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Planning for the Web
• Questions for Faculty Contemplating use of
the World Wide Web in their Classes
– Prepared for “Beyond the Online Syllabus”
6 May 1999
James E. Mitchell
• Associate Professor - Civil & Architectural
• Chair - Computer Advisory Council
• Experimenter with Web-Based
John Fritz
• Director, Educational Technology
• Designed and now…
• Webmaster for SON website
• Nurses Learning Connection
What We've Done
Created Web Syllabus
Placed all Course Information on Web
Created on-line Databases for Course Use
Use student web page creation as heart of
• Created Distance Education Web Site
– Academic
– Continuing Ed.
How We’ll Conduct This Session
• We’ll be asking you to discuss our
• We Welcome Questions
– We’ll also stop discussion when it’s getting too
• We’ll try to Finish All Our Slides
– But your participation is more important
– If we don’t finish everything you can see the
other questions on the website.
Who is not yet using Email?
Who is not yet using a Browser?
Who has their Personal Web Page?
Who has a Course Web Page?
Who is Contributing to a Web Based
• Who came here to design a Web page?
How This Relates to John Morris
• Same basic approach, but looking at it on a
project/individual basis?
• The levels we'll show relate to his
Questions To Ask Yourself
• We suggest that there a number of questions
you should answer for yourself before
starting on a project
Why am I doing this? *
Because someone is pushing me?
Because I think it might be a good idea?
Because I have a specific, pressing need?
Because I think I might learn something?
Because it may facilitate learning?
Who's Available to Help Me?
A graduate student
An undergraduate student
A full-time professional
A full team of professionals
What Do I Expect my Web Based
Effort to Do? *
Provide some standard information in a new way?
Provide all standard information in a new way?
Increase the frequency of communication?
Supplement the way I teach an existing class?
Change the way I teach an existing class?
Replace the way I teach an existing class?
Create a new class organized traditionally?
Create a new class taught a new way?
Introduce new material taught without a traditional class
structure and techniques?
Does the "Content" Already
• In my head
• On paper
• Electronic form
Legal Issues
• Are any of you materials copyrighted by others?
– This includes text, images and programs.
• Is any of your material commercially valuable?
• Is there a possibility of re-use by others?
• Does Drexel or MCPHU
have a clear policy on "Ownership"?
– As of 5/3/99 the answer is "No"
What do I get Out of This?
A check on someone's list?
The ability to do my job better?
A warm glow?
Satisfy my curiousity?
What do Other People Get Out of
A better education?
A check on someone's list?
The ability to do my job better?
A warm glow?
Satisfy their curiosity?
Who are My Audience? *
The Public
How Much Time Can I Spend?
How Much Time Can Other
People Spend?
What "Resources" Does My
Audience Have? *
Computer Access - How Often? Where?
Computer Capability - Speed, Monitor, Storage
Network Capability - Speed, Reliability, Modem
Software – HTML editor, graphics, other
Printing Capability - B&W, Color
Do I have to work to the lowest common
What Support is available?
To answer questions?
To resolve hardware problems?
To resolve software problems?
To install hardware?
To install software?
To maintain and revise data?
How rapidly and reliably will I receive it?
Is the Result Worth the Effort?
• Don't do it if you don't see the results to be
• It will take at least twice as much time as
you predict!
• You have to be prepared to deal with
technical problems!
• Although the details (and sometimes the big
picture) change daily there are some things
one can say.
Computer Requirements
Faster = Better
Memory = Lots
Disk = Lots 6GB+
Monitor = Big 17"+
Mac/PC - At Drexel PC is most common
– Macs still have many excellent graphic
Network Requirements
• Ethernet = Minimum
• Take advantage of IRT servers where
• A “Static” IP address is necessary if you’re
running own server
Software Requirements
Web Browser
• Internet Explorer 5.0 (IE)
– Drexel Recommended because of our servers
• Netscape Communicator 4.5
Web Server
• We recommend taking advantage of IRT
– There are good instructions on the IRT site.
• Can create your own server
– Either on your own machine or commercial
Web Page Creation Program
• Simple Page Creation
– MS Word 97 - No fanciness, but works
– Claris Homepage is very easy & currently free
– Editors are built into IE and Netscape
• Site Creation - Beneficial for anything serious
– MS FrontPage is easy - put pro's dislike its code
– Dreamweaver is JEM's current Favorite
• He has switched about 4 times in 3 years
– Many others - all with benefits
Office 2000 is the coming thing
• Heavily web-integrated
• May be completely sufficient for
individual/casual use
Where Do I go from here????
Answer these questions
Talk with your support staff
Make the decision