Our Universe

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Transcript Our Universe

Lessons 3-4
Lesson 3: Life Cycle of a Star
Lesson Objectives
Let’s Talk Vocabulary
 Doppler Effect
 Electromagnetic Waves
 Red Shift
 Blue Shift
 Parallax
Let’s Talk Vocabulary
 Doppler Effect – the change in a sound’s pitch based
on the observer’s position
Let’s Talk Vocabulary
 Electromagnetic Waves - Radiation that travels in the
form of waves, including radio waves, microwaves,
infrared waves, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays,
and gamma rays.
Let’s Talk Vocabulary
 Red Shift - When a star is
moving away from Earth, its
electromagnetic spectrum
stretches; the result is that
wavelengths appear longer
and shift toward the red end
of the spectrum.
 Blue Shift - When a star is
moving toward Earth, its
electromagnetic spectrum
shrinks; the result is that
wavelengths appear shorter
and shift toward the blue
end of the spectrum.
Let’s Talk Vocabulary
 Parallax - the apparent movement of an object,
depending on the position of the observer.
“As Earth moves in its orbit around the sun, it changes position with respect to the stars;
consequently, over time, people on Earth view the stars from slightly different positions.
Astronomers calculate how these tiny variations in position correspond to the distance to
a star.”
Life Cycle of a Star
Nebulas are clouds of gas and dust in space. Gravity pulls the gas and dust particles
closer and closer together until conditions are right for nuclear fusion to begin
***Mass of a star will determine what stage of the life cycle it is in and where it
will end up.***
Types of Stars
Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
Blackbody Curve
Blackbody Curve
As the wavelength increases the temperature decreases
*** Not only does it give us information about the color but we can also look
at temperature and destination (what will the star become)
1. Go to the “Assessments” tab:
2. Click on the “S1 Our Universe 03: Life Cycle of a Star”
3. Answer all questions and at the bottom check the box, and finally click
Lesson 4: Origin and Expansion of the Universe
Lesson Objectives
Formation of the Universe
 Cosmologist study the origin and structure of the
The Big Bang Theory – formation of the universe, not the TV show
Revolve around a single point
Barred Spiral
with a bar
in the
Has an elongated center that
looks like a bar
Circular or
Most of the objects are
concentrated in the center. From
far away look like one big star
Not Spiral or Elliptical
Types of Galaxies
***All galaxies are held together
by gravity (Newton’s Law of
Universal Gravity***
Big Bang vs. Steady State
 Hubble is a real person and not just the name of a
Doppler Effect
Hubble law
The Temperature of the Universe
Amo Penzias and Robert Woodrow Wilson
1. Go to the “Assessments” tab:
2. Click on the “S1 Our Universe 04: Origin and Expansion of the Universe”