Ch 12 Lesson 2

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Transcript Ch 12 Lesson 2

Mom has black hair & Dad has blonde hair therefore, child has_____ hair.
Dog with a long tail & Dog with a short tail therefore, puppy has______ tail.
Dominant Traits:
• Observed trait when two opposite alleles are inherited (different
• Observed trait (phenotype) that is nor suppressed
ex) long leg length in fruit flies
Recessive Traits:
• Observed trait only when two same-acting non-dominant alleles are
inherited (same genotype)
• Can be suppressed by a dominant trait
Inheritance of Traits
1) Dominant vs. Recessive Traits
• Can use Punnett Square to determine the probability of each
genotype’s occurrence
• Dominant genotypes are in CAPITAL
• Recessive genotypes are in lower case
Ex) fruit fly leg length
Dominant: long (F)
Recessive: short (f)
If the mother is purebred with short legs and the father with purebred
long legs, what could the legs of the children look like?
Genetic Research
• Many people believe that the Human Genome Project is the most
important scientific effort humans have ever attempted
• Human Genome Project
A map of where all the genes found in a complete set of 46 human
chromosomes are entire genetic code of humans