Transcript Drugs

Lenka Ruprichová
Marie Turková
Cocaine (snow,rock,crack,base)
• Cocaine is a white
powder made from
the leaves of the
Andean coca shrub.
It´s an alkaloid.
Because of its cost,
it´s generally
considered to be a
drug of the rich.
Poppy (heroin)
Heroin (smack, junk, h, skag)
• Heroin is a strong
narcotic drug made
from morphine which
is a drug made from
Heroin is obtained
from poppy seeds,
used to relieve pain or
to help people sleep.
Ecstasy (MDMA=3,4-methylendioxyamfetamine )
• Ecstasy, mainly known as E, comes in tablets or
different coloured capsules.
Taken in larger amounts, Ecstasy can cause
feeling of anxiety or confusion, even paranoia.
• LSD (also known as acid) stands for
lysergic acid diethylamide.
Is a drug taken for its strong action
in producing hallucinations and altered perceptions.
Magic mushroom
• There are several
types of wild
mushroom which can
produce dreams or
A magic mushroom
trip is rather like one
on LSD.