Transcript Slide 1

Intermolecular Forces and the
States of Matter
Solids: The particles of a solid have fixed
positions and exhibit motions of vibration.
Liquids: The particles of a liquid are free to
move within the confines of the liquid.
Gas: The particles of a gas are far apart
and move randomly and rapidly.
Intermolecular Forces and the
States of Matter
Condensation: The process by which a gas
becomes a liquid.
Freezing: The process by which a liquid becomes
a solid. This occurs at the freezing point which
is the same as the melting point.
Sublimation: When a solid changes directly from
the solid to the gaseous state.
Intermolecular Forces and the
States of Matter
Hydrogen Bonds:
When a hydrogen atom is
covalently bonded to a
highly electronegative
atom like nitrogen,
oxygen, or fluorine
(N,O,F), it can exhibit an
additional polar attraction
called a hydrogen bond.
Intermolecular Forces and the
States of Matter
Solution: intimate, homogeneous mixture
of two or more substances.
Solute: substance which is dispersed in a
Solvent: substance doing the dissolving,
usually present in greatest quantity.
Chemical Sentences: Equations
Chemical equations represent the
sentences in the language of chemistry.
They are the means of communicating a
chemical change using the symbols and
formulas to represent the elements and
compounds involved in a chemical
Chemical Sentences: Equations
Reactants are the species present before the
Products are the species present after the
Reactants → Products
The arrow (→) means “yield(s)” or “react(s) to produce.”
Chemical Sentences: Equations
The following are used to denote the states
of matter of a species in an equation:
aqueous solution
Chemical Sentences: Equations
Coefficients are numbers used to balance a
chemical equation. Never change the
Volume Relationships in Chemical
Law of Combined Volumes: When all
measurements are made at the same
temperature and pressure, the volumes of
gaseous reactants and products are in a small
whole-number ratio.
Volume Relationships in Chemical
Avogadro’s Hypothesis: Volumes of all
gases, when measured at the same
temperature and pressure, contain the
same number of molecules.
Avogadro’s Number
Avogadro’s number is defined as the
number of atoms in a 12-g sample of
carbon-12 and is:
6.02 x
The Mole
A mole (mol) is defined as the
amount of a substance that
contains 6.02 x 1023 particles.
The Mole
The Mole
Formula mass is the average mass of a
formula unit relative to that of a carbon-12
It is simply the sum of the atomic masses
for all atoms in a formula.
If the formula represents a molecule, often
the term molecular mass is used.
The Mole
Molar Volume of a Gas: One mole of any
gas occupies a volume of 22.4 L at
standard temperature and pressure (STP).
STP is defined as 1 atmosphere (atm) of
pressure and a temperature of 0 oC.
Mole and Mass Relationships in
Chemical Equations
Stoichiometry involves the quantitative
relationship between reactants and
products in a balanced chemical equation.
The coefficients of a balanced chemical
equation represent moles.
Mole and Mass Relationships in
Chemical Equations
2 H2 + O2  2 H2O
This equation can be read as follows:
2 mol of H2 reacts with one mol O2 to yield
2 mol of H2O.
Mole and Mass Relationships in
Chemical Equations
Steps in a Stoichiometric Calculation:
1. Write and balance the chemical equation for
the reaction.
2. Determine molar masses of substances
involved in the calculation.
3. Use the coefficients of the balanced equation
to convert the moles of the given substance to
the moles of the desired substance.
4. Use the molar mass to convert the moles of
the desired substance to grams of the desired
Mole and Mass Relationships in
Chemical Equations
The Gas Laws
Kinetic Molecular Theory of a Gas
The particles of a gas are in rapid constant motion.
1. The particles of a gas are tiny compared to the
distance between them.
2. There is little attraction between the particles of a
3. Collisions between gas molecules are perfectly
4. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic
energy of gas molecules.
The amount of solute in a given amount of
solvent is defined as solution concentration.
A dilute solution contains relative small
amounts of solute in a given amount of solvent.
A concentrated solution contains relatively
large amounts of solute in a given amount of
Molarity (M) is defined as the moles of
solute per liter of solution.
Percent Concentration
Percent by volume =
volume of solute
volume of solution
x 100
Percent Concentration
Percent by mass =
mass of solute x 100
mass of solution
Acids and Bases: Experimental
taste sour
turn litmus red
react with active metals to release hydrogen gas
react with bases to form water and a salt
Acids and Bases: Experimental
taste bitter
turn litmus blue
feel slippery
react with acids to form water and a salt
Acids and Bases: Experimental
Acids, Bases, and Salts
Arrhenius Theory
Acid: a molecular substance that ionizes in aqueous
solution to form hydrogen ions (H+)
Acids, Bases, and Salts
Arrhenius Theory
Base: a substance that produces hydroxide ions (OH-)
in aqueous solution
Acids, Bases, and Salts
Neutralization: When an acid reacts with a
base, the properties of each are
neutralized and the products are water
and a salt.
Acid + Base → Water + Salt
Strong and Weak Acids and Bases
Strong acids ionize completely in water
HCl(aq) → H+(aq) + Cl-(aq)
Weak acids only partially ionize in water
HCN(aq) ↔ H+(aq) + CN-(aq)
Strong and Weak Acids and Bases
Strong bases ionize completely in water
NaOH(aq) → Na+(aq) + OH-(aq)
Weak bases only partially ionize in water
NH3(aq) + H2O ↔ NH4+(aq) + OH-(aq)
During neutralization, an acid reacts with a
base, forming water and a salt.
The pH Scale
pH is a means of expressing the acidity or
basicity of a solution.
The pH Scale
Electrochemical Cells and Batteries
Electrodes: Pieces of metal where
electrons are transferred.
Anode: Electrode where oxidation occurs.
Cathode: Electrode where reduction
Electrochemical Cells and Batteries
The oxidation and reduction reactions can
be represented as half-reactions:
Cu(s) → Cu2+(aq) + 2 e-
2 Ag+(aq) + 2 e- → 2 Ag(s)
---------------------------------Overall reaction:
Cu(s) + 2 Ag+(aq) → Cu2+(aq) + 2 Ag(s)
Electrochemical Cells and Batteries
Dry Cell:
Zn + 2 MnO2 + H2O →
Zn2+ + Mn2O3 + 2 OH-
Electrochemical Cells and Batteries
Lead Storage Batteries:
Pb + PbO2 + 2 H2SO4 →
2 PbSO4 + 2 H2O
2 PbSO4 + 2 H2O → Pb +
PbO2 + 2 H2SO4
Electrochemical Cells and Batteries
Nickel-cadmium batteries are used in portable
radios and cordless appliances. They use
cadmium anodes and nickel-oxide cathodes.
Fuel cells are an interesting kind of battery. The
fuel is oxidized at the anode and O2 is reduced
at the anode. The electrons are allowed to flow
through a wire and do work.
Silver Tarnish
Silver tarnish is the result of the oxide on the
silver surface reacting with hydrogen sulfide
(H2S) in air. This leaves a black film of silver
sulfide (Ag2S).
Polishing the tarnished silver will restore the
shine but at the expense of some of the silver
metal. An alternate is to allow aluminum to
reduce the silver in the presence of a solution of
sodium bicarbonate electrolyte.
Oxygen: An Abundant and
Essential Oxidizing Agent
Oxygen is the most common oxidizing
agent. It comprises 20% of air and about
50% of the Earth by mass. In the
atmosphere, it can exist as oxygen
molecules (O2) or ozone (O3). It reacts
with metals and nonmetals, forming
Oxygen: An Abundant and
Essential Oxidizing Agent
Ozone (O3) is a powerful oxidizing agent.
In the lower atmosphere, it is harmful to
both plants and animals. However, in the
stratosphere, it serves to protect life on
Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation.
Other Common Oxidizing Agents
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a
common oxidizing agent used as a
disinfectant or to bleach hair.
Other Common Oxidizing Agents
Potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) will oxidize
alcohols and turns green when reduced to
chromium (III). It is used in Breathalyzers.
Benzyl peroxide is an antiseptic and used to
treat acne.
Chlorine is used as a disinfectant in the
treatment of drinking and wastewater.
Bleaches (NaOCl, Ca(OCl2)) are oxidizing
agents used on fabrics.
Oxidation, Reduction, and Living
Oxidation and reduction reactions are critical to life on
Earth. Energy is obtained from food by oxidizing the
food. One example is the oxidation of glucose:
C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy
The reactions of photosynthesis are a series of
reductions that are the reverse of the above reaction.
6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy → C6H12O6 + 6 O2
Oxidation, Reduction, and Living
Photosynthesis is the only process that produces the
elemental oxygen that is essential for animals on Earth.
Organic Chemistry
Organic chemistry is defined as the
chemistry of carbon compounds. Of tens
of millions of known chemical compounds,
over 95% are compounds of carbon.
The Unique Carbon Atom
Carbon is unique in that carbon atoms
can bond to each other to form long chains
and rings.
Hydrocarbons are the simplest organic
compounds. As their name implies, they
are composed entirely of carbon and
Alkanes are hydrocarbons
that contain only single bonds.
Because all carbon-to-carbon
bonds are single bonds,
alkanes are often called
saturated hydrocarbons.
The simplest hydrocarbon is
methane (CH4).
Cyclic Hydrocarbons
The names of cyclic
hydrocarbons begin
with the prefix cyclofollowed by the name
of the alkane with the
same number of
carbon atoms.
Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
Alkenes are hydrocarbons
which contain a carbonto-carbon double bond.
Their general formulas
are CnH2n. Their names
begin with a prefix
denoting the number of
carbon atoms followed by
the suffix –ene.
Ethylene is the simplest
Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
Alkynes are hydrocarbons
which contain a carbon-tocarbon triple bond. Their
general formulas are CnH2n-2.
Their names begin with a
prefix denoting the number of
carbon atoms followed by the
suffix –yne.
Ethyne (acetylene) is the
simplest alkyne.
Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
Both alkenes and alkynes
are unsaturated
hydrocarbons. A saturated
hydrocarbon has the
maximum number of
hydrogen atoms attached to
each carbon and no double
or triple bonds. Unsaturated
hydrocarbons can undergo
an addition reaction:
Toxicity of Alcohols
All alcohols are toxic. Methanol for instance is
oxidized to formaldehyde by liver enzymes. It
can lead to blindness and death.
Even ethanol is toxic. The effects of drinking
ethanol are due to its toxicity. Drunk driving,
alcoholism, and fetal alcohol syndrome are all
effects due to the toxicity of ethanol.
Aldehydes and Ketones
Aldehydes and ketones are two families of
organic compounds that contain the carbonyl
(C=O) functional group.
Carboxylic Acids
Organic acids contain the carboxyl (COOH)
functional group.
Esters generally have a pleasant odor.
Amines and Amides
Amines are derivatives of ammonia. When one
or more hydrogen of ammonia is replaced by an
alkyl group, an amine is the result. Like
ammonia, amines tend to be basic and have
similar odors.
Alkaloids are amines
that occur naturally in
plants. Many have
physiological effects.
Morphine, caffeine,
nicotine, and cocaine
are alkaloids. So are
the bases pyrimidine
and purine.
Spaceship Earth: Materials
The Earth is divided into three main regions:
The core is largely iron and nickel and is not
The mantle consists of silicates and a variety of
The crust is the outer shell of the Earth. The
lithosphere is the land masses, the
hydrosphere makes up the water, and the
atmosphere is the air surrounding the Earth.
Spaceship Earth: Materials
Spaceship Earth: Materials
The Lithosphere: Organic and
The lithosphere is composed of rocks and
Silicates and the Shapes of Things
The term asbestos applies to a variety of fibrous
silicates. The best known is chrysotile, which is
a magnesium silicate.
Modified Silicates: Ceramics,
Glass, and Cement
Ceramics are clays (aluminum
silicates) that have been shaped and
fired to a hard, durable material.
Ceramic research has led to some
amazing new materials.
Modified Silicates: Ceramics,
Glass, and Cement
Glass is a noncrystalline solid. It was first
made in ancient Egypt by heating sand,
sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), and
limestone (CaCO3).
The properties of glass can be varied by
adding or replacing certain components.