Transcript NSF GRFP 2

NSF Graduate
Award Info
Must by US Citizen, national or permanent resident
3 years of support (used over 5 year period), ~$34,000 stipend +
$12,000 for institution
Due October 29, 2015
Eligibility: No more than 12 months of full-time graduate study (as of
Aug 1, 2015)
 Exception – interruption in study of at least 2 consecutive years; statement
of circumstances required
12-point Times New Roman or Computer Modem font (10-pt for
references, footnotes, etc)
1” margins, single-spaced or greater
Follow these rules, make as easy to read as possible
Personal, Relevant Background and Future Goals Statement – 3 pages
 Tell compelling story
 Provide examples of broader impacts activities
 Diversity
Graduate Research Plan Statement – 2 pages
Potential to advance knowledge, creative, original, transformative
Organized, rational, mechanism for success
Qualifications, resources
Broader Impacts
Consider reviewers in your program
 Convince others outside of your subfield
3 Letters of Recommendation (uploaded by referee by Nov 5)
Transcripts (explain red flags, ask letter writers to explain)
For Anthropology: goal to have 3 reviewers for each
Reviewers provide:
 Rating: Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor
 Score: 1-50
 Comments
Evaluating the individual, not research proposals
Applications ranked on basis of average z-scores (to normal variance in
reviewers’ scoring systems); discrepancy report
Discuss discrepancies; opportunity to change scores/reviews
Ranking report; discuss possible changes; id 2 with high potential who
isn’t in Quality Group 1