Transcript document

My published PowerPoint
What is required.
When it is due (by Friday noon
of finals week) is the deadline.
How to do it.
How to publish it to the web and
change permissions with chmod
and add a link to your web page.
What you should have.
At least 6 slides. Half a dozen slides is enough, but
you are not limited to that.
At least one slide should have a graphic, such as an
appropriate clipart or Ghostbusters or Computer Skills
and Concepts related screen snapshot, or personally
created drawing or GIF or JPG file you found on
P:\Jacobson\022 or on the web somewhere. Many
students are searching for Ghostbusters and finding
great stuff.
At least one slides should have some notes page
notes. You cannot see these during full-screen
present mode.
A link to this published presentation from your 021
web page or your page2.html web page.
Publishing it to the web
File menu, Save As Web Page in PowerPoint 2000 in the
Wright labs.
Save it to your Z: drive inside your web folder. No spaces in the
file name!!!
Login to chaos. Use cd web to move down into your web folder.
Use chmod 644 *.htm* to change the permissions on the
PowerPoint presentation (it’s a .htm or .html file now. Or use
chmod 644 myGB.htm* if you named your file
myGB.html or myGB.htm
Use cd myGB_files to move down into the folder with all the
slides and graphics files.
Publishing it to the web part 2
Go shopping at 711 for your new folder. Use chmod 711
myGB_files to set the permissions for the new folder
(subdirectory) that PowerPoint created when you saved
this as a Web Page.
Use cd myGB_files to move down into the folder with all
the slides and graphics files.
Use chmod 644 * to change the permissions of
everything inside the myGB_files folder. You can do ls –l
before and then do ls –l after doing chmod 644 * to see
the effect of this on all the gif and jpg and htm or html
files for ALL your slides and graphics.
Publishing it to the web part 3
Type pwd to see what your present working directory is. It
will show you are inside the myGB_files folder, which is
inside your web folder, which is inside your home
directory (your chaos user id).
Use cd .. to get back to your web folder. It’s the parent
directory, right?
Pico your homepage.html or your page2.html web page (or
whatever they are named). Add a link to the new
PowerPoint presentation that is part of your web site. <A
HREF=“myGB.html”>My 021 PowerPoint
presentation</A> is the final project for Computer Skills
and Concepts. Check it out to learn more about Biction and
waggle dancing bees and problem solving!
Who ya gonna call (or email) if
You need to get back on