Transcript CH10

Capitalism 3.0 - Chapter 10
“What you can do”
What can each of us do?
 Start noticing and talking about our common
 Demand more birthrights and property rights
 Everyone should benefit from the constitutional right to
private property
 Imagine and design organized forms of the
 Build and test models before implementation
Roles for Everyone
 Parents - Urged to give their children nonfinancial gifts like strong community, vibrant
culture, and healthy planet through activism
 Wage Earners - Unions are no more. Not
much they can do right now. Urged to make the
world better for their children…
 Capitalists - Their wealth is a system flaw.
(1)Give back some of their excess now, and the
rest when they die. (2) Don’t fight capitalism
3.0, it will be better for their kids and the planet
Roles for Everyone Cont’d
 Commons Entrepreneurs - Motivated by a
desire to give back. Establish commons
wherever possible - be a role model. Pioneering
 Ex. Tim Berners-Lee HTML, CERN.
 Lawyers - Defenders of property rights. Defend
inclusive forms of property rights. Defensive:
prevent takings and enclosure. Offensive: forge
property rights for the commons.
Roles for Everyone Cont’d
 Economists - Include common property trusts
in their models. Consider GDP and equity and
nature. Social arrangements evolve.
 Religious Leaders - People of all faiths should
focus on protection creation, not argue over it.
Ecumenical task.
 Politicians - Reduce oil dependence, create
jobs, protect environment. Delegate
responsibilities to independent authorities. Pay
dividends, establish American Permanent Fund.
New Operating System
 Analogous to an incremental upgrade.
 Gradual and safe transition
 Capitalism + Commons = 3.0
 Markets will remain dynamic
 Market successes will be rewarded
 Everyone will have stake in the successes of
nature and corporations.
 The price of nature will no longer be zero.