Medicines are classified based on how they work in your body.

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Transcript Medicines are classified based on how they work in your body.

Medicines are classified based on how
they work in your body.
• People use medicine to restore their body to optimal
• Medicines are drugs that are used to treat or prevent
disease or other conditions.
• Drugs are substances other than food that change the
structure or function of the body or mind.
• All medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicines.
• Drugs are effective in treating illness when taken as
directed by a physician or according to the label.
• Medicines can be classified into four broad categories:
1. prevent disease, 2. fight pathogens, 3. relieve pain and
other symptoms, and 4. manage chronic conditions, help
maintain or restore health, and regulate body systems.
Medicines are classified based on how
they work in your body.
Medicines can be classified into four broad
1. prevent disease
2. fight pathogens
3. relieve pain and other symptoms
4. manage chronic conditions, help maintain
or restore health, and regulate body systems.
Preventing Disease
• Vaccines are a preparation that prevents a person
from contracting a specific disease.
• About 95% of children receive them
• Vaccines contain weakened or dead pathogens
that cause the disease. When injected into your
body, the vaccine produces antibodies that fight
those pathogens. As a result your body creates
memory cells that recall how to make those
specific antibodies. Which gives you long lasting
• Some vaccines fade over time (may need them
every year or every few years)
• Antitoxins act like vaccines in preventing
• Antitoxins fight bacteria that produce
substances that are toxic to the body.
• Antitoxins are given through a shot, by
injecting a safe amount of a specific toxin,
which stimulates the immune system to
produce antibodies. The antibodies are then
used to make antitoxin.
Fighting Pathogens
• Antibiotics are a class of drug that destroy disease
causing microorganisms, called bacteria.
• Antibiotics work by either killing bacteria or
preventing the bacteria from reproducing.
• Antibiotics can cause nausea, stomach pain, allergic
reactions, and they can lose their effectiveness.
• Bacteria can develop a resistance in two ways:
when antibiotics are overused, and when the
patient does not finish taking the full prescription.
• If you do not finish taking all of a prescription, you
may not kill all of the bacteria. The remaining
bacteria may develop a resistance or immunity to
Fighting Pathogens
• Antiviral drugs are used to treat some viral
illnesses, such as the flu.
• Antivirals suppress the virus, but do not kill it.
• Antiviral drugs allow people to have symptom
free times or to minimize the severity of the
symptoms but they do not get rid of the virus.
• Antifungals can suppress or kill fungus cells
example: athletes foot and ring worm
Relieving Pain
• The most commonly used medicines are analgesics, or pain
relievers. Range from aspirin to narcotics.
• Aspirin is used to relieve pain and reduce fever. Other
analgesics are used to fight inflammation, swelling and
pain; example ibuprofen (acetaminophen).
• Aspirin can cause upset stomach, dizziness, ringing in the
ears. Children with a fever who take aspirin are put at risk
for getting Reye’s syndrome, a potentially life-threatening
illness of the brain and liver. Because of that don’t give
aspirin to anyone under 20 years of age unless directed by
a doctor.
• Certain types of medicines that relieve pain can be
addictive. These medicines, usually called narcotics,
require a doctors prescription.
Managing Chronic Conditions
• There are four main types of medicines that manage
chronic conditions: allergy, body-regulating,
antidepressant/antipsychotic, and cancer treatment
• Allergy Medicines: Antihistamines reduce allergy
symptoms such as sneezing, itchy or watery eyes, and a
runny nose. They block the chemicals released by the
immune system that cause an allergic response.
• Individuals who know they are allergic to substances
that cause severe reactions can ask a doctor for a single
dose shot of epinephrine, which is designed to slow
down or stop the allergic reaction.
Body Regulating Medicines
• Used to help regulate body chemistry.
• Examples:
-Insulin, used by diabetics regulates blood sugar.
-Asthma sufferers take medication to control and
prevent attacks, they may also use an inhaler
during an attack.
-Cardiovascular medications are used to regulate
blood pressure, normalize heartbeats, or other
functions of the cardiovascular system.
Taking Medications
• Medicines enter the body in a variety of ways.
-Oral medicines: taken by the mouth. They pass
from the digestive system into the bloodstream.
-Topical medicines: applied to the skin.
Transdermal skin patches also deliver a medicine
through the skin.
-Inhaled medicines: delivered in a fine mist or
powder. Example: asthma medicines
-Injected medicines: delivered through a shot, and
go directly into the bloodstream.
Reactions to Medications
• Medicines can have a variety of effects.
• Medications can cause side effects which are
reactions to medicine other than the one
intended. Side effects can range from mild to
Medicine Interactions
• When two or more medicines are taken together or
when a medication is taken with certain foods, the
combination may have a different effect than when the
medicine is taken alone.
• Types of interactions:
-Additive: medicines work together in a positive way.
-Synergistic effect: the interaction of two or more
medicines that results in a greater effect than when
each medicine is taken alone, one medicine increases
the strength of another.
-Antagonistic: when the effect of one medicine is
canceled or reduced when taken with another
Tolerance and Withdrawal
• When a person takes a medication for a long
period of time, the body can become use to it.
• Tolerance is a condition in which the body
becomes used to the effect of a medicine. The
body requires increasingly larger doses to
produce the same effect.
• Withdrawal occurs when a person stops using a
medicine on which he or she has become
physiologically dependent. Symptoms include
nervousness, insomnia, headaches, vomiting,
chills, and cramps, which gradually ease in time.
Standards for Medicines
• All new medicines in the US must meet standards
(chemical composition, intended use, effects, and
possible side effects along with testing and clinical
trials) set by the Food and Drug Administration
• FDA does not regulate herbal and dietary
supplements. Be cautious in taking them or mixing
them with any type of medication.
• Sometimes, if a drug hasn’t yet completed clinical
trials but is thought to be effective, people with lifethreatening illnesses are allowed to use the drug,
this is referred to as experimental.
Prescription Medicines
• Are medicines that are dispensed only with
the written approval of a licensed physician or
• Can get the medicine from a pharmacist.
• Given on the specified amount by the doctor
to treat the condition.
• A prescription medicine should be taken only
by the person whose name appears on the
Over-the-counter (OTC)
• Medicines you can buy without a doctor’s
prescription and are available without a
• Considered safe by the FDA if taken according
to the instructions.
• OTC medications can become very addictive.
Medicine Label
Medicine Misuse
• Involves using a medicine in ways other than the
intended use.
-Failing to follow the instructions on or in the
-Giving a prescription medicine to a person for
whom it was not prescribed, or taking another
person’s medicine.
-Taking too much or too little of a medicine.
-Taking a medicine for longer or shorter period than
prescribed or recommended.
-Discontinuing use of a medicine without informing
your health care provider.
-Mixing medicines without the knowledge or
approval of your health care provider.
Medicine Abuse
• Intentionally taking medications for
Nonmedical reasons.
• Abusing any medicine is dangerous and illegal.
• Misusing medicines can also lead to
• One danger of medicine misuse is drug
overdose which is a strong, sometimes fatal
reaction to taking a large amount of a drug.