Towards a Fourier Transform Far Infrared Spectrometer
Transcript Towards a Fourier Transform Far Infrared Spectrometer
Laser Offset Stabilization for
Terahertz (THz) Frequency
Kevin Cossel
Dr. Geoff Blake
California Institute of Technology
What is Terahertz Spectroscopy?
~1x1011-1x1013 Hz or ~0.1-10
Terahertz (THz)
~3 - 300 cm-1
~3000 - 30 µm
Also known as far-infrared
(FIR) or sub-millimeter
Study low-energy processes
both in the laboratory and in
remote sensing applications
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Why study Thz region?
Many uses
High-resolution spectroscopy
Vibration-rotation coupling
Lower spectral density expected
Remote sensing
Matched to emission from cold dust clouds
Characterize organic material (especially amino acids)
present in the interstellar medium
Lower spectral density expected
SOFIA & Herschel
Need lab data first
THz sources
Existing sources have problems
Solid-state electronic oscillators
Power drops above 200 MHz
Doubling/tripling not good above 1 THz
Low frequency = long lifetime, no direct bandgap lasers
Quantum cascade lasers – >3 THz, 10 Kelvin, narrow
THz Time Domain Spectroscopy
Probe with sub-picosecond pulses
Gate detector with laser
Limited resolution
Develop a spectrometer that can be used to characterize
the spectra of molecules in the range of ~0.5-10
Terahertz (THz)
Need THz source
Multiterahertz bandwidth
Low linewidth (<10 MHz)
Frequency Modulation
What’s happening?
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Change current = change
laser frequency
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The same as adding
frequency components
Then scan the laser
Frequency Modulation
Spectroscopy of HDO
Diode laser locking
Use feedback to reduce wavelength
Locking Range
fluctuations (reduce linewidth)
FMS signal is error signal
Negative error increases wavelength Error 0
Use PID controller:
Feedback = P + I + D
P = proportional to error signal
I = integrate error (remove offset)
D = derivative (anticipate movement)
Tunable locking
Lock laser 1 to HDO line
Generate offset between
laser 1 and laser 2
Lock offset
Lock laser 3 to different
HDO line
Output is difference
between laser 2 & laser 3
Narrow tune = offset
Wide tune = lock to
different lines
FMS Locking
Electro-optic modulator provides frequency modulation
varying intensity beat note
Mix with driving RF
DC output
Feedback DC error signal to PID controller
Controls piezo which adjust wavelength
Offset Locking
Laser 1 locked to HDO
Lasers 1 and 2 combined on fast (40 GHz) photodetector
Output difference frequency
Mix with tunable RF source
Output 0-1 GHz
Send to source locking counter
Feedback to laser 2, offset locking up to ±20 GHz
Results – FMS locking
2 hours
Free-running (blue)
47 MHz standard deviation
4.9 MHz RMSE
2 MHz/second drift
Locked (red)
Mean 20 kHz
3.5 MHz standard deviation
5x10-5 MHz/second drift
10 seconds
Free-running (blue)
30 MHz peak-peak deviations
5.5 MHz standard deviation
Locked (red)
10 MHz peak-peak
3 MHz standard deviation
Results – Offset locking
Difference frequency
Two free-running (blue, left):
300 MHz drift
One laser PID locked (red)
PID + offset locking
1.3 MHz standard deviation (over 75 seconds)
Mean accurate to 260 kHz
<1x10-6 MH/second drift (stable for 15 hours)
PID lock
20 kHz accuracy
3 MHz linewidth
Low drift
Offset (Lasers 1 & 2)
±20 GHz (easily changed to ±40 GHz)
300 kHz accuracy
Very stable
High spectral density of HDO
Predicted: >3 THz bandwidth, 8 MHz linewidth, 300
kHz accuracy
Work to lower linewidth/improve accuracy
Developed a technique for generating a tunable THz
difference between two lasers with a final linewidth of
<10 MHz
Combine lasers on ErAs/InGaAs photomixer to
generate THz radiation
Other techniques could provide higher stability at the
cost of tunability or wide bandwidth but limited
Compromise system
Working on improving linewidth (hopefully 1 MHz)
and bandwidth (up to 15 THz)
Tunability/linewidth combination already useful for
spectroscopy (developing Fourier transform terahertz
Dr. Geoff Blake
Rogier Braakman
Matthew Kelley
Dan Holland
NSF Grant