Michaelangelo - shock-euro

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Michelangelo di Lodovico
Buonarroti Simoni
He was born on march 6, 1475 in
Caprese, Italy.
 His father was serving as a magistrate in
Caprese when his second of five sons
were born.
 The family moved to Florence when
Michelangelo was just a child.
 His mother ended up getting sick so they
placed him in a family of stone cutters.
Beginning of his art life
His father realized he
had no interest in the
family business so he
put him into an
 His apprenticeship
was working for
Florentine painters
work shop.
Michelangelo Discovered at 14
Michelangelo was
recommended by
Ghirlandaio to the
great Florentine ruler
Lorenzo the
 He was chosen to
study the classical
sculpture method in
the Medici gardens.
His magnificent depiction of Mary holding
her son Jesus after his crucifixion.
It was carved by Michelangelo when he was
only 25 years old.
It was carved between 1498 and 1499.
When it was completed he did something he
never did before which was carve his name
into his work.
The statue is made out of Carrara marble.
It is an important piece of art because it
blended the Renaissance ideals of classical
beauty with naturalism.
The Torment of St. Anthony
This is believed to
Michelangelo’s first ever
work and was completed
when he was 13.
 It is an oil painting he did
on a panel.
 This painting was
important because it
showed a moving away
from the classical works
and starting to show depth
into art.
 It is thought to have been
completed in 1488.
Battle of Centaurs
This work was carved in
marble in 1492.
It is located in Florence.
This was the first work he did
under Medici.
It is suppose to symbolize the
battle between the Centaurs
and the Lapiths.
It was important because it
was made multidimensional
and not just a flat plane.
It is regarded as one of his
best sculptures ever and is
not even finished.
David was sculpted between
1501 and 1504 out of marble.
The statue represents the
biblical hero David.
It was originally
commissioned to be in a
series of prophets along the
roofline of the east end of the
Florence Cathedral, but was
instead placed outside the
Palazzo Cathedral.
It symbolizes the defense of
civil liberties embodied in the
Florence Republic.
Sistine Chapel ceiling
Michelangelo painted the chapel’s ceiling
between 1508-1512.
It is known as the cornerstone of High
Renaissance Art.
The chapel is the Papal Chapel that is in the
Vatican and was built between 1477-1480.
Michelangelo had to design his own scaffolding
to be able to complete the work his way.
The work was so big that it had to be done in
stages and the parts that were holding the
scaffolds still are not painted.
He used the Fresco type of painting which is
paint being applied to wet plaster. Which was
good and bad because the colors looked
beautiful, but mistakes could not be made of
he would have to start over.
He used a Wash technique which allowed him
to apply more broad areas of paint.
Influence on Renaissance
Michelangelo influenced the Renaissance
by his level and quality of Art he produced
during that period.
Materials Used
Michelangelo used water-based paint in
semi-dry plaster called mezzo-fresco for
the Sistine Chapel.
 The Sistine Chapel was the first painting
that Michelangelo ever did.
 He often used marble for his big projects.
 He occasionally used wood for carvings.
 http://www.biography.com/people/michela
 http://www.pbs.org/empires/medici/renais