air emissions Albania

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Current status of air emissions in
Mirela Kamberi, M.Sc.
UNDP-GEF Climate Change Program/Unit
Team Leader of the GHG Abatement Analysis
CARDS Workshop on air quality and Air Emissions for
Western Balkan countries
Skopje, FYR of Macedonia, March, 2006
Content of the presentation
Air pollutants emissions;
GHG Emissions Inventory;
Air Pollutants Emissions
Legal base
Law No. 8934, dated 05.09.2202 “On the Environmental
Law No.8897, dated16.05.2002 “On Air Protection”;
Law No.8990, dated 23.01.2003 “On the Environmental
Impact Assessment”;
Decision of the CoM No.103, dated 31.03.2002 “On the
environmental Monitoring in the republic of Albania”;
Decision of the CoM, No.435, dated 12.09.2002 “On the
approval of air emissions allowed norms”;
Decision of the CoM, No.248, dated 24.04.2003 “On the
approval of temporary air emissions allowed norms”;
Law No.9425, dated 06.10.2005 “On the adheration of the
Republic of Albania to the Air Convention.
Air Pollutants Emissions
No monitoring of air pollutants emissions for the moment (no
technical capacity, no financial means);
Reports coming from the industrial subjects on the selfmonitoring of the their pollutants into the air are not reliable;
There is no data base within the environmental structures;
There are evidences of the air emission beyond the allowed
norms heavy industry in Elbasan);
There are plans within the Ministry of Environment, Forestry
and water Administration to get financial/technical assistance
from the LRTAP convention to make the air pollutants
emissions inventory in accordance with CORIAIR methodology;
Air Pollutants Emissions
Current CARDS Project on Environmental Monitoring (Air, Water and Biodiversity)
Following main practical results will be achieved:
The implementation structure of an improved environmental monitoring system relating to
involved agencies, their tasks and responsibilities with regard to the capacity to identify,
measure, record, integrate, update and inform on the sources of point and diffuse pollution;
Establishment of the database of point and diffuse sources of air pollution their prioritisation
and identification of the set of monitoring measures with corresponding economic analysis;
Development of the integrated information management system compatible with the GISbased system in the MoE consisting of independent web-based databases on pollution
sources of air;
Establishment of the integrated national environmental monitoring system;
Improvement of the capacity of the monitoring system for sampling, measurements, data
processing/storage, supply and management of information through the provision of
necessary equipment, manual of procedures on monitoring and appropriate training of the
involved staff;
National legislation in the field of air monitoring be updated in line with the respective EC
Certification and accreditation at national level of the main laboratories (identified to be of
national reference) involved in the monitoring network for the chosen parameters.
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
under First National Communication
Legal base:
UNFCCC, which Albania ratified on 1995 and three years
after got financial/technical assistance from GEF to
produce the First National Communication;
The report called First National Communication to
UNFCCC was produced on 2001 with four main parts:
GHG inventory;
GHG abatement analysis;
Vulnerability assessment and adaptation capacity;
National plan of action to mitigate climate change.
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
under First National Communication
The GHGs inventory for Albania is developed according to the
revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines;
The base year used is 1994. It considers five main modules of
the revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines: “Energy”, ”Industrial
Processes”, ”Agriculture”, ”Land Use Change and Forestry ” and
“Waste”. Also “Solvents” are analyzed;
The national GHG inventory represents emission data for three
gases of direct greenhouse effect: CO2, CH4 , and N2O; as well
as and for three other gases of indirect greenhouse effect: CO,
NOx and NMVOC (non-methane volatile organic compounds).
Emissions of carbon dioxide released from energy & transport,
are estimated by using of two approaches: top-down and
bottom–up approach. Final estimation shows the difference
between the two approaches is about 3. 01%.
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
under First National Communication
Albanian total emissions for 1994 are 7061.45 Gg of CO2
The estimations indicate that in 1994, CO2 was the main
greenhouse gas in Albania, with a share of 65.33%;
The main source of CO2 is energy sector (62.95%);
he main source of CH4 emissions for Albania is Agriculture
sector (77.74%);
Also Agriculture is the main source of N2O emissions (69.45%;
If we consider the shares of economic sectors versus the
aggregate CO2 equivalent emissions: Energy sector is the main
(44 %), followed by Agriculture (27.12%).
CO2 (eqv.) emissions from economic
sectors (7061.45 Gg), 1994
Fig.2 CO2 (eqv.) emissions
from economic
sectors [7061.45 Gg], 1994
Share of GHG gases (1994)
CO2 emissions per capita (ton
CO2/capita, 1994 for selected countries)
Arm enia
European Union
Germ any
Denm ark
CO2 emissions per GDP (ton/mil.USD)
per selected countries in 1994
European Union
GHG emissions inventory for 1994
CO2 emissions per capita in Albania is around 4-5 times lower
than the total average, since energy consumption per capita in
Albania is the lowest between the selected countries; electricity
generation is based almost on hydro energy (more than 95% of
electricity is generated by Hydro Power Plants); different energy
services in residential sector like space heating, domestic hot
water, and cooking are based almost in electricity (residential
sector consume 60% of total electricity); Industry sector went
down in 1994 starting from 1990 in terms of energy consumption.
CO2 emissions per GDP in Albania is around 10-12 times higher
than average value for industrialized countries since Albanian
technology is very old; productivity of Albanian society is very low
compared with industrialized countries; a big share of energy
sources is consumed in residential and service sectors for people
comfort and not in industry sector for producing higher value of
GDP, and etc.
GHG emissions inventory quality
There is still ongoing a regional project (started on
2002) “Building capacities to improve the quality of
the GHG inventories in East Europe and CIS
countries”, which aims at strengthening national
arrangements for compiling, archiving, updating and
managing GHG inventories:
Albania has already worked out a new methodology and
has already prepared the reports for improvement of
activity data used for the GHG inventory for 1994 for key
source categories: enteric fermentation, wood fuel for
energy purposes, fuel combustion in industry, fuel
combustion in transport and waste;
A couple of surveys are also carried out to improve activity
data as designed in the new methodology.
GHG inventory under Second National
Albania has started on 2005 the process of
preparation of the Second National
Communication as a response to our
obligations towards UNFCCC;
GHG Emissions Inventory for the year 2000
is the first activity, which has already started
and is expected to be accomplished by the
end of 2006, when we will be also ready to
make the reports even to the EEA.
Priorities for Second National
Communication regarding GHG inventory
Albania ‘s second national GHG inventory will cover all sources and sinks as
well as all gases as mandated by 17/CP8. Therefore it will consider three
direct GHGs: CO2, CH4 and N2O and other indirect GHGs such as: CO,
NOx, SOx and NMVOC. In addition, estimates of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 will
be provided, not reported under the Albania’s FNC. Emissions released from
bunker fuels will be estimated and reported separately as instructed by the
guidelines. Estimates of the key sources, sensitivity analysis and uncertainty
level will be provided. The second GHG inventory will report on estimates of
aggregated GHG emissions and removals expressed in CO2 equivalent. In
addition, indicators such as CO2/GDP and CO2/Capita would be estimated
mainly for comparability purposes;
Estimates for Albania’s second national GHG inventory shall be made for the
base year 2000. Re-estimates for the year 1994 will be made as well. Given
the variability of activity data after ‘90s the team has agreed to develop time
series for a 10-year time frame (1994-2000) in order to provide a clear view of
the emission trends. This will also create a clear background for the
abatement analysis. A special attention will be given to the key source
categories which totally cover 725 of the total emissions and a sensitivity
analysis is needed to be done in order to see how / whether the key sources
have changed.
Priorities for Second National
Communication regarding GHG inventory
Improved estimates of GHG emissions are expected mainly due to the majority
of outputs of the GEF regional project on GHG inventories. Soft methodology for
filling the activity data gaps that do not exist already developed under the GEF
regional project on GHG inventories will be utilized under SNC phase. This will
be critical for the implementation of the GHG inventory improvement strategy,
already drafted under the above project. In addition, the Quality
Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) plan drafted under the regional project will
be implemented as well.
As regards emission factors, in most of the cases default factors provided by
IPCC 1996 Revised Guidelines will be used. The team will see the possibility to
use Emission factors calculated under other studies / projects/ programs like the
case of industrial boilers or wood stoves. In addition, Emission Factor Database
will be visited to see if appropriate factors relevant to our circumstances are
provided. Also regional Emission Factors that are or will be developed under the
GEF regional project on GHG inventories will be utilized if appropriate.
All the new input data utilized along with emission estimates will be archived
using the same format as for the first inventory archive done under the GEF
regional project on GHG inventories. Also the Manual of Procedures and
National Inventory Report developed under the above project will be updated in
the same line.
Thank You for your kind attention!