Transcript Depression

Discovery Health:
Teen Health:
National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association: Stories of
Depression is just a feeling; you can snap out of it if you try hard
Only a few “crazy” people really get depressed.
Depression only happens when bad things happen.
It’s easy to make yourself feel better.
There’s nothing you can do to treat depression.
Medicines like Prozac and Zoloft are “happy pills.”
Only adults suffer from depression.
Therapy is just lying on a couch talking about your childhood.
Anti-depressants can help anybody with depression.
There is no outward or obvious sign of depression.
People with depression never experience extreme highs.
1 out of 4 women and 1 out of 8 men will
suffer at least one episode or occurrence of
depression during their lifetime.
3-5% of teenage population suffers from
clinical depression every year
Depression is linked to poor school
performance, truancy, alcohol and drug abuse,
running away, and feelings of worthlessness
and hopelessness.
The past 25 years has seen a dramatic increase
in depression amongst teens and young adults
Depression is treatable. 80-90% of people with
depression can be helped.
Anti-depressants (medication)
Often people do not know they are depressed,
so they don’t ask for or get the right help.
Teenagers and adults often fail to recognize the
It is normal for teenagers to be moody; teenagers don’t
suffer from real depression
Myth: Depression can affect anyone at any point or
time in their life.
Depression is not a weakness but a serious health
Fact: People who are depressed need professional
Talking through feelings is a great way to help a friend
recognize a need for professional help.
Fact: Real friends will help to encourage a friend to
trust an adult who can help to initiate professional
Describe why you think different people
become stressed over different things.
Name three things that you think would reduce
the stress you feel at school.
Read pages 378-379 and answer questions 1
and 2.