Transcript Chapter 7

Alkenes and Alkynes 1
Properties and Synthesis.
Elimination Reactions of Alkyl Halides
The (E) and (Z) system for Designating
Alkene Diastereoisomers
 Z = (zusammen) German for together
 E = (Entgegen) German for opposite
 1. Assign an atom with greater atomic number as high
priority on each side of the sp2 carbon
 2.
If the two subsitutents attached to sp2 carbon
start with the same atom (tie), move outward until tie
 If an atom is doubly bonded or triply bonded, the priority
systems treats it as if it were single bonded
 Using E and Z designation for the following
Relative Stability of Alkenes
 Cis isomer is less stable due to the greater strain from
crowding the adjacent alkyl group
Overall Relative Stabilities of
 The greater the number of attached alkyl groups
 The more highly substituted the carbon atoms of the double
bond) the greater the alkene’s stability
Synthesis of Alkenes via Elmination
 Two methods for alkene synthesis
 Dehydrogenation of Alkyl halides
 Dehydrogenation of Alcohol
 1 step reaction
 Rate = [Nu:-] [Substrate]
E2 mechanism: conditions
 2o or 3o alkyl halide should be used if possible
 When a synthesis must begin with a 1o alkyl halide, then a
bulky base should be used
 Strong and nonpolarizable base such as alkoxides should be
used in high concentration
 Sodium ethoxide in ethanol and potassium ter-butoxide in
tert-butyl alcohol are based typically used in promote E2
 Elevated temperature is usually employed because it
generally favors elimination over substitution
Zaitsev’s Rule: Formation of the More
Substituted Alkene is Favored with a Small Base
 Whenever an elimination occurs to give the more stable,
more high substituted alkene  Zaitsev’s Rule
 Dehydrohalogenation of many alkyl halides, yields more
than one product.
Zaitsev’s Rule: Formation of the More
Substituted Alkene is Favored with a Small
 Transition state resemble s how alkene will be substituted
Formation of the Less subsitituted Alkene
using a Bulky Base
 Hoffmann Rule applies when elimination yields the less
substituted alkene
The stereochemistry of E 2 Reactions: The
Orientation of groups in the Transition State
 Anti coplanar transition state is more preferrable
 Staggered conformation
 Syn coplanar transition state is prefferred only with rigid
 Eclipsed conformation
A mechanism Where There Two
Axial β Hydrogens
E2 Elimination Where the Only Axial β
Hydrogen is from a less stable conformer
 When cis-1-bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane is treated with
sodium ethoxide in ethanol, it reacts rapidly; the product is
4-tert-butylcyclohexene. Under the same condition , trans1-bromo-4-ter-butylcyclohexane reacts very slowly. Write
conformational structures and explain the difference in
reactivity of these cis-trans isomers.
Acid-Catalyzed Dehydration of
 Removing water molecule to form an alkene
 Dehydration
 Favored high temperature
 The temperature and concentration of acid required to
dehydrate an alcohol depend on the structure of the alcohol
 Some primary alcohol and secondary alcohols also undergo
rearrangements of their carbon skeletons during
Mechanism for Dehydration of
Secondary and Tertiary Alcohol
 E1 mechanism
 Step 1: protonation – a proton is rapidly transferred from
acid to one of the unshared electron pairs of alcohol
 Step 2: The carbon-oxygen bond breaks heterolytically. The
bonding electrons depart with the water molecule and leave
behind a carbocation
 Step 3: acid-base protonation
 Dehydration of 2-propanol occurs in 14M H2SO4 at 100oC
 Using curved arrows, write all steps in a mechanism for the
 Explain the essential role of performed in alcohol dehydration
by the acid catalyst (hints: consider what would have happen if
no acid were present?)