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Transcript registryTSP030603

Brief: The registry group has been working on a registry query
web service, AstroLog, and AstroMQ.
Progress: The registry group has developed a web service,
hosted on the MSSL grid server msslxy, that uses XQuery to
query a registry.xml file, also held on msslxy. We have
developed schemas for queries and query responses, and an
IVOA compliant registry schema is in development. In addition,
a working AstroMQ and AstroLog using OpenJMS, XMLBlaster,
and PostgreSQL. The Log and MQ will be hosted on msslxy
Threats: Dummy registry code returning a hard-coded
response has been in CVS for a few weeks, but working code
was only uploaded yesterday – this has prevented other
working groups from having time to set up access to the
service. The service directory structure in SOAP needs to be
sorted out for simple access calls. Getting MQ and Log running
on msslxy requires some complex PostgreSQL configuration
that the intrepid workgroup leader is struggling with.
Registry: Submit Query KEY POINTS
RegistryInterface web service accessible on MSSL server msslxy.
Registry.xml file is hosted on msslxy.
Registry is queried using XQuery.
Registry.xml currently in old format (iteration 1); working on schema to
create IVOA-compliant registry.xml file.
XML response is returned to the portal interface and displayed as HTML.
Registry Submit Query Use Case Diagram
Registry Class Diagram
AstroMQ / AstroLog KEY POINTS
AstroLog uses OpenJms
AstroMQ uses XMLBlaster and PostgreSQL
AstroMQ and AstroLog will be hosted on msslxy.
Use cases: log message, queue message, get message, get next
Log Message: Sequence Diagram
Get Logged Message: Sequence Diagram
Get Next Message: Sequence Diagram
Queue Message: Sequence Diagram
Message Processing System: Component Diagram
Message Queue and Log: Class Diagrams
Registry: Submit Query Use Case
1. Portal interface sends a query (formatted to Registry Query Schema) to
the RegistryInterface web service.
2. RegistryInterface is deployed as a SOAP service on MSSL server
3. RegistryInterface sends query to parseQuery(query) in QueryParser.
4. QueryParser consults qpParameters.xml to check whether registry
source is an XML file or database.
5. If registry is an XML file, parseQuery calls xmlToXQL(query) to convert
query to GMD-IPSI-XQL formatted XQuery syntax.
6. QueryParser sends XQL query to Registry.xmlQuery(query).
7. XQL query is executed against registry.xml file. Result is returned to
8. XQL results are send to xqlToXML and converted into an XML-formatted
response according to Registry Query Response Schema.
9. XML response is returned to RegistryInterface.
10. XML response is returned to the portal interface and displayed as HTML.