David McDonald presentation – ppt
Transcript David McDonald presentation – ppt
David McDonald
Barriers and Facilitators to Translating
Research on Drug Driving Thresholds
into the Australian context
Basic Priority Rating Model
– The size of the problem, usually based on incidence or
prevalence rates;
– The seriousness of the problem, usually based on its
urgency, severity, economic loss and impact on others;
– The effectiveness of interventions available to address the
problem; and
– Other environmental factors including propriety,
economics, acceptability, legality of solutions and
availability of resources.
Drug Driving Thresholds
Are non-zero per se drug driving laws that set drug quantity thresholds for the
drug driving offence justifiable (based on the science) and practicable in the ACT
To what extent does it matter to the ACT that the states and the NT have a zerotolerance per se legislation approach to drug driving?
Would non-zero per se thresholds remove the disparity in penalties between drink
driving and drug driving?
What psychoactive substances would be included in a non-zero tolerance risk
threshold based system?
Are testing levels high enough to provide meaningful data and to have a
sufficiently strong deterrent effect as to improve road safety at the population