Transcript Slide 1

drug (n): countable]
1. an illegal substance such as marijuana or cocaine, which
some people take in order to feel happy, relaxed, or excited
-A lot of young people start taking drugs at school.
-One third of America's thirteen-year-olds use drugs.
-I don't drink, and I don't do drugs.
-She always looks as though she's on drugs.
-All the band experimented with drugs, particularly LSD.
-Parents should talk openly to their children about the dangers
of drug abuse.
-Jimi Hendrix died of a drug overdose.
drug (n): countable
2- a medicine, or a substance for making medicines
-a drug used in the treatment of cancer
drug for
-new drugs for AIDS-related conditions
-Drugs prescribed (=ordered for people) by doctors can be
extremely hazardous if used in the wrong way.
-The big drug companies make huge profits.
drug (n): countable]
3. a substance that people doing a sport sometimes take
illegally to improve their performance
-She was banned from the Olympics after failing a drug test
(=a test that shows if you have taken drugs).
performance-enhancing drugs
alcohol/drug abuse (=the practice of drinking too much or
taking illegal drugs)
lifesaving surgery/treatment/drugs etc
drug (n):
hard drugs [plural] very strong illegal drugs such as heroin and
soft drug [countable] an illegal drug such marijuana that is not
considered to be very harmful
drug addict [countable]: someone who cannot stop taking
illegal drugs