Anti-Terrorist Force Protection Tactical 3D Simulation for Risk

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Anti-Terrorist Force Protection:
Harbor Tactical 3D Simulations
for Risk, Consequence Assessment
Don Brutzman
International Maritime Protection Symposium
13 December 2005
Business model, access considerations
Agent-based tactics modeling
Cluster computations to support analyst
X3D Graphics modeling
Defend against small-boat attack
• Evolution of studies on USS COLE attack
Assess risk, vulnerabilities, consequences,
Analysis to support 3 classes of customers
• Harbor defense funding priorities
• Harbor operations, actual & projected
• Ships entering port, joining defenders
AT/FP technical approach
Model tactical layout of harbor, facilities
• Agent-based situated tactics for each player
• 3D visualization
Open standards and open source
• NPS agent toolkit: discrete-event Simkit/Viskit
• Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics
• Distributed Interactive Simulation Protocol
Scalable, repeatable methodology
• Suitable for data-driven production, repetition
Business model
Too many proprietary toolsets
• High cost, not sustainable, not interoperable
• Over time, essential data lost to further use
Daylight encourages good behavior
• Business-friendly open-source licensing
• Repeatable capabilities extendable over Web
Nothing succeeds like success
• Use proven best practices, everyone wins
Consortia partnerships essential
Stable, evolving Web-based standards
• Also need best practices
• Capable partners, industry and individual
Web3D Consortium
• Real-time 3D communications using X3D
World Wide Consortium for the Grid (W2COG)
Access considerations
Hardest technical challenges are science and
interoperation, not classification rules
• F=MA, E=IR, et cetera, writ large & connected
XML used for all data
• Validatable, with self-describing metadata
Build unclassified versions, preferably using
public well-documented resources
Modify data (not code) for classified use
Key Technologies
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
• Validatable data, binary compression
• Web Services for message exchange
Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics
• ISO-approved interactive visualization
Our approach
• Demonstrate military value of new technology
• Collaborate, implement, evaluate, report, repeat
Extensible Markup Language
XML in 10 Points
is for structuring data
looks a bit like HTML
is text, but isn't meant to
is verbose by design
is a family of technologies
350+ member companies & institutions
in World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
already understand the business case
XML is new, but not that new
XML is modular
XML is basis for RDF and the
Semantic Web
XML is license-free, platformindependent and wellsupported
Potential problem: XML size, bandwidth
Replacing data “stovepipes” with XML might be difficult
since most tactical streams are highly compressed
• Tactical showstopper for GIG architectures
Common problem in many domains
Candidate binary-XML solutions exist
• NPS XSBC, Sun’s Fast Infoset, others
• Continuing W3C working group effort provides metrics, use
cases and process, working to produce:
• Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) standard effort underway,
where “efficient” = smaller + faster  
XML Schema-based Binary Compression (XSBC)
XML encoding for validation benefits
XML schema holds adequate information
Tokenization of elements, attributes
Strong data typing of value payloads
More efficient than compressed numeric text
XML Schema-based Binary Compression (XSBC)
4.2 MB
42.9 MB
85.6 MB
29.8 MB
3.5 MB
smallest size,
parsing speedup
4-7x !!
Conclusion: XSBC size, speed already better than gzip!
Extensible Modeling & Simulation Framework
XMSF is Web services for all manner of M&S
A composable set of standards, profiles, and
recommended practices for web-based M&S
Foundational precepts: Internet network technologies,
Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based languages,
and service-oriented architectures for simple messaging
Enable a new generation of distributed M&S applications
to emerge, develop, interoperate with tactical systems
Many easily repeatable exemplars using Web Services
Simkit, Viskit, Diskit
Discrete Event Simulation (DES)
Methodology, Open-Source Implementation
Viskit tool for Simkit
Visual tool for building, analyzing
Simkit models
Well-understood methodology for
Discrete Event Simulation (DES)
Professional quality
Unlocks years of NPS studentresearch effort
• with reduced programming
Digitizing NPS courses for
continued analyst use
Simkit technical approach
Well-tested Java class libraries
• DES event queue runs quickly or in real time
• Event graphs define classes of interest
• Assembly instantiates entities, collects statistics
Visual model
Logical, inspectable definition of relationships
Saved as validated XML
Autogenerates Java source code
Analysts get quality code (without being gurus)
Attacker event graph
Attacker event graph
Visual model
saved as XML
XML model version
converted to Java
source, when needed
by client or cluster
Code generation
from XML and
Java compilation
are immediate
Viskit tactical scenarios
Diverse real-world locations and military players
Friendly, neutral and attacker entities
2D tactical layout with 3D visualization
• Networked DIS for X3D playback
Multiple scenarios under development
• Indian Island refueling pier – “hello world”
• ABOT oil terminal, Bremerton waterfront
Warfighter understandability is essential
Defender event graph
Neutral shipping event graph
Assembly connects event graphs
Tactical supercomputing and
linux cluster support for analysts
Tactical supercomputing
Commodity processors
Inexpensive networking
Free, off-the-shelf,
open-source software
Cheap storage
Internet web standards
Leading to
Cluster Supercomputers
Inexpensive, deployable
Scalable computing resource
(just add PC boxes)
Shared via web standards or
Tactical supercomputing
Linux clusters can create new resources
5 off-the-shelf new PC boxes + disk storage
$10K = 10 processors = 10 Gigaflop
Refrigerator-rack footprint easily fits shipboard
Industry can provide even higher capabilities
Exploring intermediate-level resources for
previously supercomputer-level problems
• Consistent access via grid/web services
Applied: Viskit Design of Experiments
Cluster statisics via web page
So what is a cluster good for?
First test and view basic tactical scenarios, then
Conduct massive replications for statistics
• Analyst Design of Experiments (DOE) panel
• Latin Hypercube scheme varies design points
• Simulation “experiments” are repeatable due to
pseudo-random number generator distributions
But wait, there’s more…
• Replay “outliers” to assess vulnerability, learn
exactly why certain hostile scenarios succeeded
X3D Graphics modeling
ISO-standard 3D graphics interchange
for the Web
Emerging Application Suite
SavageStudio authoring for creating scenarios
• Builds both X3D scenes and Viskit assemblies
Viskit discrete-event simulation tool
• Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) protocol
for real-time operation
• Cluster control
X3D visualization of scenario progress
• using open-source Xj3D browser
Analytic assessment report generator
ABOT oil terminal
Scenario snapshots
Bremerton harbor
Scenario snapshots
Analytic assessment report generator
Automatically integrate analytic products
created during problem setup, exploration
Prompt for analyst comments at appropriate
locations in the report
Success criteria: thorough, easy
First study proposed: Pearl Harbor, 1Q 2006
• Thesis product, LT Pat Sullivan USN
• Work in progress
Related Work
Autonomous Undermanned Vehicle Workbench
AUV Workbench
Underwater, air, surface unmanned vehicles
Build scientific tactical decision aid (TDA) that includes
full-fidelity physics of motion, collision, sensing
• Rehearsal: mission planning
• Reality: real-time tasking and monitoring
• Replay: playback telemetry
Multiple sponsors & partners
Open source, open standards, new techology
• Extensible 3D Graphics (X3D) for large worlds
• XML, binary compression for GIG Web Services
REMUS mission search,
from above
REMUS mission
search, from behind
Conclusions and Recommendations
Conclusions, Recommendations
Tool development is now mature enough to
pursue combined modeling effort
• Singapore: harbor, island, lines of approach
• Straits of Malacca
Open standards, open source for
• Access + sharing issues appear sensitive, solvable
Collaborative efforts welcome
Don Brutzman
[email protected]
Code USW/Br, Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey California 93943-5000 USA
1.831.656.2149 voice