S&E201-Manasco-2015 - Blogging Section of SLA-IT

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Sci/Tech & Eng 201:
Data Visualization
SLA Annual Conference, Boston, MA
Mary Frances Lembo, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Barbara Wetzel, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
James Manasco, University of Louisville
June 15, 2015
University of Louisville
Temporal: It’s all about time!
 Time is relative
 Data visualization techniques and
tools can help the reader grasp
more fully the context and
meaning of the data presented.
University of Louisville
Temporal Visualizations
 Can help highlight information in a
way text alone cannot.
 As a concept has been around for
centuries. We’ve all seen timelines
in our textbooks haven’t we?
 Are often capable of eliciting an
emotional reaction, a la Al Gore
and his scissor lift.
University of Louisville
A good overview of the topic:
 It’s About Time Visualizing
temporal data to reveal patterns
and stories by Hunter Whitney
University of Louisville
Tool and Examples
 Google Trends
You do have to login to Google. But this is free.
Allows you to look at what folks are searching over time. Lots of
prepared categories and you can explore more.
Cool video.
University of Louisville
University of Louisville
University of Louisville
Tools and Examples
 TimeSearch
 http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/timesearcher/
“Widespread interest in discovering features and trends in timeseries has generated a need for tools that support interactive
exploration. We have built a prototype environment for interactive
querying and exploration of time-series data. Queries are built
using timeboxes: a powerful graphical, direct-manipulation
metaphor for the specification of queries over time-series datasets.
These timeboxes support interactive formulation and modification
of queries, thus speeding the process of exploring time-series data
sets and guiding data mining. The prototype includes windows for
timebox queries, individual time-series, and details-on-demand.
Other features include drag-and-drop support for� query-byexample and graphical envelopes for displaying the extent of the
entire data set and result set from a given query.”
University of Louisville
University of Louisville
Tools and Examples
 D3.js
 http://d3js.org/
 Free JavaScript library for manipulating
documents based on data.
University of Louisville
Tools and Examples
University of Louisville
Tools and Examples
 TimeFlow
 https://github.com/FlowingMedia/TimeFlow/wiki
 Allows you to analyze temporal data with five
different display modes: Timeline, Calendar, Bar
Chart, Table, and List.
 “Alpha” software. Buggy but they are working on it.
University of Louisville
University of Louisville
Tools and Examples
 Timeline
 http://www.simile-widgets.org/timeline/
 “With this widget, you can make
beautiful interactive timelines….”
University of Louisville
University of Louisville
Tools and Examples
 Timeplot
 http://www.simile-widgets.org/timeplot/
 “Timeplot is a DHTML-based AJAXy
widget for plotting time series and
overlay time-based events over them
(with the same data formats
that Timeline supports).”
University of Louisville
University of Louisville
Other Resources
 Great libguide from Kansas State
University of Louisville
Other Resources
 The Accidental Data Scientist: big
data applications and opportunities
for librarians and information
professionals by Amy Affelt.
Information Today, 2015.
 Amy is also very spiffy and nice and
would be a great resource, too! She
autographed my copy!!!!
University of Louisville
Continue the conversation …
Sci/Tech 101 Blog:
Mary Frances Lembo
Barbara Wetzel
James E. Manasco
Research Librarian - Senior
PNNL Technical Library
Pacific Northwest National Lab
[email protected]
Research Librarian
PNNL Technical Library
Pacific Northwest National Lab
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Engineering & Physical
Sciences Librarian
University of Louisville
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March 26, 2016