Transcript File
Monday, September 28th!
Add the following paper to your binder
Economic Headlines (pg. 25)
We will be working in groups today to come up with a few
headlines for our economic systems
Fill in your agenda with:
Work on Economic System Headlines
Competition Discussion
CNN Student News
Tuesday, September 29th
Add the following paper to your binder
Economic PowerPoint Notes (pgs. 26,27)
We will be continuing our economics discussion
Fill in your agenda with:
Work on Economics PowerPoint Notes
Wednesday, September 30th
Take out your PowerPoint Notes from yesterday
We will be finishing these
Add the following paper to your binder
Supply and Demand Practice (pgs. 28,29)
Add Bellringer #5 to your binder
What is the difference between a producer and a consumer? Provide an
example when you act as a producer and when you act as a consumer
Please take a copy of the Eastern Hemisphere Book from the
Begin the hour by reading page 59, starting at the second paragraph
and read until the end
Fill in Agenda with:
Finish PowerPoint Notes
Work on Supply and Demand Worksheet
Brainpop: Supply and Demand
Thursday, October 1st
Add the following paper to your binder
Basic Instruction Unit 3 Packet (pgs. 30 – 32)
Quarter 1 Learning Targets (pgs. 33 – 37)
Please take a copy of the Eastern Hemisphere Book
from the cart
Begin the hour by reading pages 64 and 65
We will be continuing our discussion on Economics
Begin the hour by working on your learning target
Fill in your agenda with:
GDP Discussion
Continue Economics Study
Work on Quarter 1 Learning Targets (if Time)
Friday, October 2nd
Take out your Basic Instruction Unit 3 Packet
We will be checking these over today
Please take a copy of the Eastern Hemisphere Book
from the cart
Add Bellringer #6 to your binder
What is the difference between GDP and GDP Per Capita?
Add the following vocabulary words to your list and define
16. developed country 17. developing country 18. GDP
19. GDP Per Capita 20. tariff 21. trade barrier
Fill in your agenda with:
Review GDP and GDP Per Capita
Page 66 and 67 Reading (Trade)
Discuss Trade
Monday, October 5th
Begin the hour by working on your Quarter One Learning Targets
Add the following vocabulary words to your list and define them
22. democracy 23. dictatorship
24. monarchy 25. theocracy
Add the following paper to your binder
Government Packet (pgs. 38 - 43)
Please take a copy of the Eastern Hemisphere Book from the cart
We will be reading about systems of government today (pgs. 106,107)
Fill in your agenda with:
Introduce Systems of Government
Begin Government Packet
Democracy and Dictatorship Reading