Unit 1 * Principles of American Democracy

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Transcript Unit 1 * Principles of American Democracy

Unit 1 – Principles of American
What are the (4) major responsibilities of
1) Make Laws
2) Enforce Laws
3) Military
4) Taxes
Unit 1 – Principles of American
What are the (2) Basic Styles of Government?
1) Authoritarian
Absolute Monarch , Dictatorship, Oligarchy
2) Democratic
Direct Democracy, Representative Democracy,
Constitutional Monarch
Unit 1 – Principles of American
The above timeline shows the progression of
government from ______________ to
1) Absolute Monarch
2) Representative Democracy
Unit 1 – Principles of American
What were the motivations for colonies?
1) England
- Cheap raw materials
- Mercantilism – increase wealth of nation
- Export>Import
2) Colonists
- Religious freedom
- Economic Opportunity
- Political freedom
Unit 1 – Principles of American
Identify the importance of the following documents…
1) Declaration of Independence
- colonies break from GB - Social Contract
2) Articles of Confederation
- 1 Branch – Congress – making laws, no power to
- weak central gov
3) US Constitution
- 2nd Constitution
- create a stronger central government
Unit 2 – Structure & Function of
Fill in the Basic Info for the circle of Government
Unit 2 – Structure & Function of
1) Federalism
- enumerated (fed), reserved (states), concurrent (both)
2) Separation of Power
- legislative, executive, judicial
3) Checks & Balances
- powers each branch over the other 2 branches
4) Popular Sovereignty
- the people rule (voting)
5) Rule of Law
- all people must follow the law, even those that make them
6) Flexibility
- ability of the government to adapt and to change
Unit 3 – Resolving Conflict
1) Fill in the Political Spectrum.
Liberal – the government should be more active to solve social
Conservative – the government should be less active
Republican – major political party - conservative
Democrat – major political party - liberal
Moderate – in the middle; may favor more or less gov involvement.
Depends on issue
Radical – far ends of the spectrum. Very conservative or liberal
Unit 3 – Resolving Conflict
2) How do the following influence public opinion?
- Mass Media – Able to reach large audience. By what they
report & how they report, influences how people view an
event, etc…
- Interest Groups – Organizations have large number of
members that vote. Use money to run ads, newsletters,
- PACs (Super PACs?) – Raise $ to get candidates elected. Also
run political ads to shape public opinion.
- Lobbyists – Work in DC & State Capitals. Influence lawmakers,
and laws that are passed.
Unit 3 – Resolving Conflict
3) What is Suffrage, and how was it changed by the following
Amendments to the US Constitution? (Suffrage = right to vote)
- 15th Amendment – Cannot deny vote on basis of race.
- 19th Amendment – Cannot deny vote on basis of gender.
- 23rd Amendment – DC residents can vote in Presidential
election. DC given 3 electoral votes.
- 24th Amendment – Abolished poll tax. Cannot make person pay to
- 26th Amendment – Lowered voting age to 18.
Unit 3 – Resolving Conflict
4) Identify the following elections…
- Primary Election – Political parties choose candidates for the
General Election.
- General Election – Person who wins vote will hold political
office. (except President)
- Electoral College – officially elects the President & VP. Each
state w/ as many votes as members of Congress.
- Recall – State vote to remove politician from office.
- Initiatives, Propositions, Referendum – all (3) are forms of
direct democracy. Issues are put on ballot to approved by
Unit 3 – Resolving Conflict
5) How have the following impacted elections in the US?
- PACs – Raise $ to get candidates elected. Run ads, etc… to
support or to oppose candidates. Since Citizens United
case this has been magnified. Very little limitations are
put on these organizations.
- Citizens United – Supreme Court case in which the argument
made was that giving money to a campaign was a form of
Freedom of Speech. Group won case, and has led to an
enormous increase in campaign spending.
Unit 3 – Resolving Conflict
6) Identify the Basic Steps in How a Bill Becomes a Law
- Introduction – Must have Sponsor, which is a member of
Congress or the General Assembly.
- Committee Consideration – Both houses split into small
groups based on topic. Will study bills dealing with topic.
Can kill bills, change bills, or pass on to full house.
- Voting & Conference Committee – Each house must pass bill
by a simple majority. Conference Committee – irons out
differences in bills from 2 houses.
- Presidential/ Governor Action – Sign into law. Veto. Hold for
10 days (pocket veto or pass w/out signature).
- Override Veto – Congress 2/3 of both houses.
General Assembly 3/5 of both houses.
Unit 4 - Citizenship
1) What are the (3) categories of Rights?
Security, Equality, Liberty
2) What are the (5) Duties of US citizens? Obey Laws, Pay Taxes,
Jury Duty, Register for Draft, Attend School
3) What are (5) Responsibilities of US Citizens? Be Informed,
Vote, Participate in Government, Respect Other’s Rights,
Respect Diversity
4) What is a natural born citizen? Naturalization?
Born in 50 states, DC, parent(s) are citizens, born on US
military base.
Process of becoming a US Citizen (5 step process)
5) What are denaturalization & expatriation? Losing citizenship
due to fraud in naturalization process. Losing citizenship
to become citizen of another country.
Unit 4 - Citizenship
1) Bill of Rights – Group Quiz
2) Suffrage Amendments
15, 19, 23, 24, 26
3) Civil War Amendments
13, 14, 15
Unit 4 - Citizenship
1) Supreme Court Cases – Identify the importance of the
- Marbury v Madison – established judicial review
- Plessy v Ferguson – separate but equal is constitutional
- Brown v Board of Education – separate but equal
- Miranda v Arizona – Police must inform suspect of 5th & 6th
Amendment rights.
- Tinker v Des Moines – Schools must show reasonable
disruption to learning environment to limit rights.
- Gideon v Wainwright – Indigent defendants must be provided
counsel in felony cases.
Unit 5 - The Law & You
1) What are the following types of law in the US?
- Criminal Law (misdemeanors, felonies)
- prevent people from harming each other or property.
- Civil Law
- involves disputes between people or groups of people.
- Constitutional Law
- involves rights guaranteed in the Constitution.
- Administrative Law
- rules & regulations the executive branch must carry out.
- Statutory Law
- laws that regulate behavior.
Unit 5 - The Law & You
2) Legal Protections – Powers denied to Congress
- Suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus
- police must bring suspect before a judge and inform suspect
of charges, and evidence.
- Pass Bills of Attainder
- a law that punish a person w/out a jury trial.
- Pass Ex Post Facto Laws
- cannot punish a person for an action that was not illegal at
the time the action took place.
Unit 5 - The Law & You
2) Legal Protections – Amendments
- 4th Amendment
- search & seizure
- 5th Amendment
- rights of the accused
- 6th Amendment
- rights in a criminal trial
- 8th Amendment
- cruel & unusual punishment
- 14th Amendment
- equal protection of the law
Unit 5 - The Law & You
3) Civil Cases – Explain the following…
- Plaintiff – Complaint (bringing lawsuit)
- Defendant – Summons, Response (being sued)
- Settlement – agree out of court to settle case
- Trial – 2 sides argue before judge or judge & jury
- Verdicts – responsible/not responsible
Unit 5 - The Law & You
4) Criminal Cases – Explain the following…
- Prosecution – government (state or federal)
- Defendant – accused of violating law
- Arrest – police book suspect
- Preliminary Hearing – brought before judge, informed of
- Indictment – formally accused (judge or grand jury)
- Arraignment – enter plea (Guilty – plea bargain) or not guilty
- Trial – Verdicts (guilty or not guilty) (hung jury)
Unit 6 - The Free Market & The
Role of Government
1) Basic Economic Terms – Identify the following
(Arctic Survival Activity)
- Economics – study of survival
- Scarcity – Trade-off, Opportunity Cost – resources limited,
must make decisions. Decisions have costs.
- Division of Labor, Specialization, Productivity
splitting up work into smaller tasks increases output.
3 Basic Economic Questions
What, How, For Whom?
4 Factors of Production
Land, Labor, Capital, Entrepreneurship
Unit 6 - The Free Market & The
Role of Government
1) Basic Economics & Economic Systems
Place the following on the Spectrum
- Command Economy (Communism) Left = Total Gov Control
- Market Economy - Right = No Gov Control (Supply/Demand)
Adam Smith (Laissez Faire & the Invisible Hand
- Mixed Economy (Mixed Market, Socialism)
Center – Shared between gov & individual control
Socialism = Further Left; Mixed Market = Further Right
(US = Mixed Market)
Unit 6 - The Free Market & The
Role of Government
1) What are 6 Characteristics of the US Economy?
- Limited Government Involvement
- Private Property
- Profit Motive/Incentive
- Freedom of Choice
- Freedom of Enterprise
- Competition
Unit 6 - The Free Market & The
Role of Government
2) Supply & Demand
Identify the following…
- Supply, Demand, Laws of Supply & Demand, Market Price
- What is a shortage & surplus?
- shortage = D>S – Price will increase
- surplus = S>D – Price will decrease
Unit 6 - The Free Market & The
Role of Government
3) Business
- Identify each, and positives & negatives each type of business
- Sole Proprietorship
- 1 owner – most common – many form an LLC
- Partnership
- legal joining of 2 or more – least common
- Corporation
- recognized as legal person (sue or be sued)
(raise $ by selling stocks/bonds)
Unit 6 - The Free Market & The
Role of Government
3) Competition
- Why is competition important in a market economy?
- lower prices/ better quality
- Identify the following types of competition.
- Perfect Competition
- so many sellers none control price (does not exist)
- Imperfect Competition
- business has some control over price (3 types)
- most drastic form – 1 seller controls market
- US has laws to prevent (anti-trust legislation)
Unit 6 - The Free Market & The
Role of Government
3) Labor
- What is a labor union?
- organization of workers that try to improve wages and
working conditions of its members
- Identify tactics used by labor unions to improve conditions for
- collective bargaining
- mediation/arbitration
- strike/picketing/boycott
- Owners = Lockout
Unit 6 - The Free Market & The
Role of Government
4) Business Cycle
Label the following…
Expansion, Contraction
Identify Economic Indicators used to measure the business cycle.
- GDP, CPI, Labor Hours, Building Permits, etc…
Unit 6 - The Free Market & The
Role of Government
4) Monetary Policy & the Federal Reserve
- Explain the 2 problems of inflation & recession
- Inflation (too much); Recession (too little)
- Define Monetary Policy
- control the nation’s $ supply.
- Explain Loose & Tight Monetary Policy
Loose = (Recession) want to increase
Tight = (Inflation) want to decrease
- 3 Tools
(Discount Rate, Reserve Requirement, Government Securities)
Unit 6 - The Free Market & The
Role of Government
4) Fiscal Policy
- Define Fiscal Policy
- Government policy toward taxing & spending
- Revenue
- Money coming in – most in form of taxes
- Expenditures
- Programs the government runs & spends money
- Balanced Budget, Budget Surplus, Budget Deficit
Balanced – (Revenue = Expenditures)
Surplus - (Revenue > Expenditures)
Deficit - (Revenue < Expenditures)
Unit 7 – International Trade
1) International Trade
- Import – good bought from another country
- Export – good sold to another country
- Free Trade & Reasons to Support – trade without barriers
- lower prices, better quality, political cooperation
- Trade Agreements (NAFTA, EU, WTO)
- Protectionism & Trade Barriers – Barriers = (tariff, quota,
embargo) protect domestic industries, environment
Unit 7 – International Trade
2) Globalization & The United Nations
- Developed Countries(1st World)
- technology, health care, education, transportation, etc…
- market economy & democratic governments
- Developing Countries (2nd World)
- moving from 3rd to 1st
- Underdeveloped Countries (3rd World)
- high levels of poverty, poor health care
- traditional economy, authoritarian government
Unit 7 – International Trade
2) Globalization & The United Nations
- Globalization Issues
- Environmental Concerns
- increased consumption, less gov regulation to protect
the environment
- Worker Exploitation (Human Rights)
- 1st world companies – taking advantage of cheaper
wages, less worker rights, etc…
Unit 7 – International Trade
2) Globalization & The United Nations
- United Nations
- Goal = prevent war
- Declaration of Human Rights
- rights that should be universal
- similar to US Bill of Rights
Unit 8 – Personal Financial
1) Personal Financial Planning & Goals
- Education, income, career (what is the correlation?)
- higher ed, higher income, better career
- Budget
- Income (Gross Pay/Net Pay)
Gross – before taxes, etc…; Net – after taxes
- Expenses
House, Car, Insurance, Food, Entertainment, etc…
- Retirement
401K, 403B, IRA, etc…
Unit 8 – Personal Financial
2) Savings & Investing
- Accounts
- Savings/Checking
- CD/Money Market
- Interest
- Compound Interest – Rule of 72
- Investing
- Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds
- Risk/Reward
Unit 8 – Personal Financial
3) Credit
- Credit – Borrowing to pay back later
- Credit Card - Credit Score – evaluates risk in terms of ability to pay back
loan. Higher score = lower interest rates when borrow.
- Interest – Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
- Compound Interest – Must interest on interest that has
Unit 8 – Personal Financial
4) Consumer Protection
- Consumer Protection Laws
- laws to protect consumers. Warning labels, ingredients,
- Government Regulation
- Insurance
- Medical
- Life