Transcript Document
Matthew 9
35 And Jesus went about
all the cities
and villages,
teaching in their synagogues
and preaching the good news (the Gospel)
of the kingdom
• and healing all kinds of disease
• and every weakness and infirmity.
Matthew 10
And as ye go, preach, saying, The
kingdom of heaven is at hand.
8 Heal the sick,
• cleanse the lepers,
• raise the dead,
• cast out devils:
• freely ye have received,
• freely give.
• “He did not wish the medical missionary
work to be separated from the gospel work,
or the gospel work separated from the
medical missionary work. These are to
• The medical missionary work is to be
regarded as the pioneer work. It is to be
the means of breaking down prejudice. As
the right arm, it is to open doors for the
gospel message.”
• 1888 materials 1738
Many have stated that the end
is here
Only one Protestant Church left
The Bible and the Bible only
Not tradition AND the Bible
The deadly wound has been healed
But the right arm of God’s church is still
Why A Healing Message for
these Last Days?
• Some have decided that this is not really
part of our message but is some sort of
optional “add-on”.
• The Healing Ministry of Christ will not be
bypassed before His coming.
• It will be teaching, healing, and proclaiming.
EGW predicited
• “We shall see the medical missionary work
broadening and deepening at every point
of its progress, because of the inflowing of
hundreds and thousands of streams, until
the whole earth is covered as the waters
cover the sea.” Medical Ministry Page 317
Natural Means
• Natural means, used in accordance with
God’s will, bring about supernatural results.
We ask for a miracle, and the Lord directs
the mind to some simple remedy. We ask
to be kept from the pestilence that walketh
in darkness, that is stalking with such power
through the world; we are then to
cooperate with God.
• 2SM 346
Instruction to a Pastor
• “Had you carried the work
forward in the lines in which
God intended you to, had you
done medical missionary
work, trying to heal soul and
body, you would have seen
hundreds and thousands
coming into the truth.”
• 1888 materials 1750
Instruction to the
General Conference
• “I wish to tell you that soon there
will be no work done in
ministerial lines but medical
missionary work.”
• CH 533
Why Medical Missionary Work?
• No matter what need or disease, it involves
some aspect of lifestyle change
• But at least some if not all of that change
goes against human nature
• To make a change that goes against human
nature requires the power of God
A Host of Benefits of the Total
Vegetarian Diet
Zero cholesterol
Low saturated fat
High fiber
Zero animal protein
Zero “heme” iron
Rich in antioxidants
Rich in folic acid (folate)
Rich in tryptophan
Rich in melatonin
Plant based diet reduces risk of
Heart Disease
Vascular Disease
Kidney Failure, Kidney Stones
Gallbladder Disease
In addition assists in control of emotions
Eight Essential Amino Acids
Tomatoes Pumpkin
Asparagus Broccoli RECOMMENDED
*Methionine +
No Concerns About Protein
Any vegetable,
any whole grain,
any legume
Any nut
If you just eat that food to maintain weight
you will get enough of all 8 amino acids
• Fruit is only exception
Self Control
According to a recent review by Baumeister,
and colleagues, self-control failure is central
to nearly all the personal and social problems
that currently plague citizens of the modern,
developed world.
Lack of Self-control
• Heart Disease
• Diabetes
• Sexually transmitted
• Stroke
• Alcoholism
• Murder
• Rape
Unwanted pregnancy
Financial Failure
Relationship problems
Technology Addiction
Romans 7:18-20
18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh)
nothing good dwells; for to will is present
with me, but how to perform what is good I
do not find.
19 For the good that I will to do, I do not do;
but the evil I will not to do, that I practice.
20 Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no
longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.
Romans 7:21-24
21 I find then a law, that evil is present with
me, the one who wills to do good.
22 For I delight in the law of God according
to the inward man.
23 But I see another law in my members,
warring against the law of my mind, and
bringing me into captivity to the law of sin
which is in my members.
24 O wretched man that I am! Who will
deliver me from this body of death?
Revelation 3:17
17 Because you say, 'I am rich, have become
wealthy, and have need of nothing' — and do
not know that you are wretched, miserable,
poor, blind, and naked —
What is the secret to avoiding this
• Moderation in things that are healthy
• Abstinence in things that are unhealthy
• Strict temperance requires comprehensive
• “In our endeavor to measure this class of
strengths, we have found that among
people in the mainstream developed world,
strengths of temperance are infrequently
endorsed and seldom praised.”
• “Regardless, the strengths of temperance
are very important and they have a rich
array of positive consequences for the
psychological good life.”
• CSAV 431
Studies on Self-Control
First, the measurement of it.
Not at all (1) to Very Much (5).
I am good at resisting temptation.
I have a hard time breaking bad habits.
I do certain things that are bad for me, if
they are fun
• I have trouble saying no
Getting up in the morning is hard for me
I blurt out whatever is on my mind.
I spend too much money.
I keep everything neat.
I get carried away by my feelings.
I do many things on the spur of the
• I don’t keep secrets very well.
• I often interrupt people.
• I am always on time.
• I’m not easily discouraged.
• I eat healthy foods.
• Pleasure and fun sometime keep me from
getting work done.
• I have trouble concentrating.
• Sometimes I can’t stop myself from doing
something, even if I know it is wrong.
• I am able to work effectively towards longterm goals.
High self control
Linked to better personality adjustment
Higher self worth
Better at controlling anger
Few symptoms of somatization, obsessive
compulsive patterns, depression, anxiety,
hostile anger, phobic anxiety, paranoid
ideation, and psychotic tendencies
• Tangey 2010, Kochanska, Murray 2000
People with high self control
More conscientious
More emotionally stable
Make better relationship partners
Get along better with other people
More accommodating
Report more satisfying relationships
Better adjustment in their relationships
Tangney 299
People with high self control
Better family cohesion
Less interpersonal conflict
Better perspective and better empathy
Do not wallow in their own personal
reactions to other people’s problems
• More secure interpersonal attachments
• Manage money well, spending less and
saving more Tangney in press
• “In the course of daily life, in spite of their
best efforts at self-control, people inevitably
sin and transgress, at least on rare occasion.”
• People with high self control score relatively
low in shame and high in “shame free” guilt.
• Individuals with high self-control are inclined
to take responsibility for their transgressions,
rather than externalizing blame or minimizing
the importance of the transgression.
• In short, having done wrong, high selfcontrol people are inclined to focus on the
effects of their behavior, and in so doing,
are inclined to make amends.
• In contrast low self control individuals are
more apt to experience painful feelings of
shame, an emotion that often provokes
defensiveness and denial, rather than repair
and redemption.
Leaders who score high in self
• Rated by their subordinates as more
• More fair
• More consistent with other leaders
• Experience less anger and better
management of their anger when they do
get angry
• S.P. Cox 2000
What are the drawbacks of selfcontrol
• There are no scientific studies anywhere
demonstrating any undesirable
consequences of high self control. CSAV
• Tangney tested for curvilinearity to see if
excessive self-control (overcontrol) might
produce negative consequences, but no
negative patterns were found
No negatives of self-control
• Although in our society there may exist a
stereotype of an “overcontrolled” person
• One who is overly restrained, cautious,
uptight, and not spontaneous—we see no
evidence that self control is to be blamed
• CSAV 508
Development of Self-control
• “Relatively little is known about how selfcontrol is acquired and strengthened.”
• “This topic must be regarded as a high
priority for further research, especially in
view of the many benefits that self control
• Character Strengths and Virtues pg 509
• “Most acts of self-control involve
overcoming some incipient response to the
immediate situation in order to pursue
some greater, long-term benefit.”
• “Hence the ability to transcend the
immediate situation is crucial.”
• “People who live only in the present
moment are unlikely to exhibit good self
control, whereas future mindedness will
facilitate self regulation.” CSAV 513
Proverbs 16:32
He that is slow to anger is better than the
mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he
that taketh a city.
He has conquered self--the strongest
foe man has to meet. The highest evidence of
nobility in a Christian is self-control. He who
can stand unmoved amid a storm of abuse is
one of God's heroes.
He who has learned to rule his spirit will
rise above the slights, the rebuffs, the
annoyances to which we are daily exposed,
and these will cease to cast a gloom over his
spirit. ML 70
It is God's purpose that the kingly
power of sanctified reason, controlled by
divine grace, shall bear sway in the lives of
human beings. He who rules his spirit is in
possession of this power.
The man or woman who preserves the
balance of the mind when tempted to indulge
passion, stands higher in the sight of God and
heavenly angels than the most renowned
general that ever led an army to battle and to
victory. ML 70
Assistance in Self Control
Bright lines
Worthy goals
Enhancing the frontal lobe
Slowing down a limbic system in overdrive
How to develop the fail-safe
solution to comprehensive
What young men and women need is Christian
heroism. To rule the spirit means to keep self
under discipline. . . . God's abounding love and
presence in the heart will give the power of selfcontrol and will mold and fashion the mind and
character. The grace of Christ in the life will direct
the aims and purposes and capabilities into
channels that will give moral and spiritual power-power which the youth will not have to leave in
this world, but which they can carry with them into
the future life and retain through the eternal ages.
ML 70
By this shall all men know that ye
are my disciples, if ye have love one
to another. John 13:35
If we would be true lights in the world, we
must manifest the loving, compassionate spirit
of Christ. To love as Christ loved means that
we must practice self-control. It means that
we must show unselfishness at all times and
in all places. ML 80
The Key to Self-Control
Is Self-Sacrifice
Self-Sacrificing Love
True Transformative Healing is
Dependent on Love
• Love can change you and it can change the
• Not erotic love, romantic love, or even
brotherly love
• It is a love that human nature totally lacks.
It means that we must scatter round us kind
words and pleasant looks. These cost the
giver nothing, but they leave behind a
precious fragrance. Their influence for good
cannot be estimated. Not only to the receiver,
but to the giver, they are a blessing; for they
react upon him. Genuine love is a precious
attribute of heavenly origin, which increases in
fragrance in proportion as it is dispensed to
others. . . . {ML 80.2}
“The little attentions, the small acts of love
and self-sacrifice, that flow out from the life
as quietly as the fragrance from a flower-these constitute no small share of the
blessings and happiness of life.” Ellen G.
White ML 173
Examples in Self-control
Contrasts in Self-control
• Paul before Nero--how striking the contrast!
The countenance of the monarch bearing the
shameful record of the passions that raged
the countenance of the prisoner telling the
story of a heart at peace with God and man.
The results of opposite systems of education
stood that day contrasted--a life of
unbounded self-indulgence and a life of
entire self-sacrifice. ML 65
Here were the representatives of two theories
of life--all-absorbing selfishness, which counts
nothing too valuable to be sacrificed for
momentary gratification, and self-denying
endurance, ready to give up life itself, if need
be, for the good of others. ML 65
If the soul is to be purified and
ennobled, and made fit for the
heavenly courts, there are two lessons
to be learned–
self-sacrifice and self-control.
Faith and Works 86
Health to be comprehensive and
• Demands the true gospel to be complete.
The strongest bulwark of vice in our world is
not the iniquitous life of the abandoned
sinner or the degraded outcast;
it is that life which otherwise appears virtuous,
honorable, and noble, but in which one sin is
fostered, one vice indulged.
MB 94
• Comprehensive Self-Control
– There is no down side!
• Real Self-Sacrifice
• Give yourself to God
1 Corinthians 15:31
I die daily
SID Leaders
It’s not just a nice thing to do, if you have time, to
share health insights and offer a prayer
• It’s that people NEED the health message to
feel the need of the true gospel to fully
incorporate it in their life
• They NEED the message of health and the
gospel to be truly healed
• The beauty of medical missionary work is
that they will not be just healed NOW
• But for eternity
Weimar Institute
To Heal a Hurting World
Physically, Mentally, Emotionally,
Socially, Spiritualy
Weimar College
• Degrees in Health Science
• Many students go to medical school or
other advanced professional schools
• Religion/Theology
• Registered nursing program
• Double major of religion and nursing
• Ted Wilson came to Weimar to launch
NEWSTART Global--Health Evangelism and
Leadership Training for Him (HEALTH).
• Health Evangelism and Leadership Training
for Him (H.E.A.L.T.H.)
• Professional and Non-professional tracts
• Just four months of training can turn your
world right-side-up.
• Some of the best instructors in the world
2 Timothy 1:7
For God gave us a spirit not of fear
but of power
and love (self-sacrificing agape love)
and self-control.
The Purpose of Health
• “The light God has given on
health reform is for our salvation
and the salvation of the world.”
• CH 446