New public television series focuses on world of RMM

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Our New RMM TV Show!
Changing Demographics – The 85%
Making the case for marketing
to the
“other 85%”
through RMM programs.
NAMM Gallup Poll, April, 2009
• ONLY 40% play a musical instrument
• 60% ages 12 and up do NOT play a musical instrument
72% start before age 12
• Only 5% start after age 18
• 64% would play if there were scientific evidence to
show it would improve their health.
• Other reasons for interest; “Fun”, “Stress Reduction”,
“Keep my mind active”
• 85% who do not play a musical instrument,
WISH they did. (Yeah!!!!!!!)
Teen Market
- Most multicultural population the US has seen.
- Between 1990 and 2000, Teens ages 12 to 19
soared to 32 million, (17% growth).
- Entertainment items are 3rd highest area of
-Increased influence on household purchases as
parents rely on Teens’ advanced computer
skills to research and purchase online.
(born between 1946 and 1964)
• 77.6 million strong
• Largest buying group in America, responsible
for over half of all consumer spending in USA.
• Have more discretionary income (wealth) than
any other age group
• Control 70% of the total net worth of American
households - $7 trillion of wealth • Account
for a dramatic 40% of total consumer
• Women account for 85% of all consumer purchases including
everything from autos to health care.
• Fifty-plus American women are the healthiest, wealthiest and
active generation of women in history
• American women spend about $5 trillion annually
…Over half of the U.S. GDP
• Over the next decade, women will control 2/3rds of consumer
wealth in the US by inheritance.
• In 47 of the largest cities in the USA, childless women in their 20s
make more money than their male peers.
• Women now hold half the non-farm jobs in USA and own 1/3 of
Why is it so darn hard for us?
Because we are
the 15% !!
What do the 85% say?
“I’m no musician,
I just play for fun …”
Change in mindset is needed …
Let’s discuss
Participation and
“Play Here” is the key …
RMM programs get
“playing here.”
Participation and playing in
RMM programs …
will be the moat
that defends your
A few thoughts on the
“hierarchy of RMM ease”
• Drums
• Harmonicas
• Ukuleles
• Guitars
The vehicles you use for RMM
might be different …
but the big goals are the
same: participation and
playing in your location
Take away thought …
People happily buy
where they PLAY and
[email protected]