August 25 - Breathitt County Schools

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Transcript August 25 - Breathitt County Schools

August 25, 2014
 Identify and correct the ten mistakes in the
following paragraph.
 Richard Nixon became president of the United
States on January 29, 1969. In 1972, a break-in was
discover at the head quarters of the Democratic
National Committee in Washington, D.C. Soon
investigators lerned that members of President
Nixon’s re-election committee was involved in the
brake-in, That information led to Nixon’s
resignation on August 9 1974. He were the first – and
only – U.S. president too resign in office.
 I can write an effective thesis statement, using
parallel structure.
 Complete the 10 MC questions over independent
and dependent clauses and recognizing
 Return MC handout.
 Go over and correct answers.
 The title of your paper
 Title: The Fad of Divorce
 Thesis: Too many people get divorced for trivial
 An announcement of the subject
 Announcement: I want to share some thoughts with
you about our space program.
 Thesis: It is time to close down our space program.
 A Statement of Absolute Fact
 Fact: Jane Austen is the author of Pride and
 Thesis: Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen’s best
 The whole essay
pg. 6
 One complete sentence
 The main idea of your essay
 Takes a stand and expresses an attitude; makes a
judgment or interpretation (what you will prove
about your topic)
 Restricted, unified, specific
 The American auto industry has many problems.
 The worst problem of the American auto industry is
unfair competition from foreign countries.
 Crime must be stopped.
 The courts should hand out tougher sentences to
habitual criminals.
Pg. 6
 The new health program is excellent, but it has several
drawbacks, and it should be run only on an experimental
basis for two or three years.
 Despite its general excellence, the new health care program
should be run only on an experimental basis for two or three
 Drug addiction is a big problem.
 Drug addiction has caused a huge increase in violent crimes.
 Drug addiction has caused a huge increase in violent crimes
in the home, at school, and on the streets.
Pg. 7-8
 In this project I will outline the three major issues
of the Civil War.
The dessert known as “peach melba” was named
for the opera singer Dame Nellie Melba.
Comic Books: Not Just for Kids
Some students show more resourcefulness at
making excuses than at getting their work done.
The more sensible a parent’s advice to a teenager,
the more likely it is to be scorned or ignored.
Pg. 9
 During the Middle Ages, Islam was far more
tolerant of other religions that was Christianity.
 There’s a sucker born every minute. (P.T. Barnum)
 Dieters I have known almost always regain their
lost weight.
 Obesity is a series health problem, but the media
have exaggerated the dangers, and many diets can
bring about health problems of their own.
pg. 10
 Stephen King’s books have more literary merit
than most critics want to admit.
 The U.S. health care system is in serious trouble.
 Raising the standard retirement age from sixtyfive to sixty-seven would make a major
contribution toward helping the Social Security
 My skiing vacation was one long series of
annoyances, mishaps, and disasters.
Pg. 10
 You can use these thesis statement templates to get started with writing thesis
statements. These should only be used to create your first thesis statement. It
should be tweaked so that it doesn’t sound awkward or mechanical in your
actual essay. When I read your essay, the thesis statement should not be in
template form.
For Rhetorical Analysis:
This text (is/is not) effective in using (name the strategies) to convince (name
the audience) of (name the purpose).
For an Argument Essay:
Topic + Attitude + Action Verb + Reasons + Universal Idea
For a Narrative Essay:
(Event) (had/did not have) a significant impact on my life because (reasons).
For a Literacy Narrative Essay:
(Experiences/Events) had a (positive/negative) impact on making me the
(writer/reader) I am today.
 For each topic below, write a thesis statement.
 The most important day of your life.
 The role of people with disabilities in society.
 The relationship between thinking, reading, and
 Turn these in for review.
 You can put this on the thesis statement practice
 What do you find easy about thesis statements?
What do you find difficult about thesis