Transcript IRKM Lab

Large Scale Machine Learning
based on MapReduce & GPU
Lanbo Zhang
• Massive data challenges
– More and more data to process (Google: 20,000
terabytes per day)
– Data arrives faster and faster
• Solutions
– Invent faster ML algorithms: online algorithms
• Stochastic gradient decent v.s. batch gradient decent
– Parallelize learning processes: MapReduce, GPU,
• A programming model invented by Google
– Jeffrey Dean , Sanjay Ghemawat, MapReduce: simplified data
processing on large clusters, Proceedings of the 6th conference on
Symposium on Opearting Systems Design & Implementation (OSDI),
p.10-10, December 06-08, 2004, San Francisco, CA
• The objective
– To support distributed computing on large data sets on clusters of
• Features
Automatic parallelization and distribution
I/O scheduling
Status and monitoring
User Interface
• Users need to implement two functions
– map (in_key, in_value) -> list(out_key, intermediate_value)
– reduce (out_key, list(intermediate_value)) -> list(out_value)
• Example: Count word occurrences
Map (String input_key, String input_value):
// input_key: document name
// input_value: document contents
for each word w in input_value:
EmitIntermediate(w, "1");
Reduce (String output_key, Iterator intermediate_values):
// output_key: a word
// output_values: a list of counts
int result = 0;
for each v in intermediate_values:
result += ParseInt(v);
MapReduce Usage Statistics in Google
MapReduce for Machine Learning
• C. T. Chu, S. K. Kim, Y. A. Lin, Y. Yu, G. R. Bradski, A. Y. Ng, and
K. Olukotun, "Map-reduce for machine learning on multicore,"
in NIPS 2006
• Algorithms that can be expressed in summation form
could be parallelized in the MapReduce framework
– Locally weighted linear regression (LWLR)
– Logistic regression(LR): Newton-Raphson method
– Naive Bayes (NB)
– Linear SVM
– EM: mixture of Gaussians (M-step)
Time complexity
P: # of cores
P’: speedup of matrix inversion and eigen-decomposition on multicore
Experimental Results
Speedup from 1 to 16 cores over all datasets
Apache Hadoop
• An open-source implementation of MapReduce
• An excellent tutorial
(with the famous examples of WordCount)
– Very helpful if you need to quickly develop a simple Hadoop program
• A comprehensive book
– Tom White. Hadoop: The Definitive Guide. O'Reilly Media. May 2009
– Topics: Hadoop distributed file system, Hadoop I/O, How to set up a
Hadoop cluster, how to develop a Hadoop application, Administration, etc.
– Helpful if you want to become a Hadoop expert
Key User Interfaces of Hadoop
– Implement the map function to define your map routines
– Implement the reduce function to define your reduce
• Class JobConf
– the primary interface to configure job parameters, which
include but not limited to:
Input and output path (Hadoop Distributed File System)
Number of Mappers and Reducers
Job name
Apache Mahout
• A library of parallelized machine learning
algorithms implemented on top of Hadoop
• Applications
– Clustering
– Classification
– Batch based collaborative filtering
– Frequent itemset mining
Mahout in progress
• Algorithms already implemented
– K-Means, Fuzzy K-Means, Naive Bayes, Canopy clustering,
Mean Shift, Dirichlet process clustering, Latent Dirichlet
Allocation, Random Forests, etc.
• Algorithms to be implemented
– Stochastic gradient decent, SVM, NN, PCA, ICA, GDA, EM,
GPU for Large-Scale ML
• Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is a
specialized processor that offloads 3D or 2D
graphics rendering from the CPU
• GPUs’ highly parallel structure makes them
more effective than general-purpose CPUs for
a range of complex algorithms
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX
Number of Streaming Multiprocessors
Multiprocessor Width
Local Store Size
16 KB
Total number of Stream Processors
Peak SP Floating Point Rate
346 Gflops
1.35 GHz
Device Memory
768 MB
Peak Memory Bandwidth
86.4 GB/s
Connection to Host CPU
PCI Express
CPU -> GPU bandwidth
2.2 GB/s*
GPU -> CPU bandwidth
1.7 GB/s*
Logical Organization to Programmers
• Each block can have
up to 512 threads
that synchronize
• Millions of blocks can
be issued
Programming Environment: CUDA
• Compute Unified Device
Architecture (CUDA)
• A parallel computing
architecture developed by
• The computing engine in
GPUs is accessible to
software developers
through industry standard
programming language
• Catanzaro, B., Sundaram, N., and Keutzer, K.
2008. Fast support vector machine training
and classification on graphics processors.
In Proceedings of the 25th international
Conference on Machine Learning (Helsinki,
Finland, July 05 - 09, 2008). ICML '08, vol. 307.
SVM Training
• Quadratic Program
• The SMO algorithm
SVM Training on GPU
• Each thread computes the following variable
for each point:
Result: SVM training on GPU
(Speedup over LibSVM)
SVM Classification
• SVM classification task involves finding which side
of the hyperplane a point lies on
• Each thread evaluates kernel function for a point
Result: SVM classification on GPU
(Speedup over LibSVM)
GPUMiner: Parallel Data Mining on
Graphics Processors
• Wenbin Fang, etc. Parallel Data Mining on Graphics
Processors. Technical Report HKUST-CS08-07, Oct 2008
• Three components
– The CPU-based storage and buffer manager to handle
I/O and data transfer between CPU and GPU
– The GPU-CPU co-processing parallel mining module
– The GPU-based mining visualization module
• Two mining algorithms implemented
– K-Means clustering
– Apriori (frequent pattern mining algorithm)
GPUMiner: System Architecture
The bitmap technique
• Use a bitmap to represent the association
between data objects and clusters (for K-means),
and the association between items and
transactions (for Apriori)
• Supports efficient row-wise and column-wise
operations exploiting the thread parallelism on
the GPU
• Use a summary vector to store the number of
ones to accelerate counting on the number of
ones in a row/column
• Three functions executed on GPU in parallel
– makeBitmap_kernel
– computeCentriod_kernel
– findCluster_kernel
• To find those frequent itemsets among a large
number of transactions
• The trie-based implementation
Uses a trie to store candidates and their supports
Uses a bitmap to store the Item-Transaction matrix
Obtain the item supports by counting 1s in the bitmap
The 1-bit counting and intersection operations are
implemented as GPU programs
• Settings
– GPU: NVIDIA GTX280, 30*8 processors
– CPU: Intel Core2 Quad Core
Result: K-means
• Baseline: Uvirginia
– 35x faster than the four-threaded CPU-based couterpart
Result: Apriori
• Baselines
– CPU-based Apriori
– Best implementation of FIMI’03
• Both MapReduce and GPU are feasible
strategies for large-scale parallelized machine
• MapReduce aims at parallelization over
computer clusters
• The hardware architecture of GPUs makes
them a natural choice for parallelized ML