invocation
Sequential, Iterative, and Decision
Sorting and/or Searching
Miscellaneous Data structures
Use of Different OS
File vs. DBMS
System Concepts
EDI / System Integration
Sequential, Iterative, and
Decision Structures
An example
Traditional approach
Same old stuff
Web services approach
A plausible scenario here is to discuss a
problem where one wishes to find out the
coldest temperature in an area by zip codes
at a particular moment in time. Further, the
coldest area needs to be plotted on a map.
Sequential, Iterative, and
Decision Structures (cont’d)
Web services available (for the task)
Returns current temperature for a given U.S. zipcode
Returns a DataSet containing maximum of 250 zip codes
and radius mileage within a given radius of a zip code
Finding Addresses, Finding Nearby Places, Routing,
Map Rendering, etc.
WS-based Solution
WS-based Solution
WS-based Solution (C#)
// Get the two input values
string homeZip = textBox1.Text;
string radius = textBox2.Text;
ZipCode zipService = new ZipCode();
1st Web service
// get all the nearBy zips
DataSet ds =
string[] zipArr = processZip(ds);
// get the coldest one and display
string coldestZip = findColdestZip(zipArr);
textBox3.Text = coldestZip;
// plot the map with the coldest zip
WS-based Solution (C#)
// Process the zipcodes (in XML format) and return them as an array of strings
string[] processZip (DataSet ds) {
string xmlText = ds.GetXml();
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument( );
doc.LoadXml( xmlText);
XmlNodeList zip = doc.GetElementsByTagName( "ZIP_CODE" );
XmlNodeList distance = doc.GetElementsByTagName( "RADIUS_MILES" );
string[] zipArr = new string[zip.Count];
for ( int i = 0; i < zip.Count; ++i )
Console.WriteLine( "{0}, {1}", zip[i].InnerText, distance[i].InnerText);
zipArr[i] = zip[i].InnerText;
return zipArr;
WS-based Solution (C#)
// Iterate over all the zipcodes and find the temperature each time through.
// Record the coldest one along the way.
string findColdestZip(string [] zipArr) {
TemperatureService tempService = new TemperatureService();
// Get the first zipcode
2nd Web service
string currentZip = zipArr[0];
float coldestTemp = tempService.getTemp(currentZip);
int coldestZip = 0;
// Go thru all the other zipcodes and find the coldest temperature
for (int i = 1; i < zipArr.Length; i++) {
currentZip = zipArr[i];
float temp = tempService.getTemp(currentZip);
if (temp < coldestTemp) {
coldestTemp = temp;
coldestZip = i;
return zipArr[coldestZip];
WS-based Solution (C#)
void getMap(string coldestZip) {
string myUserId = “12345";
string mySecurePassword = “secret";
RenderServiceSoap renderService = new RenderServiceSoap();
renderService.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(myUserId, mySecurePassword);
FindServiceSoap findService = new FindServiceSoap();
findService.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(myUserId, mySecurePassword);
FindSpecification findSpec = new FindSpecification();
findSpec.DataSourceName = "MapPoint.NA";
findSpec.InputPlace = coldestZip;
FindResults foundResults = findService.Find(findSpec);
more Web services
ViewByHeightWidth[] myview = new ViewByHeightWidth[1];
myview[0] = foundResults.Results[0].FoundLocation.BestMapView.ByHeightWidth;
MapSpecification mapSpec = new MapSpecification();
mapSpec.DataSourceName = "MapPoint.NA";
mapSpec.Views = myview;
mapSpec.Options = new MapOptions();
mapSpec.Options.Format = new ImageFormat();
mapSpec.Options.Format.Height = this.pictureBox1.Size.Height;
mapSpec.Options.Format.Width = this.pictureBox1.Size.Width;
MapImage[] mapImages = renderService.GetMap(mapSpec);
this.pictureBox1.Image =
Bitmap.FromStream(new System.IO.MemoryStream(mapImages[0].MimeData.Bits));
What to Put in / Take Out?
This will always be institution-dependent
(and controversial!)
For me:
Put In: JUnit Testing, SOA/Web services
Take Out: Some GUI, some Ethics (let me explain )
Perhaps in the near future, it would be
easier to manage this
In terms of approaches and topics (e.g., how
OOP replaces structured programming)
Concluding Remarks
service integration makes sense and doable!
But a lot of work lie ahead (i.e., course
materials, textbook, etc.)
Future Work
Google Maps
More in-depth integration at my own School
Advanced Web Development (SOA + Mobile
Computing recently approved)
NSF grant application
Stay tuned!