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CTN Design & Analysis Workshop
Handling Missing Data in the
Analysis of CTN Trials:
Pitfalls and Possible Solutions
Neal Oden, PhD, DSC2-EMMES
Gaurav Sharma, PhD, DSC2-EMMES
Paul Van Veldhuisen, PhD, DSC2-EMMES
Paul Wakim, PhD, CCTN, NIDA
15 March 2011
Today’s Workshop
The problem
Types of missing data
Analysis methods
Case study
Open discussion
Missing Data
Information within a trial that is meaningful
for analysis but not collected
 Focus
here mostly on primary outcome data,
but relevant to missing secondary outcomes
and covariates too
Missing Data
 Balances
treatment groups for known and
unknown factors
 Lose
benefits if there is drop-out, as groups at
outcome may not have been similar at baseline
Intention-to-treat principle
 Violates
principle if not all participants
contribute to the primary analysis
Missing Data
If missing unrelated to assigned treatment
 Reduces
statistical power
If missing related to assigned treatment or
to outcome
 Biases
the estimate of the treatment effect
Causes of Missing Data
Due to discontinuation of study treatment
Outcomes undefined for some participants
 QOL measures after death
 Quantitative drug use hair analysis in
individuals without hair
 Test fails/specimen lost
 Related to health status/drug use
 Unrelated to health status/drug use (e.g.,
Continuing Data Collection
for “Drop-Outs”
Distinction between
Premature end of treatment
End of study
Does collecting data after premature end
of treatment make sense?
Preserves intention-to-treat approach
Many CTN trials are pragmatic trials
 NOT “Does treatment work if perfectly
 “Is this a good treatment strategy or
 “What happens once treatment starts or is
Delivery of medicine deals with people in the
real world
100% efficacious cure for stimulant use is
useless for public health if nobody can stand it.
Strive to collect complete data for primary
outcome on ALL participants, even in those
who do not complete intervention
 Too
much missing data - > no way result will be
believable no matter how sophisticated the
statistical method
Why Do We Like It?
Weight loss diet
People on the effective arm lose weight
and stay in the study
Some on the ineffective arm get
discouraged and quit
If we analyzed only the people who stayed
in the trial, the ineffective arm would look
too good
Approaches to Missing Data
Design and conduct of clinical trial that
minimizes missing data
 May
require trade-offs with
Apply analysis methods that use
information in observed data to help
analyze primary outcome data in the
presence of missing data
An ounce of
prevention is
worth a pound
of cure
B. Franklin
Minimize Missing Data in…..
Trial Design
Flexible dose
Target population
Allow rescue therapy for poor responders
Define primary outcomes that are highly
Minimize participant burden/reduce follow-up
 Number
of visits/assessments
Minimize Missing Data in…...
Trial Conduct
Explain importance of trial participation
during consent process
Emphasize to staff importance of maintaining
follow-up even when treatment is refused
 For
participants, need to ensure level is not
viewed as coercive
Minimize Missing Data in…...
Trial Conduct
Expression of thanks
 Written/verbal
Assistance with travel
Reminders before visits
Welcoming staff/friendly environment
Keep locator information current
Monitor and report to investigators extent
of missing data
Availability of Primary Outcome:
Percent of Measures with Values
(N=29 trials)
CTN Study
What’s the big deal?
We need N = 400 (based on power analysis)
But we expect 20% missing
So we set the initial N = 500
So that the final (analyzed) N = 400
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Technical terms that we can’t escape…
Missing at random (MAR)
Missing completely at random (MCAR)
Missing not at random (MNAR)
… but what do they mean?
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Missing Completely at Random (MCAR)
(Non-technical) Definition:
The fact that Y is missing has nothing to do with the
unobserved value of Y, or with other variables
The set of participants with complete data can be
regarded as a simple random (or representative)
sample of all participants
What to do?
Ignore the missing data and analyze the available data
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Missing at Random (MAR)
(Non-technical) Definition:
The fact that Y is missing can be explained by other
observed values of Y, or by other measured variables
The observed data can be used to account for the
missing data
What to do?
Use Maximum Likelihood or Multiple Imputation
approach, and include in the model the other
measured variables that explain missingness
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Missing Not at Random (MNAR)
(Non-technical) Definition:
The fact that Y is missing cannot be explained by
other observed values of Y, or by other measured
The observed data cannot be used to account for
the missing data; and outside information is needed
In simple English:
We have a problem
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In Summary…
(i.e. whether the data are missing or not)
is related to
is not related to
observed or
unobserved data
observed data
unobserved data
unobserved data
Based on Graham 2009
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Bottom Line
MCAR: No big deal
Use available collected data to
“explain” missing mechanism, and
use existing statistical methods
MNAR: Need outside information to
“explain” missing mechanism
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Ignorable & Non-Ignorable
(roughly speaking)
Ignorable (available data are sufficient):
• Missing Completely At Random (MCAR)
• Missing At Random (MAR)
Non-Ignorable (need outside information):
• Missing Not At Random (MNAR)
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Missing Data Analysis
Complete Case and Pairwise Deletion
(Correlation Illustration)
Simple, Default in Statistical Software
 Potential loss of info and precision
 Biased when observation is not MCAR
Single Imputation
Impute a single value, i.e. mean, BOCF, LOCF,
imputing missing as positive…
Simple, artificially increases sample size
 Underestimate SE and incorrect p-values
 Most SI methods require MCAR assumptions to
hold, while some, such as LOCF, even require very
strong and often unrealistic assumptions
Multiple Imputation (MI)
Observed Data
1 2…m
A simulation based approach to missing data
The General Idea
Incomplete Data
Imputed Data
Analysis Results
Final Results
The imputation model should include primary
predictive variables and other variables
associated with missingness
Multiple Imputation method is robust even with
approximate imputation models
(2) ANALYSIS Models
Regression Model
General Linear Model
Generalized Linear Model (Logistic Regression,
Poisson Regression)
(3) Rules for POOLING
Estimate 1
Variance 1
Estimate 2
Variance 2
Estimate …
Variance 3
Estimate ‘m’
Variance ‘m’
Mean of Estimate
Within Variance + Between Variance
Total Variance
Confidence Interval for Parameter of Interest is given by
Mean of Estimate + tdf √(Total Variance)
Desirable Features
MI gives approximately unbiased estimates of all
MI provides good estimates of the standard
MI can be used with many kinds of data and
analyses without specialized software
Requires MAR assumption
Maximum likelihood
Basic idea
Given some data,
 Try to guess the parameter(s) of the probability
distribution that generated the data
 MLE of a parameter is the value that maximizes the
probability of the data you already have
Flip a coin, get 45 heads, 36 tails
We don’t know p, but whatever it is:
Pr(45 H in 81 tosses) = K p45(1-p)36
How to guess p?
Pick the value of p that maximizes the probability of
what already happened
 Pick p to maximize L = p45(1-p)36
 Best guess turns out to be 45/81
Maximum likelihood estimates
have nice properties
 Unbiased
 minimum variance
New problem
H = 45
T = 36
? = 19
Now how to guess p?
If we knew how many missing were H and how
many T, we would know what to do.
 But we don’t.
 What to do?
A solution
 If
data are MAR,
 you can get MLE’s by
 maximizing
the (conditional) likelihood
for the nonmissing data
 ignoring the missing data mechanism.
Important Application
Longitudinal analysis
Participant 1, visit 1, 2, 3, …
 Participant 2, visit 1, 2, 3, …
For each visit, y = a + b1 x1 + b2 x2 + …
First approach:
Treat all visits as independent
 Do the regression on all visits together
 Wrong, because visits from a single participant are
related, not independent
Important Application (cont’d)
Second approach
The visits from a single participant have covariance
Use a mixed model
It used to be that you had to have all visits nonmissing
for this analysis
But modern software (SAS MIXED, GLIMMIX)
ignores the missing-data mechanism and gets MLE’s
from only the nonmissing data, even if some visits are
If data are MAR, this is fine!
Modern longitudinal ML software
uses more data
Neither old nor
new method can
use this visit
Older CC analysis
would use only
these cases
Complete visit
Incomplete visit
Another application
Survival analysis
Example: time to relapse
 For some people, you have the time
 For others, you don’t because
Study ended
 People died
 People dropped out
 etc.
 People without relapse times are said to be
Another application (cont’d)
For censored people, you don’t know the relapse time, but you
know it is after the censor time
Survival analysis handles censored data, but
You have to make the assumption that censoring is
If people drop out because they know they are going to relapse
the next day, the censoring is informative.
Informative censoring gives biased survival time estimates
The “noninformative censoring” assumption is basically an MAR
What if data are not MAR?
When the missing data are nonignorable (i.e.,
MNAR), standard statistical models can yield
badly biased results
Cannot test MAR versus MNAR
Sensitivity Analysis
The missing data mechanism is not
identifiable from observed data
 We don’t know what we don’t know
 One or more analyses can be performed
using different assumptions
 Example:
Worst Case Analysis
(won’t work with a lot of missing data)
Goals of Sensitivity Analysis
Consider a range of potential associations
between missingness and response
Assess the degree to which conclusion can be
influenced by the missingness mechanism
If the conclusion is largely unchanged the result may
be considered robust
 Otherwise, the conclusion should be interpreted
cautiously and may be misleading
MNAR models
Use of non-ignorable models can be helpful in
conducting a sensitivity analysis
Not necessarily a good idea to rely on a single
MNAR model, because the assumptions about
the missing data are impossible to assess with
the observed data
One should use MNAR models sensibly,
possibly examining several types of such models
for a given dataset
Two general classes of MNAR
Selection Models – use model for the full data
response and a selection mechanism
Pattern Mixture Models – use mixture of
missing data pattern information in the model
Case Study:
CTN0010 - BUP for Adolescents
Two groups:
Bup/Nal detoxification over 2 weeks
Bup/Nal maintenance over 12 weeks
N (analyzed) = 152
at 6 community treatment programs
Main outcome measure: Opioid-positive urine
test result at weeks 4, 8 & 12
Evaluation: weekly for 12 weeks,
comprehensive at 4, 8, 12, 24, 36 & 52 weeks
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Woody, JAMA 2008
Missingness in CTN0010
(from Paul Allison’s analysis)
20 participants had missing outcome for all 12 weeks
(effective sample size = N – 20)
Available Data (after removing the 20 cases)
10 11 12
90 74 60 78 48 45 44 69 40 37 37 67
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Paul Allison’s Analysis
• Included in the model each of Weeks 1 to 12
• Used Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)
and Multiple Imputation (MI) approaches
(MLE is preferred over MI)
• Used random effects (mixed) logit model
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Take-Home Messages
1) Model all the available outcome data at all time
points, including outcome at baseline (t=0), and then
test the time points (contrasts) of interest
2) There are good data analytic methods for dealing with
missing data in repeated-measures designs (under
MAR assumption): use random effects (mixed) models
estimated by maximum likelihood
3) Allow for a linear and quadratic time trend (saves
degrees of freedom), or spline model (broken line)
4) If no time-related pattern, use time as a class variable,
i.e. each time point is a category (not continuous)
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Take-Home Messages (cont’d)
5) Imputing missing outcomes as positive is a
crude approach – one can often do better
6) Incorporation of covariates and auxiliary
7) Sensitivity analysis is absolutely vital
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Allison, Missing Data, Sage University Papers Series on Quantitative
Applications in the Social Sciences, 07-136, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2001.
Fitzmaurice, Laird & Ware, Applied Longitudinal Analysis, Wiley, 2004.
Graham, Missing Data Analysis: Making It Work in the Real World, Annual
Review of Psychology, 2009, 60: 549-576.
Liang & Zeger, Longitudinal Data Analysis of Continuous and Discrete
Responses for Pre-Post Designs, Sankhya, 2000, 62(B): 134-148.
Weiss, An Introduction to Modeling Longitudinal Data, presentation at
UCLA CALDAR Summer Institute on Longitudinal Research, August 2010.
Woody et al., Extended vs Short-term Buprenorphine-Naloxone for
Treatment of Opioid-Addicted Youth: A Randomized Trial, JAMA, 2008,
300(17): 2003-2011.
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Contact Information
Neal Oden: [email protected]
Gaurav Sharma: [email protected]
Paul Van Veldhuisen: [email protected]
Paul Wakim: [email protected]
National Institute on Drug Abuse ─ National Institutes of Health ─ U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Questions & Comments
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