Tobacco, Alcohol & Drugs

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Transcript Tobacco, Alcohol & Drugs

The effects and consequences of
• How many can you and your partner come up with? Turn and
talk. Discuss
• Nicotine is a highly addictive drug found in all tobacco
• It enters the blood stream and reaches the brain, as soon as the
product is inhaled or chewed.
• Carbon monoxide is a gas that makes it hard for the blood to
carry oxygen and tar is a sticky substance that can coat the
airways and can cause cancer.
• Early and long Term Effects of Smoking:
Hair, skin, clothes smell like smoke
Nausea and dizziness
Chronic bronchitis
• What do you think would be some of the social and emotional
health effects of a teen who smokes? An adult? (think, write,
• Cancer is a disease in which damaged cells grow out of control
and destroy healthy tissue.
• All tobacco products contain cancer-causing chemicals.
• Smoking causes about 30 percent of all cancer deaths.
• Chronic bronchitis is a disease in which the lining of the airways
becomes very swollen and irritated.
• Emphysema is a disease in which the tiny air sacs and walls of
the lungs are destroyed. The damage is permanent-holes in the
air sacs do not heal.
• Diseases of the circulatory system
• Including: heart disease, chronic high blood pressure and strokes
• Each year, smoking-related cardiovascular diseases cause
about 135,000 deaths in the US. 46,000 nonsmokers who were
exposed to second hand smoke.
• Smoking causes the heart to work harder
• Chemicals from tobacco products decrease the amount of
oxygen in the blood
• Smoking constricts, or tightens, the blood vessels.
• Let’s test constructed blood vessels – page 346.
• The process of the body getting used to a drug is called
• People with nicotine tolerance need more tobacco in order to
feel its effects.
• List as many reasons why you think someone starts to smoke?
(write, turn and talk). Share out….
• Your central nervous system includes your:
A. arms and legs
B. stomach and urinary tract
C. brain and spinal cord
D. digestive and reproductive systems
• Which is NOT an effect of drinking alcohol?
A. relaxed, clear thinking
B. loss of coordination
C. Poor concentration
D. blurred vision
• The human brain is usually fully mature by
A. birth
B. early childhood
C. puberty
D. adulthood
• How much alcohol can a teen drink and still legally drive?
A. one beer
B. two beers
C. one glass of wine
D. none
• The degree of alcohol intoxication is accurately measure by
A. the amount of alcohol in the beverages you’ve drunk.
B. the percentage of alcohol in your blood
C. the number of hours you’ve been drinking
D. the number of drinks you’ve had in one sitting
• Which of the following statements about alcoholism is NOT
A. it is curable
B. it is treatable
C. it is a disease
D. it is lifelong
• List as many different types of alcohol products you can think
of. (reflect, write, share)
• What do you know about alcohol?
• What questions do you have about alcohol?
• Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream and is carried to
every part of your body.
• Alcohol acts as a poison or drug in your body.
• Alcohol mainly effects your brain and central nervous system.
• Consists of the brain and spinal cord.
• Controls speech, thinking, memory, judgment, learning, emotions,
breathing, senses, and movement.
• Alcohol is a depressant that slows body functioning.
• Blood alcohol concentration is the amount of alcohol in the
• The liver changes the alcohol into waste products, water and
carbon dioxide.
• The liver can only process 2/3 of an ounce of liquor or 8 ounces
of beer per hour.
• Intoxication is the physical and mental changes produced by
drinking alcohol
• Alcohol poisoning is the damage to physical health caused by
drinking too much alcohol. It is a drug overdoes, and it can be
• Cirrhosis is a deadly disease that replaces healthy liver tissue
with useless scar tissue.
• Result of long term exposure to alcohol.
• Alcohol tolerance is a condition in which a person needs more of
a drug to feel the original effects.
• Fetal alcohol syndrome includes a whole list of defects that may
harm the fetus.
• Mental retardation
• Organ abnormalities
• Learning and behavioral problems
Many adults have a drink or two and can be okay.
People who drink too much often act very differently
Alcohol in your brain reduces your fear of certain behaviors.
Alcohol makes you less likely to recognize risks or dangerous
• Alcohol increases the chances that a person will become
involved in violence
• Reaction time is the amount of time from the instant your brain
detects an external stimulus until the moment your respond
• A driver who has consumed alcohol cannot respond to
dangerous situations on time, or at all
• Internal vs. external
• Why do teens try alcohol (turn and talk) share out
• What are the external pressures that cause teens to drink (turn and talk)
share out.
• Which of the following statements gives the correct relationship
between drugs and medicine?
A. a drug is a type of medicine
B. a medicine is not a drug
C. all drugs can be used as medicines
D. some drugs can be sued as medicines
• Which statement about prescription drugs is NOT true?
A. you need a doctors approval to use prescription drugs.
B. prescription drugs should never be shared with another person
C. people can’t get addicted to prescription drugs
D. prescription drugs are usually stronger than over the counter drugs
• When a person’s body needs a drug in order to function
properly the person has a
A. physical dependence
B. side effect
C. drug prescription
D. hallucination
• Heroin is a kind of
A. stimulant
B. depressant
C. opiate
D. hallucinogen
• Which of the following is a good reason to avoid drugs?
A. to stay healthy
B. to stay out of trouble
C. to save money
D. all of the above
• A good person to ask for help with a drug problem is
A. teacher
B. school counselor
C. parent or guardian
D. all of the above
• Write down the names of 5 drugs and the effects those drugs
have on the body.
• What are some medicines you take when you are ill? What
does the medicine do to help your body?
• What are some illegal drugs people take and why do you think
people take those drugs?
• A drug is any chemical substance that causes a change in a
person’s physical or psychological state.
• Medicine is any drug that is used to cure, prevent, or treat
illness or discomfort.
• Drug addiction is the uncontrollable use of a drug.
• What is a stimulant and how does it make you feel? (turn and
talk) share out….
• Activity
• Get your resting heart rate. Count your heart beat for 15 seconds,
multiply by 4.
• Now let’s do it again, and this time do 20 jumping jacks, fast or slow, count
your heart beat for 15 seconds multiply by 4.
• The most widely abused illegal stimulants
• Cocaine is produced from a coca plant
• Crack cocaine have more intense but shorter lasting effects
• Immediately raises the heart rate and blood pressure
• Very powerful stimulant
• Synthetic – which means it is man made in a “lab”
• Causes sever damage to the body
Depressants are any drugs that decreases activity in the body
Causes your breathing and heart rate to slow down
Very dangers and addictive
An overdoes could cause coma, brain damage or death
Types of depressants are:
• Tranquilizers, barbiturates, hypnotics,
• Maybe the most popular drug of abuse
• Marijuana is the dried flowers and leaves of the Cannabis
• Causes varying effects on a person
• Stimulant like effects to depressant like effects
• Mild euphoria, distortion of time and distance
• Reduced energy and coordination
• Opiates – produced from the milk of the opium poppy
• Heroin
• Prescription opiates
• Hallucinogen is any drug that causes a person to hallucinate
• Flashback is an event in which a hallucinogen’s effects happen
long after the drug was originally taken
• Inhalants are drugs that are inhaled and absorbed into the
bloodstream through the lungs
• A designer drug is a drug that is produced by making a small
chemical change to a drug that already exists
• Examples:
• Ecstasy
• Ketamine
• Discussion