Ruth Benedict 1887-1948 Earlier Years

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Transcript Ruth Benedict 1887-1948 Earlier Years

Borne in New York
 Fascinated with death after her father
 Received her first degree in English
Literature at Vassar College.
 Received her Ph.D. from Colombia
University in Anthropology
She taught at Columbia University from
 Worked under Franz Boas, another
 Friend and colleague to Margaret
 Crested a co dependency with
Margaret and worked together with her.
One of the first to apply anthropology to
advanced societies
 She focused on the current societies and
 Studied race and religion and it’s effects
and influences on politics and society.
Ruth wanted to break down and
understand stereotypes with her work
 Her studies of advanced civilizations lead
her to study the Japanese and their
culture during World War ii
 The Chrysanthemum and the Sword:
Patterns of Japanese Culture
 Trying to understand the people America
was at war with
Race, Religion and Politics
 Patterns of Culture
 The Races of Mankind
 Zuni Mythology
And many more…
Ruth Benedict wanted to understand
why there was racism and prejudice
within cultures.
 She wanted to understand what drove
societies today to react the way they do
to certain classes of people.
 Trough her work she hoped to break
down the social barriers to help the
progression of mankind.
Ruth Benedict: An American
University of South Florida. Ruth Fulton
Ruth Benedict.
E-museums at Minnnesota State. Ruth Fulton