Transcript Document

Biologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate
Health Products and Food Branch
Helping Canadians maintain and improve their health.
Agnes Klein
Clinical Evaluation
February 6, 2003
The mandate of the Health Products and Food Branch through an
integrated approach to the management of the risks and benefits to
health related products and food by:
Minimizing health risk factors to Canadians while maximizing the
safety provided by the regulatory system for health products and
food; and,
Promoting conditions that enable Canadians to make healthy choices
and providing information so that they can make informed decisions
about their health.
Assistant Deputy
Diane C. Gorman
Senior Director
Janet King
Therapeutic Products
Director General
Robert Peterson
Biologics and
Genetic Therapies
A/Director General
Julia Hill
Natural Health
Products Directorate
Director General
Philip Waddington
Health Products and
Food Branch
Director General
Jean Lambert
Office of Regulatory
and International
Director General
Elizabeth Nielsen
Office of
Biotechnology and
Director General
Pierre Charest
Food Directorate
Director General
Karen Dodds
Veterinary Drugs
Director General
Diane C. Kirkpatrick
Office of Nutrition
Policy and
A/Director General
Mary Bush
Marketed Health
Products Directorate
Director General
A/Chris Turner
Policy and Strategic
Planning Directorate
A/Director General
Janet Pronk
Health Products and
Food Litigation
Director General
Susan Padmos
Office of Consumer and
Public Involvement
Director General
Roger Farley
• The mandate of the Biologics and Genetic
Therapies Directorate will be derive directly
from the Branch’s mandate, but specifically
applies to those products for which the
Directorate is responsible: biologics, genetic
therapies and radiopharmaceuticals
We will be recognized nationally and internationally as the Canadian regulatory
authority for the management of the benefits and risks of biologics and
radiopharmaceuticals for human use.
We will generate, develop and share new knowledge, independently and through
partnerships, in order to advance the understanding and promotion of health, and
the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness.
We will proactively address new scientific issues and regulatory challenges, always
keeping in mind our mandate and our link to public health, and continuously
improving service to the people of Canada.
We will build a shared sense of purpose and direction which is understood by all
employees; a culture based on trust and respect; and a working environment which
allows us all to work productively and harmoniously
A /D ire c to r G e n e ra l
J u lia H ill
A s s o c ia te D ire c to r
G e n e ra l
A d m in is tra tio n S e rv ic e s
D r. E lw y n G riffith s
C e n tre fo r P o lic y & R e g u la to ry A ffa irs
D ire c to r, L a u ra R e in h a rd
B lo o d E s ta b lis h m e n t
R e g u la tio n D iv is io n
P o lic y a n d P ro m o tio n
D iv is io n
O ffic e o f S tra te g ic & O p e ra tio n a l P la n n in g
R is k Is s u e s M a n a g e r
O ffic e o f Q u a lity M a n a g e m e n t
S u b m is s io n M a n a g e m e n t D iv is io n
In c lu d in g O S E S c h e d u lin g
C e n tre fo r B io lo g ic s R e s e a rc h
D ire c to r, D r. A lla n J . M o rtim e r
B io lo g ic s & R a d io p h a rm a c e u tic a ls
E v a lu a tio n C e n tre
C e llu la r & M o le c u la r
B io lo g y D iv is io n
B io th e ra p e u tic s D iv is io n
V a c c in e s D iv is io n
C lin ic a l E v a lu a tio n
D iv is io n
B lo o d , T is s u e s a n d
O rg a n s D iv is io n
B io m o le c u la r a n d S tru c tu ra l
C h e m is try D iv is io n
A few comments
• Current Issues
– Blood safety and sufficiency
– Timely evaluation and
decisions on products
• Priority Reviews
• Preventative vaccines
– Regulatory frameworks
• Blood
• Tissues
• Organs and Xenografts
• Speech from the Throne
– Renewal of Health
Protection Legislation
– Speed up regulatory
process for drug review
and approvals
– Smart regulation strategy
Product areas:
-Blood products
-Blood establishments
-Biotherapeutic products
Activity areas:
-Product Evaluation: pre
and post approval
-Policy and Regulations
-Research and Method
Funded through tax dollars and fee
for service
-Organs, tissues
Product Evaluation:
-Clinical trial review, projects for biological and radiopharmaceutical
-Pre- and post-market review services
-Pre- and post-market laboratory support
Policy and Regulations:
-Regulatory Frameworks for Blood and Blood components,
Cells, Tissues and Organs, and Xenografts
-Orgnan and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Policy and
-Standards ( In collaborarion with CSA)
-Public involvement
-Promotion of informed use of our products
-Maintain and enhance research capacity
-Enhance expertise in biotechnology
-Integrate genomics and proteomics approaches to research on
safety and efficacy
Food and Drugs Act and Regulations
• Food and Drugs Act and Regulations as part of the
Criminal Code: it is antifraud legislation
• Definition of a Drug
• Definition of a New Drug
• General Regulatory Requirements
– Safety Efficacy and Quality
• Authority to sell a drug
• Adequate Directions for use
• Clinical Trial Regulations are an exception to all of the