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What is Pasteurization? (6)
 When milk is heated to kill microorganisms that cause
spoilage and disease without effecting its nutritional
What is Homogenization? (6)
 Milk is strained through very fine holes to break down
fat and then is blended into ne fluid.
Is lactose intolerance a milk
allergy? (7)
 No, it is not.
How much fat is in the following
milk items: (8)
 SKIM MILK – Less than 0.5%
 WHOLE MILK – At least 3%
 CONDENSED MILK – At least 8.5%
Please explain lactose intolerance.
 People who are lactose intolerant can’t easily digest
lactose, which is a sugar found in dairy products.
Undigested lactose moving through the body can
cause uncomfortable symptoms such as gas, bloating,
nausea, diarrhea and stomach pain.
At what temperature should milk
be stored? (10)
 41 degrees or lower
All milk should be labeled as what
grade? (10)
 Grade A
How much fat is in the following
types of cream: (11)
 HALF AND HALF – 10.5 to 18%
 HEAVY CREAM – 36 to 38%
How is butter made? (11)
 Butter is made by mixing cream containing between
30 percent and 40 percent milk fat at high speed.
What is one benefit of using
margarine? (12)
 It has a higher smoke point than butter.
Is it true that one of the advantages
of using margarine is that it is a lot
lower in fat that butter? (12)
 Margarine is not much lower in fat than butter.
Where and when was
oleomargarine first made? (13)
 It was first made in France in 1870.
What are the 3 basic parts of all
cheeses? (14)
 Water
 Fat
 Protein
Brie and camembert are examples
of which type of cheese? (16)
 Soft ripened
What is the optimum storage
temperature for cheese? (17)
 35 to 45 degrees at a high relative humidity.
What are the 4 parts of an egg? (17)
 Outer shell
 White (albumen)
 Yolk
 Chalazae
What does the yolk of an egg
contain? (17)
 Fat
 Protein
 Lecithin
What does the chalazae do? (17)
 It is the membrane that holds the yolk in place.
Recipes are based upon what size
of egg? (18)
 Large
How many ounces are there in a
dozen large eggs? (19)
 24 ounces
Egg substitutes are used for people
on what kind of diet? (20)
 Cholesterol free diet
The air temperature of a truck
delivering eggs should not exceed
what temperature? (22)
 45 degrees
Liquid, frozen and dehydrated
eggs must have this done to them
by law? (22)
 Pasteurized
What is the cooking time for hardboiled eggs (25)
 10 minutes
What is a shirred egg? (26)
 A variety of baked egg
How do you poach an egg? (27) 4
 Combine water, salt, and vinegar in a shallow skillet or
pan and bring it to a simmer.
 Break the egg into a clean cup and slide the egg
carefully into the poaching water. Cook until the
whites are set and opaque.
 Remove the eggs from the water with a slotted spoon
and blot them on an absorbent towel.
 Trim, if desired, and serve hot.
During which cooking method are
eggs constantly stirred? (28)
 Scrambled
What is another name for a flat
omelet? (31)
 Frittatas
What is a quiche? (32)
 A savory egg custard baked in a crust
What are pooled eggs? (34)
 Eggs that are cracked open and combined in a
What is a crepe? (39)
 A very thin pancake-type item with a high egg content
What is sliced bread dipped in an
egg and milk mixture that is often
seasoned lightly with cinnamon
and nutmeg? (40)
 French toast
How much fat does bacon have in
it before cooking? (41)
 About 70 percent
What are the 3 ingredients in a
hash mixture? (42)
 A mixture of chopped meat (fresh or smoked),
potatoes and onions
Farina and cornmeal are examples
of what type of hot cereal? (43)
 Granular
What is the proper brewing
temperature for coffee? (46)
 195 to 200 degrees
What cooking method is use to
make a Panini sandwich? (54)
 Grilling
Which cold sandwich is served on a
long, sliced roll with several types
of cheese, meat, lettuce, tomato,
onion, and other toppings? (55)
 Submarine
Please describe what a wrap is.
 They are made on any type of flat bread – for example
tortillas, cracker bread or rice paper wrappers – and
spear with a hot or cold sandwich filling. It is then
rolled up.
What is a multi-decker sandwich?
 A sandwich with more then 2 slices of bread with
several ingredients in the filling.
What is one example of a multidecker sandwich? (55)
 Club sandwich
Tell me about a canapé. (55)
 It is an open faced cold sandwich used as a type of hors
What are the three primary
components to all sandwiches?
 Bread
 Spread
 Filling
What are the 2 most common
spreads? (57)
 Butter
 Mayonnaise
What 2 things are needed at every
sandwich station? (59)
 Ingredients
 Equipment
According to Figure 1.36, what can
be used to transfer a pizza in and
out of the oven? (61)
 Pizza Peel
What is nutrition? (80)
 Nutrition is the study of the nutrients in food and how
they nourish the body.
What are nutrients? (80)
 They are components of food that are needed for the
body to function
Why does the body need
nutrients? (80)
 To provide energy
 To build and repair cells
 To keep the different systems in the body working
According to the fast facts, what
are the two things that your body
needs on a daily basis to stay
healthy? (81)
 Carbohydrates
 Water
What are the six basic nutrients
that are important to the body? (83)
Lipids (fats)
What does fiber do? (84)
 Fiber promotes digestive health and regularity.
What are phytochemicals? (84)
 They are chemicals that aid the body in fighting or
preventing disease. They are also known as
What is the body’s main energy
source? (84)
 Carbohydrates
What are the units of
measurement by which energy
from food is measured? (85)
 Calories
Simple carbohydrates contain
how many sugars? (86)
 They contain one or two sugars
Honey and molasses are what kind
of carbohydrate? (86-87)
 Simple Carbohydrates
What is the name of a very
important simple sugar that is the
primary source of energy? (87)
 Glucose
What is the only source of energy
for the brain and nervous system?
 Glucose
Which category of carbohydrate
takes longest to digest? (87-89)
 Complex
What are hormones? (87)
 Hormones are special chemical messengers made by
the bodies that regulate different body functions.
Tell me about complex
carbohydrates. (87)
 They contain long chains that include many glucose
modules. They are found in plant based foods such as
grains, legumes and vegetables.
Good sources of carbohydrates
include the following: (88)
 Dry beans and peas
 Starchy vegetables, such as potatoes and corn
 Rice
 Grits
 Pasta
 Oatmeal
 Cornmeal
 Breads and Cereals
What are the two types of fiber?
Tell me a little bit about each one
of them.
 Soluble Fiber – It dissolves in water. When we eat
foods that contain soluble fiber, we feel full for a longer
time. Soluble fiber also slows down the release of
sugar in the blood and helps lower cholesterol levels in
the blood.
 Insoluble Fiber – It does not dissolve in water. It
acts like a stiff broom to clean and scrub the digestive
tract so that we can eliminate waste from our systems
more easily.
What is another name for fat? (89)
 Lipids
What is in both bones and teeth? (94)
What 5 functions do fats perform in
the body? (89)
 Carrying vitamins A, D, E and K throughout the body
 Cushioning the bodies' vital organs
 Protecting the body from extreme temperatures
 Providing a reserve of energy (when the body stores it)
 Supplying nutrients called essential fatty acids
What is the chemical process that
causes fats to spoil? (90)
 Oxidation
What does hydrogenation do? (90)
 Make liquid fats a solid
What is the disadvantage of
hydrogenation? (90)
 Fat processed this way are more harmful to your health
Please explain the significance of
essential fatty acids. (90)
 They are used to make substances that regulate vital body
functions, such as blood pressure, muscle contraction,
blood clotting, and immune response.
Please explain the significance of
oxidation. (90)
 It is the process that causes fats to spoil or go rancid.
Please explain the significance of
Cholesterol. (90)
 It is a white, waxy substance that is produced in your liver.
In the body, cholesterol helps make such substances such
as bile acids, vitamin D and hormones.
Please explain the significance of
trans fatty acids (90)
 These are the result of taking a liquid fat and making it
a solid through a process called hydrogenation.
Hydrogenation of fat alters its physical properties and
makes it stay fresh longer.
 The disadvantage of hydrogenation is that it may be
more harmful to a person’s health that saturated fat
when it comes to the development of heart disease.
Please give examples of foods that
contain saturated fats. (91)
Dairy Products
Palm Oil
Palm Kernel Oil
Coconut Oil
Please give examples of foods that
contain monounsaturated fats. (91)
Olive Oil
Canola Oil
Peanut Oil
Avocado Oil
Nut Oils
Please give examples of foods that
contain polyunsaturated fats. (91)
 Safflower Oil
 Sunflower Oil
 Soybean Oil
 Corn Oil
 Cottonseed Oil
 Sesame Oil
 Fish Oils
What do proteins do? (92)
 They provide the building blocks, in the form of amino
acids, that the body uses for a variety of things ,
including muscles, tissues, enzymes and hormones.
How many amino acids can be
found in food? (92)
 22 amino acids can be found in food
How many essential amino acids
are there and what is their
significance? (92)
 There are 9 essential amino acids that must be
obtained from food each day. The other amino acids
can be produced in the body.
What is a complete protein? (93)
 They contain all of the essential amino acids in the
right amount
What is an incomplete protein?
 They lack one or more of the essential amino acids.
 Foods from plant sources are incomplete amino acids.
What do vitamins do? (94)
 They are needed to regulate metabolic processes such
as digestion and the absorption of nutrients.
What are the 2 types of vitamins?
 Water soluble
 Fat soluble
What are the water soluble
vitamins that can be washed
away by steam or water? (94)
 Vitamin C and B
What are the fat soluble vitamins?
 Vitamin A, D, E and K
What is the only nutrient that it is
impossible for human to live
without? (96)
 Water
What 4 functions do water perform
in the body? (96)
 Helps with the digestion, absorption and
transportation of nutrients
 Helps eliminate waste through the kidneys, colon and
 Distributes heat throughout the body and allowing
heat to be released through the skin by evaporation
 Lubricates joints and cushions tissues
What is digestion? (98)
 The process of breaking down food into its simplest
parts so that it can be absorbed
What are food additives? (98)
 A substance or combination of substances present in
food as a result of processing, production or packaging
Why are food additives used? (99)
 Improve flavor, color and texture
 Retain nutritional value
 Prevent spoilage
 Extend shelf life
Tell me about the diet of a
vegetarian. (100)
 They follow a strict diet an will not consume any of the
 Meat
 Fish
 Poultry Products
Tell me about the diet of a lacto
vegetarian. (100)
 This person is a vegetarian, but they also eat dairy
Tell me about the diet of a
lacto-ovo vegetarian (100)
 A vegetarian who eats dairy products and eggs
Tell me about the diet of a vegan.
 They follow the strictest diet an will not consume any
of the following:
Anything containing animal products or byproducts
What is LDL? (104)
 The bad cholesterol
What is HDL? (104)
 This is the good cholesterol. It takes excess cholesterol
away and carries it back to the liver to be excreted.
What is the name of the condition
where the body does not have the
ability to regulated sugar properly?
 Diabetes
What condition occurs when the
body does not get enough
nutrients? (106)
 Malnutrition
When cooking any food, remember
that the lower the temperature and
the shorter the cooking period will
result in what? (112)
 Less nutrient loss
When boiling vegetables, what do
you lose? (114-115)
What is portion control? (117)
 Controlling the quantity of a particular food be using
appropriate sized servings.
What can be added during baking
as a low fat alternative to butter?
 Applesauce
Please tell me about the 4 kinds of salt.
Give me a definition for each. (123)
 Table salt – The most common
 Kosher salt – It has a purer flavor than table salt. It is
usually coarser with larger crystals. To substitute Kosher
salt for table salt, use twice as much Kosher salt as called
for in the recipe. It is the most common salt found in
professional kitchens.
 Sea salt – It is extracted from the ocean using
evaporation techniques. It is usually not refined, so it
contains additional minerals and other elements found in
sea water, which affect the flavor.
 Iodized salt – Table salt that has been refined with
iodine as a nutritional supplement.
The most commonly sold type of
beef? (124)
What is a low fat substitute for
ground beef? (125)
 Ground sirloin
 Ground turkey breast
 Ground soy
Which chemicals kill insects and
other plant pests? (126)
 Pesticides
What does the term organic mean?
 To be produced without pesticides or synthetic
What is revenue? (147)
 The income from sales before expenses
What is the definition of a cost?
 The price an operation pays out in the purchasing and
preparation of its products or the providing of its
What are the 4 main categories of
costs? (147)
 Food costs
 Beverage costs
 Labor costs
 Overhead costs
What is another name for a fixed
cost? (148)
 Non-controllable cost
What are 2 examples of
controllable costs? (149)
 Food cost
 Hourly wage portion of labor cost
What is a fixed cost? (151)
 Costs that remain the same regardless of sales volume
What is an operating budget?
 A financial plan for a specific period of time
What is a forecast? (152)
 A perdition of sales levels or costs that will occur
during a specific time period
Forecasting revenue is usually
determined by looking at what 2
things? (152)
 Historical data
 Average sales per customer
How do you calculate the average
sales per customer? (152)
 Total dollars divided by the total number of customers
What does the sales history show?
 It is a record of the number of portions of every item
sold on a menu
What is a production sheet? (153)
 It is a list of all of the menu items that are going to be
prepared for a given date.
The number of times a menu item
is sold during a particular time
period is known as what? (153)
 Sales history
What is a profit and loss report?
 A compilation od sales and cost information for a
specific period of time
List the 7 stages of the flow of food
process. (165-166)
 Purchasing
 Receiving
 Storage
 Issuing
 Preparation
 Cooking
 Service
What is the definition of food cost?
 The actual dollar value of the food used by an
operation during a certain period
How do you calculate food cost?
 (See page 167)
What is inventory? (167)
 This represents the dollar value of a food product in
storage and can be expressed in terms of units, values
or both
Define opening inventory. (167)
 The physical inventory at the beginning of a given
period (such as the month of April)
Define closing inventory. (167)
 The physical inventory at the end of a given period.
What is the formula for calculating
food cost percentage? (168)
 Total food cost / Sales = Food Cost Percentage
What are the 2 methods used to
determine the cost of ingredients
in a standard recipe? (170-171)
 As purchased
 Edible portion
What is as-purchased method?
 It is used to cost an ingredient at the purchase price
before and trim or waste is taken into account.
What is the edible portion
method? (171)
 It is used to cost an ingredient after trimming and
removing waste so that only the usable portion of the item is reflected.
What is a food production chart?
 It is a form that shows how much product should be
produced by the kitchen during a given meal period.
What is a sales history used for?
 It is critical in helping management forecast how
many portions of each menu item to produce on a
given day.
What is contribution margin?
 The portion of dollars that a particular menu item
contributes to overall profits.
How do you calculate contribution
margin? What is the contribution
margin if a menu item sells for
15.00 and has cost of 33% to
What is the straight markup
method? (178)
 Multiply raw food costs by a predetermined fraction
What is the average check method?
 The total revenue is divided by the number of seats,
average seat turnover and days open in one year.
What 4 factors affect labor costs?
 Business volume
 Employee turnover
 Quality standards
 Operating standards
How do you calculate employee
turnover? (189)
 It is the number of employees hired to fill one position
in a year’s time
What is listed on a master
schedule? (190)
 It lists no names. It just lists the positions and the
number of employees in those positions.
What is a chart that shows the
employee’s names and the days
and times they are to work? (191)
 Crew Schedule
List 3 things a good staff
contingency plan should include.
 Cross training employees
 Identifying shift leaders
 Having on call employees
What is cross training? (192)
 Training employees to handle responsibilities in areas
of the operation aside from their primary work
Explain the process of having on
call employees. (192)
 A certain number of employees must call their
operation at a predetermined time to find out whether
they have to work that day.
What is the best time for
restaurants and foodservice
operations to receive deliveries?
 When the operation is slow
How often should fresh fish be
delivered to an operation? (200)
 Daily
How often should meat be ordered
and delivered to an operation?
 At least 2 or 3 times a week
What is the document from a
vendor that lists such details as
items purchased, date of order,
purchaser and sales price? (201)
 Invoice
What is another name for an
invoice? (201)
 Bill
What does it mean to take a
physical inventory? (204)
 To count and record the number of each item in the
What type of lettuce is used in
Caesar salad? (220)
 Romaine lettuce
What is the most popular
American salad green? (220)
 Iceberg (head) lettuce
What are the 4 basic parts to any
salad? (221)
 Base
 Body
 Garnish
 Dressing
What type of salad green is
appropriate to use with mayonnaise
based dressing? (221)
What does a garnish do? (222)
 Enhances the appearance of the salad while also
complimenting the overall taste
What are the 5 main types of
salads? (224)
 Green – tossed and composed
 Bound
 Vegetables
 Fruit
 Combination
What are bound salads bound
together with? (225)
 Some type of heavy dressing such as mayonnaise
What are the cooked primary
ingredients in a bound salad? (225)
 Meat
 Poultry
 Fish
 Egg
 Potato
 Pasta
 Rice
The two types of green salads are …
 Tossed
 Composed
How should you handle garnishes
that might become soggy or
discolored? (228)
 Add them just prior to serving
 Examples include croutons or avocadoes
What are the two fruits that cannot
be added to gelatin raw or they will
not allow the gelatin to set? (232)
 Raw pineapple
 Raw papaya
Fruits such as apples and bananas
will discolor after being peeled or
cut. What do you need to do to
them to keep it from happening?
 Dip them in a combination of lemon juice and water to
keep their fresh appearance. Do not soak the fruit in
the mixture or it will ruin the flavor of the fruit.
What is a starter salad? (234)
 They are served as an appetizer to the main meal. They
are smaller in portion size and consists of light, fresh,
crisp ingredients to stimulate the appetite.
What is another name for an
accompaniment salad? (235)
 Side salad
What is an intermezzo salad?
 It is intended to be a palate cleanser after a rich dinner
and before dessert.
The proper way to store loose
greens is with dampened paper
towels and between which 2
temperatures? (237)
 36 to 41 degrees
You cannot store greens with
tomatoes or apples because they
will wilt due to what gas they emit?
 Ethylene Gas
How long at what temperature can
fresh greens be held at? (237)
How many days can unopened
produce be stored? (238)
 1 to 3 days
What is the best way to clean salad
greens? (239)
 Dip them in and out of water.
The first Chinese food introduced
in the United States is? (240)
What is vinaigrette? (244)
 The simplest form of salad dressing and is made from
oil and vinegar
What is the standard recipe for
basic vinaigrette? (244)
 3 Parts Oil
 1 Part Vinegar
What is a suspension? (244)
 A temporary mixture of ingredients that eventually
separates back into its unique parts
Foie Gras comes from what
country? (244)
Tell me about Balsamic vinegar.
 It is a special wine vinegar aged in wooden barrels for 4
to 50 years. It has a dark brown color and sweet taste.
It has a sticky consistency due to high sugar content
What is an emulsion? (245)
 A mixture of ingredients that permanently stays
What is the oil we use in class that
has a greenish color to it? (245)
 Olive Oil
Which vinegar has a neutral flavor?
What is an emulsifier? (246)
 An ingredient that can permanently bind dissimilar
ingredients, such as oil and vinegar, together on a
molecular level. Eggs are good emulsifiers.
What is the ingredient that thickens
mayonnaise? (248)
 Egg yolks
What is the most stable and thickest
emulsified dressing? (248)
 Mayonnaise
How do you make mayonnaise?
(250) 6 Steps
 Place egg yolks in an appropriate sized stainess steel
Add dry ingredients and whisk until frothy and well
Drizzle oil slowly into mixture, whisk rapidly.
As mixture thickens, slowly alternate adding small
amounts of vinegar or lemon juice and oil until all are
Check seasoning.
Serve the dressing at once or refrigerate it.
What is dip? (251)
 A hot and cold mixture that accompanies certain food
items, with the purpose of complementing or
enhancing the food’s flavor.
Tell me about Hummus. (252)
 This is made with chick peas, garlic and tahini (from
the Middle East)
What is the first thing that a person
needs to do purchasing? (288)
 Make sure that an operation has enough product to
What is the purchasing document
that describes the characteristics
of products and services that an
operation wants to buy? (288)
 Product specifications
There are many tools available to
help purchasers buy the right
amount of product. They are: (288)
 Customer count histories
 Popularity index of items sold
 Vendor delivery schedule
 Availability of items from vendors
 Recognizing outside influences that might affect an
What is the amount of funds
available to an operation at any
given time? (289)
 Cash position
What is a customer count
forecast? (289)
 This is the number of customers expected for a given
time period
According to Table 5.1, there are 3
main parts to the channel of
distribution. Please let me know
what they are and give me
examples of each
Primary Sources
 Farmers
 Ranchers
 Manufacturers
 Distillers
 Wholesalers
 Distributors
 Suppliers
 Restaurants
 School cafeterias
 Caterers
Farmers belong to what part of the
food distribution channel? (291)
 Primary Source
What is another name for capital?
 Assets
What are specialized, written price
lists created for the restaurant by a
supplier? (300)
 Bids
Please explain what a kickback is.
 Money or other goods received by a person for
purchasing from a specific vendor
Please list the 3 reasons why a
foodservice operation would
purchase ready made products?
 Consistency– A buyer knows exactly what they are
 Reduces prep time and labor costs
 Reduces the need for certain types of equipment and
storage space that might be otherwise necessary to
make something from scratch
Why would a chef conduct a make
or buy analysis? (313)
 To decide whether it makes better financial sense to
make the item from scratch or to purchase a ready
made product.
All of the items that we produce in
class are listed on what form?
 Production Sheet
List 3 elements of production
records. (314)
 Production sheets
 Daily food cost sheets
 Sales mix records
What is it called when an operation
runs out of a food? (314)
 A stockout
What is the term used for the ideal
amount of an item to have on
inventory at any given time? (316)
 Par stock
What is a legally binding written
document that details exactly what
the buyer is ordering from the
vendor? (316)
 Purchase order
In a large operation, what form
does a manager need to compete
to purchase a new refrigerator?
 Requisition form
As a product moves through the
channel of distribution, what 5
factors affect its value? (318-319)
 Time value
 Form value
 Place value
 Transportation value
 Service value
What is the process of inspecting,
accepting, and, in some cases,
rejecting deliveries of goods and
services? (326-329)
 Receiving
What are food products that are
sold or distributed in a form that
will spoil or decay within a limited
period of time? (329)
 Perishable products
What is a record of all products an
operation has in storage and in the
kitchen? (333)
 Inventory
What are the 2 common methods
for purchasing nonperishable
foods? (334)
 Physical inventory method
 Perpetual inventory method
Quality Grade of meat measures
what? (353)
 The flavor characteristics of meat products.
Yield Grades of meat measure
what? (353)
 The edible portion or usable meat
According to Table 6.1, please tell
me about the Prime grade of meat.
 This is the highest quality available for beef, veal, and
lamb. Usually found in only the finest restaurants,
hotels, and markets. A lot of marbling and a cover of
firm fat, which enables flavor and juiciness. Only a
small percentage of beef products meet this standard.
What are the 2 grades assigned by
the USDA to most meats? (353)
 Quality grade
 Yield grade
What are the first cuts the butcher
makes? (355-358)
What are primal cuts of meat?
 The primary divisions of meat produced by the initial
butchering of animal carcasses.
What is Offal meat? (359)
 Organ meat
What is Kosher meat? (360)
 Meat that is specifically slaughtered to comply with
Jewish dietary laws.
Using a mallet on meat does what
to it? (362)
 Tenderize it
What is the process of butchering
primal cuts into usable portions,
such as roasts or steaks? (364-367)
 Fabrication
What 5 factors should be
considered when purchasing meat?
 Cost
 Freshness
 Fat Content
 Equipment
 Vendors
What is marbling? (365)
 Lines of fat within the lean flesh portion of the meat.
What are the 3 dry heat methods of
cooking for cooking high quality,
tender cuts of meat? (368)
 Broiling
 Grilling
 Roasting
What do you do to strips of meat
before they are sautéed and why?
 Lightly dust them with flour and be sure to shake off
any excess flour before adding the item to the pan.
Flour helps the meat retain moisture and promotes
even browning.
How long should meat be allowed
to rest after cooking and before
slicing? (372)
 15 to 30 minutes
Why should cooked meat be given
time to rest before slicing? (372)
 This allows less juice to be lost during carving
What is the most versatile protein?
 Poultry
What are the 3 grades of poultry?
Which type of poultry meat is low
in calories and fat content and
cooks faster? (380)
 White meat
Tell me about cooking dark meat.
 It requires more time to cook.
List the 3 types of poultry
fabrication. (382)
 Disjointing
 Boning
 Cutting the bird into pieces
List the 4 reasons why you should
reject a delivery of poultry? (385)
 Color: Purple or green discoloration around the
neck: dark wing tips (red tips are acceptable)
 Texture: Stickiness: under the wings and around the
 Odor: Abnormal, unpleasant odor
 Freezer burn: Any signs of frost, ice or leakage
from the package
What is a young pigeon called?
 Squab
Please explain what it is to truss a
poultry item. (387)
 The legs and wings are tied to the bird’s body.
When roasting, why area bird’s legs
and wings tied to the bird’s body?
 So it cooks evenly and stays moist
What is a sauce with a complex
flavor? (389)
What is the highest quality grade of
seafood available? (396)
 Grade A
Seafood is divided into two major
categories. What are they? (396)
 Fin fish
 Shellfish
What is a shellfish? (397)
 Shellfish have an outer shell but no backbone and live
primarily in salt water.
What are the 3 categories of
shellfish? (397)
 Crustaceans
 Mollusks
 Cephalopods
List the 6 market forms of fin fish.
 Whole or round
 Drawn
 Dressed
 Butterfly fillet
 Fish fillet
 Steak
IQF is an acronym for what? (400)
 Individually quick frozen
What kind of food is fabricated
using techniques such as scaling,
trimming and gutting? (401)
 Fin Fish
To be acceptable, fresh fish must
meet the following 5 criteria: (402)
 Color: Bright red gills; bright shiny skin
 Texture: Firm flesh that springs back when touched
 Odor: Mild ocean or seaweed smell
 Eyes: Bright, clear and full
 Packaging: Product should be surrounded by
crushed, self-draining ice
What is the process of removing a
shrimp’s digestive tract? (402)
 Deveining
Moist heat is the best way to cook
what kind of fish? (407)
 Lean fish
What is fumet? (407)
 A rich fish stock made with wine
What is bouillabaisse? (408)
 A French seafood stew made with assorted fish and
shellfish, onions, tomatoes, white wine, olive oil,
garlic, saffron and herbs.
What is a type of fish that have no
skeletal system? (410)
Charcuterie is a French term that
refers to? (415)
 Cooked flesh
List the 3 main types of sausages.
 Fresh sausage
 Smoked or cooked sausages
 Dried or hard sausages
What does garde manger refer to?
 The department typically found in a classical brigade
system kitchen and/or the chef who is responsible for
the preparation of cold foods, including salads and
salad dressings, cold appetizers, charcuterie items and
similar dished.
Bucyrus, Ohio is the Bratwurst
capital of the world. Can you tell
me what Bratwurst is? (416-417)
 Smoked and cooked sausage
What is a mixture of lean ground
meat and fat emulsified in a food
grinder and pushed through a sieve
to create a smooth paste? (417)
 Forcemeat
What are the 2 main types of
forcemeat? (417)
 Straight forcemeat
 Country style forcemeat
What are two examples of dried or
hard sausage? (417)
 Italian Salami
 Pepperoni
What is forcemeat made of veal,
poultry or fish called? (418)
 Mousseline
A group of people, also known as
customers is called what? (434)
 Market
What is marketing? (434)
 The process of communicating a businesses message
to its market.
What are the 4 “P’s” in the
marketing concept? (436)
What are the 3 primary elements
of the contemporary marketing
mix? (436)
 Product service mix
 Presentation mix
 Communication mix
Customer trends are also known
as what? (437)
 Market trends
What is the way in which an
operation tells its customers about
its products and services? (437)
 Communication mix
Which contemporary marketing
mix consists of all the elements
that make the operation look
unique? (437)
 Presentation mix
What are the 5 steps to a successful
marketing plan? (438)
 Research the market
 Establish objectives
 Develop a market strategy
 Implement an action plan
 Evaluate/modify the action plan as needed
A SWOT analysis looks at what 4
things? (442)
 Strengths
 Weaknesses
 Opportunities
 Threats
What is the experimental method
of marketing? (448)
 An operation might try out a product for a limited time
or with a limited group of people
What is the observational method
of marketing? (448)
 This involves observing how customers react in a
natural setting towards a product
Explain the survey method of
marketing. (448)
 In this method, a marketer gathers information using
Please explain sampling. (449)
 This involves testing a product with a specific, small
group, sometimes called a focus group.
What does mass marketing do?
 Treats everyone in the market as having the same
wants and needs.
What does target marketing do?
 Treats people as different from each other and tries to
make a focused appeal to a distinct group of
What is breaking down a large
market into smaller groups of
similar individuals called? (450453)
 Market segmentation
What are demographics? (450)
 This refers to the ways in which researchers categorize
or group people.
What are the 4 ways an operation
can segment the market? (451452)
 Demographic segmentation
 Geographic segmentation
 Product usage segmentation
 Lifestyle segmentation
The main goal of target marketing
is to… (452)
 Target marketing helps you to focus your promotion
and advertising efforts on specific groups.
A promotional mix may include
some of these 5 components: (457)
 Advertising
 Sales promotion
 Personal selling
 Public relations
 Direct marketing
What is it called when an operation
pays to present or promote its
products, services or identity?
 Advertising
Radio commercials are what form
of market communication? (457)
 Advertising
Our white bread normally sells for
$2.50 a loaf. By selling it to people
who use other services in the
building, we are using what type of
market communication? (457)
 Sales promotion
What is a premium? (459)
 Free or reduced price merchandise, such as a pen or
cup that shows the name and location of the
restaurant, usually given away or sold for a reduced
price with the purchase of a food item.
What is it called when 2 or more
sponsors develop complementary
promotions or offer
complementary promotional
Materials? (461)
 Cooperative sales promotion
What is interacting with the people
in the local area to create
awareness of and trust for an
operation? (461)
 Community relations
What is a packet of information
given to media representatives to
answer potential questions about a
business or organization called?
 Press release
What is the primary sales tool in
most restaurants? (468)
 Menu
What are some examples of
promotional materials? You DO
NOT need to give definitions. (460)
Carryout and door hanger menus
Appeal and brand name merchandise
Point of Purchase materials
Merchandising materials
Direct mail
Daily Specials is an example of
what type of menu? (472)
 Du jour menu
What type of menu offers
breakfast, lunch and dinner at any
time of day? (473)
 California menu
How are most menus organized?
 In the order in which they are actually eaten
When planning a menu, what 6
things do managers and chefs need
to keep in mind? (476)
 Physical layout of the facility
 Skills of personnel
 Availability of ingredients
 Target market’s wants and needs
 Target market’s expectations
 Profit margin
What are the 2 steps in menu
creation? (476-480)
 Planning
 Design
What 2 purposes does menu
pricing serve (482-485)
 To provide information to customers
 To determine profitability
How do you calculate the cost of an
item using the food percentage
method? (483)
 Item food cost / Food cost percentage = Menu price
What are the 4 classifications that
come from menu engineering?
 Star
 Plow horse
 Puzzle
 Dog
What does it mean when a menu
item is called a star? (490)
 These items are both popular and profitable
What does it mean when a menu
item is called a puzzle? (490)
 These items are unpopular but very profitable.
What does it mean when a menu
item is called a dog? (491)
 These items are unpopular and unprofitable.
What is it when a menu item is
referred to as a plow horse? (490)
 These items are popular but less profitable.
desserts & bakery
Shortenings and fats do what for
baked goods? (504)
 Fats make baked goods moist, add flavor and keep
baked items fresh longer.
What kind of flour would you use
to make pasta? (505)
 Semolina
What kind of flour has the least
amount of gluten? (505)
 Cake flour
This is the process that occurs
when sugar is heated in bakery
products. (505)
 The sugar will turn a light brown color.
This is a mixture of baking soda
and an acid added with an inactive
material such as starch. (506)
 Baking powder
Standardized recipes for bakery
products are called what? (508)
 Formulas
What kind of ingredient makes
dough or batters rise while baking?
 Leavener
In baking, flour is what percentage
of the formula? (508)
 100%
What does sifting do? (509)
 Sifting adds air to flour, cocoa, and confectioners sugar.
Sifting also removes lumps and filters out impurities
What are the 2 categories of yeast
breads? (514)
 Lean dough
 Rich dough
Lean dough is made with what 4
ingredients? (514)
 Flour
 Yeast
 Water
 Salt
What is made from lean dough?
 French bread
 Hard rolls
Why do we knead bread dough?
 It is important because it develops the gluten
What are the 2 primary methods
used to make yeast breads? (515516)
 Straight dough method
 Sponge method
Sourdough is made with a starter.
What ingredients are in a starter
and how is it made? (516)
 Water
 Yeast
 All purpose flour
 These items are combined and fermented (usually
overnight) until it has a sour smell.
What is proof? (516)
 Rise for a second time
What are the 10 steps in making
yeast bread? (518)
Scale ingredients
Mix and knead ingredients
Punch down the dough
Cooling and storing
What are the 4 methods for
preparing quick bread and cake?
 Creaming
 Foaming
 Straight Dough
 Two Stage
Which method for preparing quick
bread and batter mixes fat and
sugar together to produce a very
fine crumb and a dense, rich
texture? (525)
 Creaming method
Which method is used to prepare
angel food cakes and chiffon cakes?
 Foaming method
What is the protective coating on a
cake called? (526)
 Icing or Frosting
What are the 7 types of icing?
 Buttercream
 Foam
 Fondant
 Fudge
 Ganache
 Glaze
 Royal Icing
Which type of icing has a shiny,
nonsticky coating when dried?
 Fondant
Why are steamed puddings more
stable than dessert soufflés? (528529)
 Because of the greater percentage of egg and sugar in
the batter
When making 3-2-1 pie dough, it
is… (533)
 3 Parts Flour
 2 Parts Shortening
 1 Part Water
What is the process of preparing
prebaked pie shells called? (535)
 Blind baking
What kind of dough do you use to
make baklava? (537)
 Phyllo
What are the 7 types of cookies?
 Bagged
 Bar
 Dropped
 Icebox
 Molded
 Rolled
 Sheet
Which type of cookies are
ladyfingers and tea fingers? (539)
 Bagged
What is the basis of all cocoa
products? (544)
 Nibs
What is the white coating that
sometimes appears on the surface
of chocolate? (546)
 Bloom
What is the best way to store
chocolate? (546)
 In a cool, dry, well ventilated area.
Why is chocolate tempered? (547548)
 So that the chocolate will melt evenly
What piece of equipment is used to
melt chocolate? (547-548)
 Double boiler
What is the fruit sauce made from
fresh berries or other fruits? (555)
 Coulis
What is custard like pudding? (555)
What ingredients do you use to
make Bavarian cream? (557)
 Vanilla sauce
 Gelatin
 Whipped Cream
When was the Environmental
Protection Agency started? (575)
 1970
What is the mission of the EPA?
 Their mission is to protect human health and the
Please define sustainability. (575)
 The practices that meet current resource needs
without compromising the ability to meet future
What percentage of the United
States relies on groundwater for its
public supply to household and
businesses? (575)
 40%
How many gallons of fresh water
are used every day in the United
States? (577)
 345 billion
What is the appropriate
temperature for handwashing?
 110 degrees
How does sink aerators help to
conserve water? (580)
 By adding air to a water flow
Please define fossil fuels and give
some examples. (586)
 Fossil fuels are fuels that are formed from plant or
animal remains buried deep in the earth. Examples of
fossil fuels include natural gas, coal, propane and
What are the 5 types of renewable
energy? (587)
Water (hydropower)
Geothermal – Using the heat inside the earth. People can
use the steam and hot water produced inside the earth to
heat buildings or generate electricity.
 Biomass – Biomass contains stored energy from the sun
through photosynthesis. Examples include wood, crops,
manure and some types or garbage.
What area of the restaurant uses the
most energy? (589)
 Cooking Equipment
What is a brownfield site? (595596)
 A previously abandoned industrial site that, once
cleaned up, can be repurposed for commercial
business use.
In the United Sates, the average
person uses how many pounds of
paper per year? (601)
 580 pounds
What is repurposed food? (602)
 This is food that customers did not eat, but the back of
the house staff prepared, cooked, cooled and held
safely. Most of the time, repurposed food was
prepared in advance for customers but not sold.
Name 2 ways in which an
operation can reuse food that was
prepared but not sold. (602)
 Serve the food in its original format
 Repurpose food into another format
 Donate food to local rescue programs
What 3 types of efforts can help an
operation to reduce total waste?
 Reducing
 Reusing
 Recycling
How does single stream recycling
work in an operation? (608)
 Recyclable items all go into one waste bin, rather than
being separated, and a recycling sorts them later.
What is composting? (609)
 A natural form of recycling that occurs when organic
materials decompose (or Composts) to form organic
What kinds of materials are
desirable for composting? (609)
 Food leftovers
 Yard trimmings
What is meant by the concept of
food miles? (615)
 The amount of miles it takes to grow, process, package
and sell.
How many pounds of shrimp are
consumed on average per person in
the United States? (617)
 4.10 Pounds
What is bycatch? (618)
 Catching fish other than those that were targeted.
What is the term used when
seafood species are caught at a
faster rate than they can reproduce
 Overfishing
What is aquaculture? (619)
 The production of seafood under controlled
What are fish farms that use a
natural body of water to produce
the fish? (621)
 Open system
What is the difference between sun
grown and shade grown coffee?
 Shade grown coffee is more expensive.
What are organic foods? (626)
 Foods that have not been produced with the use of
pesticides or synthetic fertilizers.
What are the items that you would
find in a New England boiled
dinner? (639)
 Corned beef brisket
 Boiled potatoes
 Cabbage
 Onions
 Carrots
 Parsnips
Please describe New England clam
chowder. (640)
 A thick clam soup, creamy, white and mild.
Which group of people arrived in
the Midwest in the 1700s and
introduced the tradition of serving
meals family style? (642-643)
 Germans
Midwestern foods are from the
central part of the country and are
sometimes called by 2 names. (643)
 Meat and potatoes OR
 Comfort foods
What type of cooking originated in
southern Louisiana? (646)
 Cajun
Please give me example of 2 Cajun
dished. Name them and describe
them. (647)
 Jambalaya – A spicy rice dish with chicken,
Andouille sausage, shrimp, catfish, trinity, other
vegetables, herbs, broth and seasonings.
 Andouille – A pork sausage with a strong, smoky,
garlicky taste.
 Gumbo – A hearty soup with trinity and shrimp,
thickened with brown roux containing okra and a
thickener made from fried sassafras leaves.
What is the trinity used for Cajun
and Creole cooking? (646)
 Celery
 Onion
 Green bell peppers
What is the cuisine that began by
blending French grand cuisine
principles with the cooking
techniques of enslaved Africans?
 Creole
What does GMO mean? (648)
 Genetically modified organism
What is a signature dish from the
Southwest whose name means
sauce in Spanish? (650)
 Salsa
What is the difference between
Tex-Mex and Cal-Mex
Southwestern foods? (650)
 In Cal-Mex, meats are shredded, while in Tex-Mex the
meats are generally ground.
Barbecue is common in this region
of the United States… (651)
 Southwestern
In what region did barbeque
originate? (651-652)
 Caribbean
What style of cooking and
presenting food combines the
ingredients and techniques of
Asian and West Coast cuisine?
 Fusion cuisine
What are the 2 primary flavors of
Mexico? (655)
 Spicy hot
 Earthy
What is masa and how is it made?
 Corn that is chemically treated with alkali to remove
the husks and create acorn meal.
Mexican cuisine derives from what
2 cultures? (656)
 Aztec
 Mayan
In Mexican cooking, what are
comales typically used for? (656)
 To make tortillas
What is mole? (657)
 It is a sauce or mixture and can sometimes be used as a
suffix on words to describe the sauce.
What is Curtido? (664)
 A typical Central American relish that is made from
cabbage, onions and carrots in vinegar. It originated
in El Salvador.
What is Gallo pinto? (664)
 It is a mix of white rice and black beans, cooked
separately and then fried together in coconut oil. The
blend of color makes it look similar to the markings on
a local variety of hen.
What part of the United States has
Asian fusion flavors? (652)
 Pacific Rim/Coast
What two countries influence
Brazilian foods? (674-688)
Brazilian cuisine was influenced by
what other country? (676)
 Portugal
What tropic fruit is a staple of
Brazilian cuisine? (678)
 Banana
In Jamaica, what is the name of the
dry spice rub that is common for
their country? (668-669)
 Jerk spice
Name 2 ways in which sofrito is
commonly used. (670)
 Serves as a foundation of soups or stews
 Flavors basic rice or beans
What is a citrus and fish mixture
common to most of the Latin
American coastal regions and is a
signature dish in Peru? (691)
 Ceviche
What is the name of the French
dish made from engorged duck
liver? (698)
 Foie gras
What are the 2 major cooking fats
of Italy? (699)
 Butter
 Olive oil
Which European country is home
to the mother sauces? (699)
 France
This country’s food has been
characterized as la cucina povera,
the cuisine of poverty. (701)
 Italy
Which Italian city is the birthplace
of pizza? (702)
 Naples
Couscous is the national dish of
which country? (713)
 Morocco
What type of food is commonly
eaten in Morocco? (713)
What are the 2 most important
flavoring agents used in Greek
cuisine? (715)
 Olive oil
 Lemon juice
What is a popular Tunisian salad,
made of roasted peppers and
tomatoes and garnished with tuna
and hard-boiled egg called? (719)
 Salade compose
Ful medames is the national dish of
which country? (727)
 Egypt
List the 3 major types of rice
cookery practiced in Iran. (730)
 Chelow
 Ketteh
 Damy
What are the 2 signature cooking
methods of Moroccan cuisine?
 Tagines
 Couscoussieres
What is tagine? (713)
 It is a meat stew that originated in Morocco.
 It is also the word used for the earthenware or metal
cooking vessel used to make the stew.
What are the 2 extremely popular
seasonings used in Saudi Arabia?
 Baharat
 Loomi
Who were the first people known
to control the use of fire and apply
it to cooking? (738)
 Chinese
Chinese cuisine is based on which
philosophy? (738)
 Tao
What is velveting in Chinese
cooking? (740)
 Coat prepared meats with cornstarch and egg whites
before stir frying to retain moisture and improve sauce
What is the Chinese cooking
technique that is a long, slow
braising in a mixture of soy sauce
and water? (740)
 Red cooking
What is the Chinese cuisine that is
known for its hot and spicy dished?
 Szechwan-Hunan
What is masala? (748)
 A spice mixture that preparers grind and fry before
they add them to dishes
What is the Indian technique of
scattering dry, whole, or ground
spices into hot oil or ghee until
they pop, flavoring the oil? (750)
 Tarka
How long coffee should be brewed
for best quality? (814)