Transcript Respiration

The Process of Cellular Respiration
The Process of Cellular Respiration Converts
Chemical Energy Found In the Organic
Molecules of Food Into ATP, a Useful
Form of Energy Used to Fuel Metabolism
Organic Molecules in All Types of Nutrients
Are Processed Through Cellular Respiration
ATP: Adenosine Triphosphate
Is the Energy Currency for Metabolism
• The bonds between the phosphates have stored
potential energy. When these bonds are
hydrolyzes the energy is released.
• ATP ↔ ADP + P
ATP “Powers” Most Cellular Work
The Sun Is the Ultimate Energy Source for
All Living Things
• Light energy is converted
into chemical bond
energy by producers.
• This chemical energy is
trapped in the bonds of
organic macromolecules.
• Cellular respiration
transforms the organic
macromolecule bond
energy into ATP
phosphate bond energy.
Cellular Respiration Process to Extract
Energy from Organic Molecules, Such as
Glucose has Three Stages
The Chemical Reactions of Cellular Respiration Involve
Rearrangenment of Electrons from One Organic
Molecule to Another in Redox Reactions
Stage 1: Glycolysis
• Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm of all cells and it is
• One 6C glucose is hydrolyzed into 2 (3C) pyruvates
• Energy released is used for substrate level
phosphorilation of 2 molecules of ATP.
• Hydrogen electrons reduce 2 NAD+ to 2 NADH + 2H+
– NADH + H+ will proceed to the electron transport chain in
the mitochondria, where their energy will power the
oxidative phosphorilation of 3 ATP molecules.
Pyruvate Enters the Mitochondria
• Pyruvate is transported into the mitochondria, there it
will undergo a series of chemical reactions resulting
in the production of Acetyl Co A, carbon dioxide, and
Stage 2: The Citric Acid Cycle • Acetyl CoA
enters the cycle
and it is oxidized
into 2 CO2
• The following are
generated in the
– 3 NADH + H+
– 1 ATP
– 1 FAD
• The cycle turns
2X’s per glucose.
(cycle turns once
per pyruvate)
Stage 3: The Electron Transport Chain: 34 ATP Are
Produced by Oxidative Phosphorilation per Glucose
• The electrons from NADH flow down a series of redox
reactions to finally combine with Oxygen.
• The Hydrogens of the NADH are translocated across the
membrane and fall back down their concentration gradient
through ATP synthase, their energy is used to make 34 ATP
One Glucose Yields About 38 Molecules of ATP
During Aerobic Respiration
Fermentation Is Anaerobic Respiration
• In the absence of oxygen or
if a cell lacks mitochondria,
fermentation will occur.
• the pyruvate, formed during
glycolysis, will be converted
into lactic acid or ethyl
• In the process NADH will be
recycled back to NAD+
• NAD+ is essential for the
glycolysis reaction to occur
2 Types of Fermentation: Lactic Acid & Alcoholic
We Are What We Eat
The food we eat is
digested into organic
molecules which are
transported by the
bloodstream to our cells
where these substances
can be oxidized during
cellular respiration and
their energy converted into
ATP energy. Alternately,
the organic molecules,
products of digestion, can
be used by the cell for the
biosynthesis of proteins,
carbohydrates, lipids, and
nucleic acids. The energy
for this biosynthesis
comes from ATP.