Doing IR on Web

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Green Island (Coral Cay; Great Barrier Reef; Australia; 9/18)
Agin Court Reef (Outer Barrier Reef; Australia; 9/19)
Search Engine
A search engine is essentially a text
retrieval system for web pages plus a
Web interface.
So what’s new???
Some Characteristics of the Web
Web pages are
very voluminous and diversified
widely distributed on many servers.
extremely dynamic/volatile.
Web pages have
more structure (extensively tagged).
are extensively linked.
may often have other associated metadata
Web search is
Noisy (pages with high similarity to query may still differ in relevance)
A page can advertise itself falsely just so it will be retrieved
Web users are
ordinary folks (“dolts”?) without special training
• they tend to submit short queries.
There is a very large user community.
Robot (4)
How to extract URLs from a web page?
Need to identify all possible tags and attributes that hold
Anchor tag: <a href=“URL” … > … </a>
Option tag: <option value=“URL”…> … </option>
Map: <area href=“URL” …>
Frame: <frame src=“URL” …>
Link to an image: <img src=“URL” …>
Relative path vs. absolute path: <base href= …>
Mercator’s way of
URL frontier
Extracted URLs enter front
Each URL goes into
a front queue based on its
Priority. (priority assigned
Based on page importance and
Change rate)
URLs are shifted from
Front to back queues. Each
Back queue corresponds
To a single host. Each queue
Has time te at which the host
Can be hit again
URLs removed from back
Queue when crawler wants
A page to crawl
Focused Crawling
Classifier: Is crawled page P
relevant to the topic?
– Algorithm that maps page
to relevant/irrelevant
• Semi-automatic
• Based on page
Distiller:is crawled page P
likely to lead to relevant
– Algorithm that maps page
to likely/unlikely
• Could be just A/H
computation, and
taking HUBS
– Distiller determines the
priority of following links off of
(added after class—based on class discussion)
Map-Reduce Parallelism
Named after lisp constructs map and reduce
(reduce #’fn2 (map #’fn1 list))
Run function fn1 on every item of the list, and reduce the resulting list using fn2
(reduce #’* (map #’1+ ‘(4 5 6 7 8 9)))
(reduce #’* ‘(5 6 7 8 9 10))
151200 (=5*6*7*89*10)
(reduce #’+ (map #’primality-test ‘(num1 num2…)))
So where is the parallelism?
All the map operations can be done in parallel (e.g. you can test the primality of each of the numbers in parallel).
The overall reduce operation has to be done after the map operation (but can also be parallelized; e.g. assuming the
primality-test returns a 0 or 1, the reduce operation can partition the list into k smaller lists and add the elements
of each of the lists in parallel (and add the results)
Note that the parallelism in both the above examples depends on the length of input (the larger the input list the
more parallel operations you can do in theory).
Map-reduce on clusters of computers involve writing your task in a map-reduce form
The cluster computing infrastructure will then “parallelize” the map and reduce parts using the
available pool of machines (you don’t need to think—while writing the program—as to how many
machines and which specific machines are used to do the parallel tasks)
An open source environment that provides such an infrastructure is Hadoop
Qn: Can we bring map-reduce parallelism to indexing?
Partition the set of documents into “blocks”
construct index for each block separately
merge the indexes
Distributing indexes over hosts
At web scale, the entire inverted index can’t
be held on a single host.
How to distribute?
Split the index by terms
Split the index by documents
Preferred method is to split it by docs (!)
At retrieval time
Each index only points to docs in a specific barrel
Different strategies for assigning docs to barrels
Compute top-k docs from each barrel
Merge the top-k lists to generate the
final top-k
Consider putting most “important” docs
in top few barrels
Result merging can be try to
punt it
This way, we can ignore worrying about
other barrels unless the top barrels don’t
return enough results
Another idea
Split the top 20 and bottom 80% of the
doc occurrences into different indexes..
Short vs. long barrels
Do search on short ones first and then
go to long ones as needed
Dynamic Indexing
“simplest” approach
IR for Web Pages
Use of Tag Information (1)
• Web pages are mostly HTML documents (for
• HTML tags allow the author of a web page to
– Control the display of page contents on the
– Express their emphases on different parts of
the page.
• HTML tags provide additional information about
the contents of a web page.
• Can we make use of the tag information to
improve the effectiveness of a search engine?
Document is indexed not just with its contents;
But with the contents of others descriptions of it
Use of Tag Information (2)
Two main ideas of using tags:
• Associate different importance to term
occurrences in different tags.
• Use anchor text to index referenced
Page 1
airplane ticket and hotel
Page 2:
Document is indexed not just with its contents;
But with the contents of others’ descriptions of it
Google Bombs:
The other side of Anchor Text
• You can “tar” someone’s page just by linking to them
with some damning anchor text
– If the anchor text is unique enough, then even a few pages
linking with that keyword will make sure the page comes up
• E.g. link your SO’s page with
– “my cuddlybubbly woogums”
– “Shmoopie” unfortunately is already taken by Seinfeld
– For more common-place keywords (such as “unelectable” or
“my sweet heart”) you need a lot more links
• Which, in the case of the later, may defeat the purpose
Use of Tag Information (3)
Many search engines are using tags to
improve retrieval effectiveness.
• Associating different importance to
term occurrences is used in Altavista,
HotBot, Yahoo, Lycos, LASER, SIBRIS.
• WWWW and Google use terms in
anchor tags to index a referenced page.
• Qn: what should be the exact
weights for different kinds of
Use of Tag Information (4)
The Webor Method (Cutler 97, Cutler 99)
• Partition HTML tags into six ordered classes:
– title, header, list, strong, anchor, plain
• Extend the term frequency value of a term in a
document into a term frequency vector (TFV).
Suppose term t appears in the ith class tfi times,
i = 1..6. Then TFV = (tf1, tf2, tf3, tf4, tf5, tf6).
Example: If for page p, term “binghamton”
appears 1 time in the title, 2 times in the
headers and 8 times in the anchors of
hyperlinks pointing to p, then for this term in p:
TFV = (1, 2, 0, 0, 8, 0).
Use of Tag Information (6)
The Webor Method (Continued)
Challenge: How to find the (optimal) CIV =
(civ1, civ2, civ3, civ4, civ5, civ6) such that
the retrieval performance can be
improved the most?
One Solution: Find the optimal CIV
experimentally using a hill-climbing
search in the space of CIV
Use of LINK information: Why?
Pure query similarity will be unable to pinpoint right pages because of
the sheer volume of pages
– There may be too many pages that have same keyword similarity with the
• The “even if you are one in a million, there are still 300 more like you”
– Web content creators are autonomous/uncontrolled
• No one stops me from making a page and writing on it “this is the homepage of
President Bush”
– and… adversarial
• I may intentionally create pages with keywords just to drive traffic to my page
• I might even use spoofing techniques to show one face to the search engine and
another to the user
So we need some metrics about the trustworthiness/importance of the
– Let’s look at social networks, since these topics have been investigated
Connection to Citation Analysis
• Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the
biggest Computer Scientist of them all?
– The guy who wrote the most papers
• That are considered important by
most people
– By citing them in their own
» “Science Citation Index”
– Should I write survey papers or
original papers?