Ch 23 Economics S`11 edited

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Transcript Ch 23 Economics S`11 edited

Chapter 23
Economics, Environment, and
New Economic and
Environmental Vision
Ecological Economists
- Redesign economic and political systems
Environmental Economists
- Reform of current economic systems
rather than redesign
Sustainability revolution=economic revolution
• An economic system produces and
distributes goods and services by using
natural, human, and manufactured
Economic Systems Are
Supported by Three Types of
• Natural Resources-goods and services
produced by the earth’s natural processes
• Human Resources-people’s physical and
mental talents that provide labor, innovation,
culture, and organization
• Manufactured Resources-machinery,
equipment, and factories, which are made
from natural resources with the help of
human resources
Three Types of Resources
Are Used to Produce Goods
and Services
Market Economic Systems
• Pure Free-market economic system
– Theoretical model in which buyers and
sellers interact in markets without any gov’t
– Pure free markets do not exist in today’s
capitalist market system
• Companies lobby for gov’t subsidies, tax
breaks, or regulations to get advantages
• $ 1 trillion in gov’t subsidies given out each
Supply and Demand
Supply-the amount of a good that is available
Demand-The amount of a good that people
Price-market cost of a good or service
Profit or loss-the difference between the cost
of producing something and the price
buyers are willing to pay
Government Intervention in
Market Economic Systems
• Governments intervene in market
systems to help provide economic
stability, national security, and
public services such as education,
crime protection, and
environmental protection.
Problems with Capitalist
market system
• Do not make widespread use of indicators
that monitor environmental health and quality
• Do not include the harmful environmental
costs of goods in their market prices.
• Do not consider long-term harmful
environmental consequences because the
focus is on short term profits
Environmentally Sustainable
Economic Development:
Copying Nature
• Models of ecological economists are
based on these assumptions:
– Resources are limited.
– Encourage environmentally beneficial and
sustainable forms of development.
– The harmful environmental and health
effects of producing goods and services
should be included in market prices.
We Can Estimate Optimum Levels of
Pollution Control and Resource Use
• Relationship between
– Marginal benefit of resource use
– Marginal cost of resource production
• Optimum level of resource use
• Optimum level for pollution cleanup
Marginal Cost/Benefit
• Marginal Cost-the additional cost of
producing one more unit of a good or
-The difference between a seller’s
starting price and the new price
Marginal Benefit-The increase in benefit
that it provides to the buyer when one
more unit of a good or service is
– Mitigation cost: how much it takes to
offset any environmental damage.
– Willingness to pay: determine how much
people are willing to pay to keep the
environment in tact (e.g. protect an
endangered species).
Optimum Pollution Control
Cost-benefit Analysis
• Making economic decisions about how to
control pollution and manage resources
• Estimate optimum level of pollution cleanup
or resource use
• Estimating costs for
– Pollution control regulation
– Building a dam on a river
– Preserving an area of forest
Economic Indicators
• GDP and per capita GDP
– Provide a standardized and useful method for measuring
and comparing the economic outputs of nations
– Doesn’t determine between the good that are
environmentally or socially beneficial or harmful
– New ideas
• Add to the GDP items concerning environmental quality
• Subtract from GDP cost that lead to lower quality of life/
degrade natural resources
• GPI- Genuine Progress Indicator
– Estimated values of beneficial transactions that
meet basic needs, but in which no money changes
hands, are added to the GDP.
• Unpaid volunteer work, health care, childcare,
• GPI= GDP+ benefits not included in
transactions - harmful environmental and social
Monitoring Environmental
Progress: Comparing Per Capita
Estimating Future Value of a
• Economists use discount rates (estimate
resource’s future value compared to current)
to estimate the future value of a resource.
• The market price you pay for something
does not include most of the environmental,
health, and other harmful costs associated
with its production and use. (Full Cost
Full Cost Pricing
• Environmentally honest market system
– Way to deal with the harmful costs of
goods and services
– External Costs are health and
environmental costs, not usually included
in market price
– Harmful indirect or external costs of goods
or services in their market prices to reflect
as close as possible to Full costs
• Full Cost= internal costs+ external costs
Full-Cost Pricing
• Marketed price of a good or service
includes the cost to make the good or
produce the service, plus the harmful
indirect cost, including health and
environmental effects
• Encourages producers to become more
resource efficient and produce less
• Producers would have to charge more
for their goods. They might go out of
• It is hard to put a price tag on
environmental and health costs
Product Eco-labeling
• Encouragement to develop green
• US Green Seal
– Easy for consumers to buy these products
• Phase out environmentally harmful subsidies
and tax breaks. They create huge economic
incentive for unsustainable resource
Extracting minerals
Cutting timber on public lands
Supplying fertilizers
Low cost water for farmers
• Typical American taxpayer pays at least
$2500 a year to provide environmentally
harmful subsidies and then pays $1000
due to environmental degradation,
pollution cleanup, and higher health and
insurance costs
Subsidy Shifting
• Phase in environmentally beneficial subsidies
and tax breaks
– High subsidies for
Energy conservations
Renewable energy
Sustainable forestry
Sustainable agriculture
Soil and water conservation
Subsidy Shifting in Other
• Japan, France, and Belgium have
phased out all coal subsidies
• Germany plans to do so by 2018
• China has cut coal subsidies by nearly
• New Zealand has phased out virtually
all agricultural subsidies
• Organizations currently receiving
subsidies lobby to resist change
• Encourages- what we want less of
– Pollution, resources waste
• Discourages- what we want more of
– jobs, income
Green Taxes
• Tax amount of pollution and hazardous
waste produced.
• Tax use of fossil fuels, nitrogen fertilizer,
timber, minerals etc.
Tax Shifting
• Reduce tax on profits and income =
• Tax pollution, overuse of resources =
• In Europe, green tax = 7% of total tax
• In Denmark, tax on a new car is more
than price of the car
3 requirements for Green
1. 15 to 20 years to phase in
2. mechanism to ensure that the revenues
from such taxes improve environmental
quality/reduce taxes on labor, income
and wealth
3. Poor and lower class need an
economic safety net- reduce regressive
nature of taxes
Selling Services
• Material flow economy -> service flow
– Customers can ecolease or rent services that
good provide
– Document services- leasing a photocopier
– Chemical services- leasing organic solvents
– Mobility services- lease a vehicle
Worldwide Poverty
• Poverty: the inability to meet one’s
basic economic needs
• 1.1 billion people struggle to
survive on less than $1 a day
• About half the world’s population
live on a daily income of $1-2
Solutions: Reducing Poverty
• Cancel debts of poorest countries
• Mount global effort to combat
malnutrition and infectious diseases
• Provide universal primary school
education and eradicate illiteracy
• Stabilize population growth in
developing countries
• Microloans
• Grameen Bank in Bangladesh
• Lending $50-$500 at a time instead of
large amounts
• Solidarity groups of 5
• Less than 3% of payments are late
• About half of those borrowing money
have escaped poverty within 5 years
• Muhammad Yunus won Nobel
Peace Prize in 2006
• Citibank and TIAA-Cref have each
committed $100 million to