ppt - School of Information

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Source: AccessIT.com by University of
Source: http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/wcag.php
•Why should we care?
•How it should work!
•The W3C guideline 1.0 and a look at 2.0!
•Laws of the Land (Section 508)
•Some specific tips
•Some Tools You Can Use
•References and Helpful links!
Page 2 of 100
Why should we care?
Source: Vischeck.com
Can You See this?
How about now?
How about now?
How about Now?
How many types of fruit?
How about Now?
Can You Hear this?
Click here to watch the movie!
Mouse over this to get to the menus!
Why should we care?
Who are the disabled?
Visually impaired
Hearing impaired
Physically impaired
Cognitively impaired
Seizure disorder
Why should we care?
A Business Case for Web Accessibility
Social Factors
Technical Factors
Financial Factors
Legal and Policy Factors
See for further details: http://www.w3.org/WAI/bcase/
How it should work!
In Perfect happy happy fun land…
•One Site fits all
•Hey everyone can use this one page it’s Universal
•I don’t need to do anything other than just some
Html out there
Meanwhile in the real world…
•Different sites for different folks
•The main page and the Low image version
•Universal design…
•Can we do it?
•Could we fall into something in between?
Source: AccessIT.com by University of Washington
How it should work!
How the Components Relate
Source: http://www.w3.org/WAI/guid-tech.html
How it should work!
If would nice if…
How it should work!
What all to often happens…
W3C guideline 1.0 and a look at 2.0!
•World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
•Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
•Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
(WCAG): The Fellowship of the Guidelines
•W3C priority 1 checkpoints
•W3C 2.0 working draft
Source: AccessIT.com by University of Washington
W3C guideline 1.0 and a look at 2.0!
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
Priority 1
Must satisfy these checkpoints!
Priority 2
Should satisfy these checkpoints
Priority 3
May address these checkpoints
See for further details http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/
W3C guideline 1.0 and a look at 2.0!
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
Guideline 1. Provide equivalent alternatives to auditory and visual content.
1.1-1.5 [Priority 1] Provide a text equivalent for every non-text element
Guideline 2. Don't rely on color alone.
2.1, [Priority 1] Ensure that all information conveyed with color is
also available without color
2.2 Color contrast [Priority 2 for images, Priority 3 for text].
Look here for the rest of the 14 guidelines:
W3C guideline 1.0 and a look at 2.0!
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0
Principle 1: Content must be perceivable.
Principle 2: Interface elements in the content must be operable.
Principle 3: Content and controls must be
Principle 4: Content must be robust enough to
work with current and future
(See http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20 for more details!)
W3C guideline 1.0 and a look at 2.0!
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0
•Level 1 success criteria:
•Achieve a minimum level of accessibility
•Level 2 success criteria:
•Achieve an enhanced level of accessibility
•Level 3 success criteria:
•Achieve additional accessibility enhancements for
people with disabilities.
Source: http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/wcag.php
Laws of the Land (Section 508)
National Laws:
Rehabilitation Act 1973 (Sections 504 & 508 adm1993
adm1998 )
for additional informaiton see (http://www.webaim.org/coordination/law/us/rehab/) or
(http://www.access-board.gov/sec508/standards.ht)m or
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990
Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
(Amended in 1997)
Laws of the Land (Section 508)
State Laws:
Guidelines for Texas State government developers that
include the Section 508 standards
House Bill 2819, 79th Regular Legislative Session
For additional information see:
House Bill 2292 of the 78th Regular Session
The Technology Access Clause, 76th Legislative Session
Senate Bill 1127, Senate Bill 1382, and House Bill 1, Article IX, S9-6
For additional information see:
Some specific tips
Provide Alternative Formats
Alternatives for Images
<img src="image.gif" ALT=“Da Boy and his bottle">
Hidden d-links
<a href="descriptions.php#
description_of_some complex_image">
<img src="1by1-invisible.gif"
ALT="d-link" border="0">
Da Boy and his bottle
Some specific tips
Present Text in a Linear Layout
Columns laid out with a table
Sometimes what you see
is not what you are going to get with a
screen reader.
It is important to remember to
use .CSS for columnar
text Layout if at all possible!
The columns above as a screen reader might read them
Sometimes what you see It is important to remember to is not what you are
going to get with a use .CSS for columnar screen reader. text Layout if at all
Some specific tips
Name things:
Associated table headers and cells.
<TH ID=“header1“> Name </TH>
The "HEADER" attribute with the TD element
<TD headers="header1" >Da Boy</td>
<frame name=‘NavigationFrame’…>
<LABEL for="password">Password:</LABEL>
<input type="password" id="password" >
Some specific tips
Provide a way to bypass repetitive content
Hidden links to lower down on the page:
<a href=“ThisPage#SectionB”><img href=‘1x1gif’></a>
Use natural language
The <ACRONYM> or <ABBR> tags:
The<ACRONYM title=“Web Accessibility Initiative">
<ABBR title="milliseconds">ms</ABBR>
Some specific tips
• Use CSS (Hidden links to alt site)
• Have enlargeable fonts
• Don’t use “Mouse Over” menus alone ( e.g. Where
the MouseOver event launches/displays a submenu)
• Don’t use menu items that that only display
• If you have video on page have closed captions
or a transcript.
• Check your site by Tabbing through it.
Some Tools You Can Use
Just some of the Tools:
A-Prompt (http://aprompt.snow.utoronto.ca/)
•Free validation service
•LIFT (http://www.usablenet.com/)
•Not so free validation services $$
•Accessibility prompts
•MAGpie (Media Access Generator)
•Produces closed captions, descriptive video, etc.
•Other People (Involving Users W3C)
•Vischeck (Vischeck)
•What things look like to someone who is color blind.
•W3c’s HTML (W3C)
•Validation Service for your HTML
•Watchfire (Watchfire)
•Provides Online Risk Management software and services for $$$$
•WebXACT (http://webxact.watchfire.com/)
•Free online accessibility check of your webpage.
Some Tools You Can Use
Tools for the user:
• JAWS For Windows (JAWS) from Freedom Scientific (DOS, Windows
95/98/ME and NT) speech and Braille.
And the rest….
•ASAW (ASAW) from Microtalk: (DOS, Windows 95/98/ME) speech.
•HAL (HAL) from Dolphin: (DOS, Windows 95/98/ME and NT) speech and Braille.
•Lookout (Lookout) from Choice Technology (Windows 95/98/ME)
•Marcopolo (http://www.webpresence.com/sonicon/marcopolo/)
•OutSpoken (OutSpoken) from Alva: (Windows 95/98/ME, Macintosh)
speech and Braille.
•Screenreader/2 (Screenreader/2) from IBM (OS/2) speech and Braille
•Simply Talker (ST) from Econonet: (Windows 95/98/ME) speech.
•Slimware Window Bridge (SWB) from Synthavoice: (DOS, Windows
and 95/98/ME) speech and Braille.
•Virgo (Virgo) from Baum
For more see:
Go beyond the “Alt” tag…there is more to do!
Think of accessibility as a process not a
something to be done once.
It is not possible to design all products and
devices so that they are usable by all
Think carefully when designing of who your
audience is going to be who you could reach
and make sure that your site is accessible to
Remember to allow users to get to information
in a variety of different ways. (e.g. Images and
Alt tags)
References and Helpful links!
•AccessIT University of Washington www.washington.edu/accessit 2002-2005
•Czajka, J. (1984). Digest of data on persons with disabilities. Washington, DC: National
Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, US Department of
Education. Prepared by Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. under contract
from NIDRR.
•Clark, Joe Building Accessible Websites (ISBN 0-7357-1150-X)., 2002 (HTML version
of a chapter from the book at:
•IBM Web Accessibility Checklist and Tutorial.
•NC State University, The Center for Universal Design, an initiative of the College of
Design NCSCUD 1997
•Nielsen, J. Disabled Accessibility: The Pragmatic
approach. http://www.useit.com/alertbox/990613.html, 1999.
•Nielsen, J. Designing Web Usability. Indianapolis, IN: New Riders Publishing, 2000.
References and Helpful links!
Thatcher, Jim. Constructing Accessible Websites. San Francisco: Apress,
Thatcher, Jim “Web Accessibility for Section 508”, at
•Vanderheiden, G. Thirty-Something (Million): Should They Be Exceptions? TRACE
Research and Development Center,
•Web Access Initiative (WAI): World Wide Web Consortium (W3C),
http://www.w3.org/WAI/, 2001.
•Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0: World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C), http://www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT/, 2001.
•Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Working Draft : World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C). http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/, 2005
•Web Content Guidelines http://www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT/ Guildelines
adapted by European Union.
And Even More Helpful links!
• Accessible Web Page Design
• CNET Builder.com - Web Authoring - Building an Accessible Web Site 7/20/99
• Designing More Usable Web Sites
• IBM: Web Accessibility for Special Needs
• Macromedia - Accessibility Resource Center
• Microsoft: For Web Page Designers
• Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR)
• Texas State Law
• Unified Web Site Accessibility Guidelines
• Web Accessibility Initiative [WAI]
• W3C Accessibility Developments
• Web Accessibility Tutorial Index
• WebAIM - Web Accessibility in Mind (home)
• Web Accessibility Forum Mailing List
• http://www.vischeck.com/daltonize/ (color blindness)
• http://www.section508.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=Content&ID=122 List of
companies that provide 508 software