Post WWI Development

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V. After WWI – Economic
Turmoil of 1920s
V.1 Economic consequences of
Versailles peace
World War I
• Massive military conflict, end of established
• Political consequences:
– new political map of Europe
– political weakening of the main European powers
(both winners and losers), strengthening of the
– emergence of Bolshevism in Russia
– “end of the world”
– an attempt to establish a new international order:
14 points of President Wilson
Economic consequences of
• Immense human and material losses,
dramatic fall of standard of living
• European countries abandoned gold standard
(not the USA) and pre-war international
financial order ceased to exist
– end of the system of fixed exchange rates
– no free flows of gold and capital in general
• Excessive indebtedness of European
countries (again both winners and losers)
• End of social order in its pre-war form
Economic aspects of Versailles
• Old debts appended by new debts
– war reparation and the discussion on maximum
limit Germany can pay
– compensation payments
– difficult (impossible) timetable to repay
• Alsace-Lorraine back to France, Saarland
• Opposition on the side of the winners –
John Maynard Keynes, The Economic
Consequences of the Peace
• Fragmentation of the global economic
– Germany – condemned to economic misery
– Soviet Union – self-imposed isolation
– European economies – increase of
protectionism, end of free trade and free flows
of capital
• Monetary and financial matters
– Britain (and sterling) was not able to play the
role of leading economy, much stronger USA
were not prepared/willing
• Economic instability
– additional factors: new structure of costs
and increasing price and wage rigidity
• Radicalization of population in Germany
(Bolshevism, Nazism)
• Lack of international coordination of
economic policies
 seeds for Great Depression and WWII
V.2 Hyperinflations of early 1920s
Layman’s evidence
• 1913 - value of all currency in Germany was 6
billion marks
• October 1923 – the same amount was enough
to buy one kilogram of bread
• Months later – the price of same bread was
428 billion mark
• Comparable situation in 4 countries: Austria,
Hungary, Poland and Germany
– Not in Czechoslovakia!
V.2.1 The data
Summary: selected facts
(Source: Cagan – see Literature)
1. Start
Oct. 1921 Mar. 1923 Jan. 1923 Aug. 1922
2. End
Aug. 1922 Feb. 1924
3. No. month
Jan. 1924 Nov. 1923
4. PT/P0
5. MT/M0
6. (4)/(5)
8. M
% per month
9. (8)/(7)
% per month
Comment to summary
• Definition of hyperinflation
– start: the month where inflation > 50%
– end: months before month when inflation dropped
bellow 50% and stayed there for a year
• Clear trends in extraordinary growth of prices
and of amount of nominal money, but
– extreme volatility in particular months
– huge differences in magnitudes across the 4
– numerical characteristics become closer only
when we compare averages (row 9)
V.2.2 Sources and origins
Broad origins
• War damages, post-war turmoil, unrealistic
reparations payments
• Structural problems
– Austria, Hungary: small countries, that inherited
structure of a large empire
– Germany: political and moral decay, unpopular new
democracy (Weimar Republic)
– Poland: extremely stripped of the resources during
the war, peace restored only in 1920
• All countries:
– extreme poverty (need for social payments)
– inefficient state enterprises, providing vital
functions (need for subsidies)
– except Poland, obligation to pay reparation
Budgets: deficits
• All countries: substantial budget deficits,
because of
• Expenditures – see above
• Income
– time lag between the moment of tax being
levied and time when collected: loss of value
due to inflation
– Inefficient collection, in Germany even to
some extent a Government policy, as a protest
against reparation (and later, French
occupation of Ruhr)
Budgets: financing
• Governments
– not able to pursue quick structural changes
– social priorities: to ensure at least basic social
and administrative order and services
– and - maybe - underestimation of inflationary
– consequently, given the reparation, expenditures
• Inability to borrow
• The only way – monetization of the debt
Debt monetization
• Weak monetary institutions, no independent central
• Borrowing from monetary institutions, that created new
– short-term government obligations (T-bills), purchased by state
monetary institutions
– un-backed by gold or foreign exchange reserves
– huge discounting of new notes: e.g. on Austrian notes, interest
equal 6-9% when inflation was of order of 104, in Hungary even
private notes with low interest were discounted by Central Bank
– excessive demand, need to ration the purchase of state notes
• This created large increase of high-powered money,
total money supply further inflated by money multiplier
• In all countries this process reached a
momentum (in different periods), when
inflationary spiral started
• Basic causality: budget deficits  money
growth  inflation
– consistence with quantity theory of money
– role of inflationary expectations
• Other accompanying features
– depreciations of the currencies
– flight from domestic currency, regulations trying to
prevent it, but
• inefficient, black market
• part of money supply held in foreign currencies
Impact on economy and policy
• Monetary economy less and less efficient
• Price signals ceased to be useful
– higher variation of relative prices
• Much larger and faster changes in inflation
• Expectations that the state will finance debt
further on
• Real economy – in the short run - running (a)
relatively “well”, (b) independently on
– consistency with classical model predictions
V.2.3 Stabilizations and
Basic steps
Common for all four countries
• Credible commitment of central bank that it
will not monetize debt any more
– radical change in people’s expectations!
• Fiscal reform, reduction of budget deficit
– stabilizing tax system
– reform on the expenditure side (end of subsidies,
laying-off excessive state bureaucracy, etc.)
• Central Banks legally forbidden to lend to
Specific steps (1)
More country specific steps:
• Loans:
– Austria (League of Nations), Poland only in 1927,
Hungary placed (issued) the loan abroad, secured by
state salt and tobacco monopolies, no loan for
• Reconsideration of reparations: all except
Poland, crucial for Germany (Dawes plan)
• Currency reform: Poland and Germany in the
moment of stabilization, Hungary slightly later,
Austria substantially later
– but just change of numeraire
Specific steps (2)
• After sheer depreciations, countries
stabilized their ExR and were able to
maintain it, but thanks to
– drastic devaluations
– massive interventions
– large nominal interest (in first months 1020%)
• In different countries differently, but in
all cases the strategy was to return to
gold standard
Other issues (1)
Real economy
• There was a slow-down of output and increase
of unemployment as a consequence of
stabilization, but
– shortly, followed by period of economic growth (till
Great Depression), Poland back to smaller crisis in
– unemployment increase much milder than expected
(in Germany more difficult)
• Still acceptable consistency with classical
Other issues (2)
• Increase of money supply even after the
price stabilizations, contradiction to
QTM, but
– money issued after stabilization were state
liabilities, back by gold, foreign loans and –
mainly – by the renewed state ability to
collect taxes
• Consequently – the new money was not
• Return from foreign currencies into new
domestic ones
• Essential stabilization steps: simultaneous (a) creation of
independent central bank, that stopped unsecured lending
to the state, (b) change of fiscal policies, (c) change in
inflationary expectations, (d) stabilization and defense of
• Government could borrow only with private sector and
debt was ultimately backed by its ability to collect taxes
• The main source of hyperinflation: growth of currency that
was backed by government bills, unsecured by future state
• This created expectations that further fueled the inflation
spiral, unless being broken by newly, generally trusted
central bank’s policy
• Earlier attempts to stabilize that failed (e.g. Germany):
unless accompanied by fiscal reform, doomed to fail
V.3 Return to the gold standard
Second period of gold standard
• 1925-1931, most countries re-adopted
gold standard
• During 1924 – stabilization of exchange
rates even in countries that suffered
hyperinflations, but, namely between
sterling and dollar
– positive strong correlation between relative
prices (both in UK and USA) and exchange
rate ₤/$
– April 1925: Britain decided to return to gold
standard at pre-war parity
Churchill’s policy mistake
• In 1925, Winston Churchill – UK Chancellor of
the Exchequer
• Under new conditions – sterling overvalued
– after the war, British prices increased faster than
those of trading partners, return to pre-war parity =
real appreciation
– consequence: loss of international competitiveness
• Keynes: The Economic Consequences of Mr.
Real growth 1925-1930
Weakness of 2nd gold standard
• Overvalued sterling
• Adjustment mechanism worked
• Rigid prices and wages
• Much more complex political and
economic environment
• More than one financial center
Literature to Ch. V
After WWI economic order:
• Keynes, John M. The Economic Consequences of the Peace.
London, Macmillan, 1920.
• Textbooks by Blanchard (pp.447-452) or Mankiw (pp.180-186).
• Sargent, Thomas J., The End of Four Big Inflations, in: Hall, Robert,
ed., Inflation. Chicago: University Press, 1983.
• Dornbush, Rudiger, Fisher, Stanley, Stopping Hyperinflations: Past
and Present, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 122 (1986), pp.1-47.
• Cagan, Phillip, The Monetary Dynamics of Hyperinflation, in Milton
Friedman (ed.), Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money, Chicago
(1956, pp. 23 – 117.
Return to Gold Standard:
• Textbook by Blanchard (pp.405-6).
• Keynes, John M., The Economic Consequences of Mr. Churchill.
1925 (in: Collected Writings).