Interviewing - Writing Program

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Transcript Interviewing - Writing Program

Hints and Good Advice
Interview Tips and Techniques
The Approach: Getting an Interview
 The Prep: What to Do Before the
 The Follow-up: Thank Yous and Write
The Approach
You will be interviewing professionals, so do
the following:
Contact your interview subjects now, use these web
resources to help you find people: How to Find an
Expert Via The Web:
Send an email or mail the person. Use the phone
as a last resort. When you are approaching the
person, be polite, be respectful, set up a timeline
for your person to respond via email, phone, or
The Approach: Part 2
Write down questions—at least ten,
sequence them in a logical way.
 Make sure you try out your questions on
a friend—for grammar and
 Make sure that you follow the advice for
interviewing at
Interview Tips and Techniques
The Approach: Getting an Interview
 The Prep: What to Do Before the
 The Follow-up: Thank Yous and Write
The Prep: What to Do Before the
Make sure that you show up ahead of time for a faceto-face interview.
Send out email interview questions after heavy editing
and trial. Make sure you send them out as early as
For a phone interview or a face-to-face interview, use
a tape recorder (Chris has some for loan). Ask your
interview subject if you can “use a tape recorder to
correctly get what you say?”
Finally, take copious notes. For advice on note-taking,
go to:
Interview Tips and Techniques
The Approach: Getting an Interview
 The Prep: What to Do Before the
 The Follow-up: Thank Yous and Write
The Follow-up: Thank Yous and Write Ups
Write up your interview as per the
requirements of the assignment—go to
moodle or our webpage for the
assignment sheet.
 Send, via mail, a thank you to your
interview subject—even if your subject is
a relative or a friend. (This is especially
true if it is your mother. )
Interview Tips and Techniques