Creating an Ocean Literate Society

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Creating an
Ocean Literate Society
Presented by:
Paul Bartishevich
President/CEO Finger Lakes Productions Int’l
Capitol Hill Oceans Week
June 10, 2004
FLPI Radio Program Initiatives
The world’s only daily
radio series highlighting
ocean issues
Heard on more than 275
stations in the US and
around the world
Funding and production support provided by:
Produced in cooperation with:
Our Ocean World Editorial Resources
and Contributors
NOAA Offices
Ocean Exploration
Aquarius/ Girl Scout Initiative
Pacific Marine Environmental Lab
Monitor National Marine Sanctuary
National Marine Fisheries Service
Arctic Research Office
Ocean Carrying Capacity Program
Vents Program
Other Offices
Rosenstiel School -University of Miami
The Ocean Conservancy (formerly the
Center for Marine Conservation)
Harbor Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Monterey Bay Research Institute
The Nature Conservancy
Wildlife Conservation Society
Monterey Bay Aquarium
U.S. Office of Naval Research
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
National Science Foundation
NASA's Earth Observatory
U.S. Geological Survey
Consortium for Oceanographic Research and
Shoals Marine Laboratory
Sea Education Association
California Academy of Sciences
National Coral Reef Institute
National Research Council
National Marine Educators Association
National Marine Sanctuaries
National Oceanographic Data Center
Oxford University
Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences
New England Fisheries Management
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council
Bahamas Reef Environment Educational
MAST Academy
Alaska SeaLife Center
Miami Museum of Science
Cabrillo Marine Aquarium
Center for Biological Diversity
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Coral Reef Alliance
Florida Marine Research Institute
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
Center for Marine Advanced Technology
University of California at Santa Barbara
University of Alaska at Fairbanks
Oregon State University
Florida International University
University of Rhode Island
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
University of Wisconsin
University of Idaho
University of Colorado
University of Hawaii
University of Washington
University of Minnesota
University of British Columbia
Northeastern University
New York University
Scientific Center of Monaco
Tethys Research Institute
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
International Tsunami Survey Team
Southampton Oceanographic Center
Ocean Wildlife Campaign
Stanford University
Florida State University
Texas A&M University
University of California at Davis
University of California at Berkley
Heard locally weeknights at 7:58 p.m.
following the NewsHour with Jim Leher
Outreach via the Our Ocean World Website
Influencing a diverse audience consistently and
Ongoing Mass Media
Public Service Campaign
Annual Symposium with
News Leaders
Ongoing Mass Media Public Service
Multi-platform media public
service campaign
provides an ongoing
dialogue with America to
highlight ocean issues
and how the ocean plays a
major role in everyone’s lives
Mass Media Public Service Campaign
A working example
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Issue: Mentoring
Challenge: Approximately 14 million young people are at risk of not
reaching productive adulthood in America.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) provides one-to-one
mentoring relationships between adult volunteers and children in
460 programs throughout the U.S.
This campaign encourages individuals to support Big Brothers Big
Sisters and make a positive difference in the life of a child.
Viewers and listeners are urged to visit or
call a toll-free number, 1-888-412-BIGS to find out how they can get
Source: Ad Council 2004
Ongoing Mass Media Public Service Campaign
Campaign results:
Eight months following the launch of the campaign in October
2002, applications for Big Brothers Big Sisters mentors increased
by 75%.
In the first six months of the campaign, visits to the web site rose
almost 130% from an average of 26,000 unique visits per month to
59,342 unique visits per month.
During the first six months of the campaign, calls to the hotline
increased by more than 2,000% from an average of 200 calls per
month to 4,400 calls per month.
Source: Ad Council 2004
Cultivating relationships with
media decision makers
Annual Professional Media Ocean Symposium
Invite top managers from
major networks to annual
two-day symposium
highlighting the status
of the ocean and it’s
impact on planet earth.
Invite an additional family
member, preferably a child,
to underscore the
importance of ocean
management issues.
and others…..
Rotate to a new coastal region and have
a national array of scientists present each year
The Cost of Inaction
The Ocean Planet
“The oceans affect and sustain all life on earth.”
Source: 2004 Preliminary Report
The U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy
The Ocean Economy
“More than $1 trillion, or one-tenth, of the nation’s
annual gross domestic product (GDP) is generated
within the near shore area, the relatively narrow strip
of land immediately adjacent to the coast.”
“Looking at all coastal watershed counties, the contribution
swells to over $4.5 trillion, half of the nation’s GDP.”
Source: 2004 Preliminary Report
The U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy
The Time for Action
The Ocean Clock
“We’ve got to get a new way of doing business
here or the oceans are going to be in serious
trouble and not recoverable 10 years from now if
we don’t get on it.”
Source: May 2004 interview for
OOW with Admiral James D. Watkins
The Cost of Action
Estimated Cost for New Initiatives to Create an
Ocean-Literate Society
•Public Service Ocean Literacy Campaign $1,000,000
•Media symposium
•Total Annual Cost: