Transcript Slide 1

Using the Internet for Research
Search Engines
What is a Search Engine?
A search engine is a tool which will search
the Internet for sites containing words you
select as your search term.
What are some of the major search engines?
How does the search engine find out
about all the information on the web?
The publisher of the website may register
in directly with the search engine
A document may be found by the search
engine company as part of its research
routines using “spiders” or search robots.
Top of the List?
How many hits
How many links
Title of the site
Site’s actual content
Search Smarter
Boolean Operators
Search Smarter
smok* will search for smoke, smoking,
all of the different endings
Search Smarter
Quotation Marks
Searches for those exact words
In that exact order
Ex. George Washington
Search Smarter
Site Operators
Will only look for that specific extension
ex. George Washington, site:edu
Search Smarter
Web Address Extensions
.org- organization
.com- company
.sch- school outside of the U.S.
.k12- most U.S. school sites
.edu- U.S. higher education sites
.gov- U.S. government site
.ac – higher ed outside of US usually used with
country code, example, “”
.net - network
.mil – US military
.co – Company (if paired with a country code,
example “,” the state of Colorado or the
country, Columbia)
Limited to 10 search terms total
5 minutes per question
Team with the fewest amount of hits, still
finding the right answer… wins!
Question #1
What are the methods of tattoo removal
that a teen might consider?
laser surgery
surgical excision
Question #2
Who was head of the Woman’s Peace
Party during the Progressive Era?
Jane Adams
Question #3
Which of William Shakespeare’s plays has
been said to refer to the Gunpowder Plot
of 1605?
Website Evaluation
Copyright Date
Is it current or outdated?
Created and Updated dates
similar to copyright dates
tells how current information is
Contact Information
can you contact the person in charge of the
Website Evaluation
About Us link
this can tell you valuable information about the
creators of the website
Go to the source
cut off end of web address
Personal websites
if there is a name in the web address ex. “jdoe”
Website Evaluation
Follow this link to a list of websites to
95&Itemid=93 &limit=1&limitstart=1
Can you trust all information you find
on the Internet?
Know where your information comes
Use all of your newly acquired knowledge of
the Internet to look for resources for your
papers. If you haven’t chosen a topic yet
use this time to research which person you
want to write about.
Helpful Websites
Tips on writing a persuasive paper.
The Five Paragraph Essay: Persuasive Essay and Prompts
have them evaluate
Study Guides and Strategies: Persuasive Essays