Transcript Renaissance

SSWH9 The student will
analyze change and continuity
in the Renaissance and
When: 1300-1600
What: “rebirth” of arts and
Where did it begin?
1) thriving cities (from
2) wealthy merchant class
3) classical heritage of
Greece & Rome
Renaissance started in the city-state of
• Merchants dominated politics
• run by the Medici family
• $ from banking
became patrons)
• Intellectual movement that
focused on human potential and
• Appreciated classical traditions
Renaissance writers produced
works that reflected their time.
Some wrote in the vernacular. In
addition, Renaissance writers
wrote either for self-expression
or to portray the individuality of
their subjects.
Watch the Renaissance
How does this song relate to the
Renaissance Art!
What were the unique
characteristics of
Renaissance art?
• Artists often portrayed religious
subjects, but they used a realistic
• Art had more secular, or
worldly, overtones
• Artists used perspective, which
shows three dimensions on a flat
– Made sculpture
more realistic by
carving natural
postures and
expressions that
– David was first
large, freestanding nude
statue of the
Renaissance (late
Leonardo da Vinci
• Da Vinci lived and worked from
• He is identified as the “Renaissance
Man” or known for being an expert in
all subjects including painting, sculpture, architecture,
engineering, military science, botany, anatomy,
geology, aerodynamics, and optics.
• He left behind 10,000 pages of drawings, ideas,
sketches and notes.
• He is famous for writing left-handed, in reverse, or
mirrored images.
• However, he only left about a dozen paintings.
The Last Supper
• (1495-1498) was painted on a wall in the
dining hall of the monastery in Santa Maria
della Grazie in Milan.
• The wall mural is over 15x28 feet.
• Christ and His disciples are seated at a table
celebrating Passover.
• Christ announces “One of you will betray me”
and sends everyone into shock.
• Order of disciples left to right• Bartholomew, James, Andrew, Judas, Peter, John, Thomas,
James, Phillip, Matthew, Jude, Simon.
• Since Judas is the one who betrays Jesus, he is shown in
shadow. He also is the only one featured with his elbow on the
table which displays bad manners.
• The painting
contains several
references to the number 3, which may be an
allusion to the Holy Trinity. The Apostles are
seated in groupings of three; there are three
windows behind Jesus; and the shape of Jesus'
figure resembles a triangle. There may have
been many other references that have since
been lost to the painting's deterioration.
The Mona Lisa
• (1503-1506 The Louvre, Paris) is the
world’s most famous portrait.
• Her identity is said to have the wife of a
prominent Florentine merchant.
• The painting is called “enigmatic” or
puzzling and mysterious because she
has a gentle smile yet her eyes lack
the same warmth.
• She has plucked eyebrows and
eyelashes and a shaved hairline which
was popular at that time. This adds to
the unsettling feeling she gives.
• Her direct stare at the viewer which
contrasts the serenity of the
background also causes allure.
• She is considered an ideal woman.
• This small work (30”x21”) is said to
have been Leonardo’s favorite
because he carried it around with him
until he died.
• Michelangelo knew at a young age
he wanted to be an artist and started
working in Florence under the artist
Ghirlandaio at age 13.
• He was a painter, sculptor, architect, poet, and
The Pieta
• carved in1498 out of a
single block of marble.
• However, the figures are
out of proportion.
• Mary is overly large compared to
• Mary is depicted youthful and peaceful,
not heartbroken.
• Since its completion, the Pieta has sustained some damage.
• During a move in the 18th century, Mary lost four fingers that
were later restored.
• Then in 1972, and mentally ill man walked into the chapel
and attacked Mary with a hammer while screaming “I am
Jesus Christ”.
• Now the sculpture is in St. Peter’s Basilica behind bullet
proof glass.
The Sistine Chapel
• took four years and five
months to complete.
• The large ceiling contains four large and five
smaller Old Testament scenes as well as 400 other
figures that fill the space.
• There are 9 scenes from the book of Genesis with
the best know being The Creation of Adam.
• To paint the large Last Judgment scene
Michelangelo had to climb 6 or 7 levels of
scaffolding every day.
• He once fell and badly injured one leg.
• Contrary to popular belief, he painted the whole thing standing…not lying
on his back.
• Burning candles and oil lamps created soot that darkened the images.
• Attempts to fix the damage simply made it worse.
• However, in 1979 restorers were able to clean the paintings appropriately
over the course of 10 years.
• The room is now monitored for temperature and moisture control as well as
filters that clean the air.
• The Sistine Chapel sees 19,000 visitors a day.
• Raphael is known as one of the great
masters of the High Renaissance along
with Leonardo and Michelangelo.
Renaissance Map
Choose 1 of the following
• Recreate or create your own piece of
Renaissance art. (A few of the pieces are
featured on pages 478 and 479)
– If you choose to create your own, you must tell
me why it would be considered Renaissance art.
• Write an 8 line poem based on the
– The poem must RHYME and have an AABB or
ABAB rhyme scheme.