Chapter 15 Project People of the Renaissance

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Chapter 15 Project
People of the Renaissance/Scientific
Revolution/Age of Discovery
O You will be assuming the role
of 4 of the people during the
Renaissance, Scientific
Revolution, and Age of
O It is the 1500’s, you have just returned to Spain from a 3-
year voyage around the world. Write a story (150 words or
more) about your journey. Include such things as:
The number of ships and sailors that began the voyage.
Dates involved
Problems faced by the crewmen.
A sad event which occurred during the trip
A happy event that occurred.
Names of 10 places (countries, islands, continents) seen
or visited along the way.
Kinds of products brought back to Europe from Far East.
The number of ships and sailors returning safely to Spain.
O During the Middle Ages artists painted pictures having
to do with the Bible and religion. But Renaissance
painters worked on landscape, portraits, and scenes
from everyday life. Choose one of the following art
projects and prepare a detailed sketch in the style of a
Renaissance artist.
O Landscape: Draw any town or country scene which
shows an aspect of life during the Renaissance.
O Everyday Scene: Prepare a sketch showing people of
the Renaissance involved in an activity typical of life in
the 1300’s, 1400’s or 1500’s.
O Portrait: Choose a famous person of the Renaissance,
find their picture and draw that person.
O Write a poem about the Renaissance. It might
be on exploration, education, science, trade,
town life, farming, famous people, or anything
else typical of the period. Your poem should
have at least 16 lines. The first line of the poem
should rhyme with the second line, the third
line with the fourth, the fifth with the sixth, and
so on.
O Architecture before the Renaissance centered on
the design of churches. But during the 1300’s
1400’s, and 1500’s attention was also given to the
design of palaces, public buildings, and homes. As
an architect, it is your job to draw a building that
workers will eventually construct. Make a detailed
drawing of either a church, palace, public building,
or home. Also include a sketch of the building’s
floor plan.
O A new form of literature which appeared during the
Renaissance was the biography (a story of someone’s
life). Choose one of the following famous people of
the Renaissance and write their biography:
Copernicus, Galileo, Joan of Arc, Shakespeare,
Machiavelli, Gutenberg, Columbus, Da Vinci,
Michelangelo, Cartier, Luther.
O Before writing the biography, read about the person in
your textbook or online. Use facts from these sources
in your story. (150 or more words)
O You are a scientist specializing in “anatomy” (the
dissecting of plants and animals). In particular you
are interested in human anatomy. For some time now
you have been cutting open dead bodies to study
bones, muscles, joints, and internal organs.
O Write a report (150 words or more) describing your
most recent experiments and findings. You may want
to make some sketches of bones, muscles, joints, or
internal organs. Such as the heart, lungs, or brain.
Your report should contain information on the
location and function or various parts of the body.
O You work for a Portuguese trading company. It is the 1500’s
and Portugal controls trade between Europe and the Far
East. You are a crewman on board a ship that makes two
voyages each year around Africa and India. You have just
returned from one of these trips when the captain makes an
announcement. He says the ship will be leaving fro India
again in just a few days. This is unexpected news because it
is usually a month between trips. It means you will not be
able to return home to visit friends and family.
O You decide to write a letter telling everyone about the just
completed voyage to India. Tell the family about your job on
board ship. Mention kinds of goods brought back from India
for sale in Europe. And be sure to tell how your ship was
attacked along the coast of Africa by English sea dogs
(pirates) and how you were a hero in battle.
O (150 words or more)
O Plays, especially those by England’s William
Shakespeare, were enjoyed by the people of
Western Europe. Choose one of the following
topics and write a short one act play that has 4 to
6 characters. People you might put in your play are
suggested below. Give names to your characters
and make up a title for your drama. You may write
a comedy or tragedy.
Playwright A
O Columbus Discovers a New World.
O Scene: Columbus’ three ships have been at sea for
many weeks and are now approaching San Salvador
island off the coast of Florida. San Salvador is the
first land area that will be discovered by the crew sent
by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to find
a route to the Indies. The time is October, 1492. Some
suggested characters: Columbus, the first mate, a
lookout hoping to sight land, other crew members.
Playwright B
O A Machiavellian King
O Scene: The famous Italian writer Machiavelli wrote
the Prince which said rulers should use any means
to oppose their enemies and force the people to
obey. A European king has just finished reading the
book and agrees with Machiavelli. The king is
presently meeting with his friends and advisers to
discuss what should be done to those who might
oppose his leadership. The time is 1540.
O Some suggested characters: king, queen, army
commander, nobles.
Playwright C
O Defeat the Spanish Armada:
O Scene: The year is 1588. More than 100 warships
have sailed into the English Channel north of France.
This fleet (known as the Spanish Armada) has been
sent by Phillip II of Spain to attack England. Phillip is
angry because of the execution of Mary Queen of
Scots and because of England’s break from the
Catholic Church. The proud Armada is about to be
defeated by the English.
O Some suggested characters: Spanish commander,
Spanish sailors, English commander, English sailors.
Project Rubric-100 Points
1. Decorated Title Page ( 6 points)
-4 points for decoration
-2 points for title page with title and name.
2. Table of Contents (5 points)
3. Report Cover/Folder (5 points)
4. Mechanics (20 points)
-Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
5. Neatness and Color (24 points)
6. Follows Directions (20 points)
-Does each part according to the instructions.
7. Creativity (20 points)
8. Extra Credit: Add more roles to your folder. 25 points each.
Up to 50 points allowed.
Project Example