Quality of Life - HRSBSTAFF Home Page

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Global Geography 12
Outcome 3.1
Outcome 3.1
Demonstrate understanding of/evaluate
various measures of Quality of Life.
Indicators of Mastery
1- Can define Quality of Life
2- Can list various measures of Quality of Life
3- Can elaborate and explain the measures of
Quality of Life
4- Can assess the different measures of
Qualify of Life using evidence to support your
1- Can define Quality of Life
Definition: the degree of well being felt by
an individual or a group
1- Physical (health, diet, pain, disease)
2-Psychological (stress, worry, pleasure)
Task: Complete “Personal Quality of Life
Example: Quality of Life in Canada
Dark green- Low
Light Green- Fair
Yellow- Moderate
Orange- Good
Red- High
Grey- Insufficient
2- Can list various measures of Quality
of Life
Task: In a group, brainstorm things that you
think help measure Quality of Life. Record
your findings on Chart Paper and present to
2- Can list various measures of Quality
of Life
Actual Measurers of Quality of Life:
Birth Rate
Death Rate
Infant Mortality Rate
Life Expectancy
GNP per capita
GDP per capita
3- Can elaborate and explain the
measures of Quality of Life
Task: Put the measures of Quality of Life in
your own words. Explain why each would be
Help? Your glossary may be able to help
4- Can assess the different measures
of Qualify of Life using evidence to
support their assessment
Task: using the charts on pages 416-427,
choose 3 countries that you think have a
“poor quality of life” and 3 countries that you
think have a “high quality of life.”
Identify these countries on the classroom
Using the measures of quality of life, explain
why you think this.
Outcome 3.1
Hand in all of your findings for assessment!