Hydrocarbon Derivatives
Transcript Hydrocarbon Derivatives
Hydrocarbon Derivatives
molecular compounds of carbon and hydrogen that
contain at least one other element.
ex) alkyl halide, alcohol, carboxylic acid, ester
Alkyl Halides
one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced with a halogen
(F, Cl, Br, I).
Many of these are carcinogenic or toxic.
Compounds include CFC’s, Teflon coatings and
Naming Organic Halides
number parent chain from end closest to halogen, for
a cycloalkane, start numbering at halogen
use shortened names, put in alphabetical order and use
prefixes as needed: bromo, chloro, fluoro, and iodo.
name and number alkyl groups
Ex. 1,2-dichloroethane
contain an hydroxyl (-OH) functional group-is polar
higher boiling point than alkanes because of hydrogen bonds.
Chains up to 12 C are liquid.
short chain alcohols (methanol,ethanol) are very soluble in
water due to polarity
Longer chains become more non polar and do not dissolve in
water but with non polar compounds
Naming Alcohols
name alkanes but replace the ending –e with the ending
–ol unless there is a prefix then leave the –e and add –ol
after prefix
number closest to the OH
the position of the OH group(s) is indicated with a
number(s) before the –ol.
use prefixes to indicate the number of OH groups
name and number alkyl groups
rubbing alcohol
Carboxylic Acids
contain a carboxyl (- COOH)
carboxyl is polar, easily form hydrogen bonds.
higher boiling points than other hydrocarbons and
short chains are liquids and soluble in water, longer
chains are waxy solids and not soluble
hydrogen on the hydroxyl is acidic.
found in sour fruits and vinegar
Ex. Ethanoic acid = vinegar
Naming Carboxylic Acids
Replace the alkane ending, –e, with the ending -oic acid.
Carboxyl is position 1
Name and number alkyl chains
Ex. butanoic acid
Some carboxylic acids have more than one carboxylic acid group, so
they are given common names
Ex) oxalic acid and citric acid.
functional group is similar to carboxyl except that the hydrogen
on the hydroxyl is replaced with a carbon chain.
responsible for the smells of many fruits and vegetables
(volatile so create aromas)
without an –OH group, can not make hydrogen bonds so
boiling points are lower than carboxylic acids
Small esters are liquids, larger are waxy solids
4 carbons or fewer are soluble, larger are not soluble in water
formed when a carboxylic acid reacts with an alcohol
Naming Esters
Two parts:
The name from the acid (contains C=O) is changed from
–oic acid to –oate and is the main chain (name last)
The name of the alkyl group from the alcohol ends in –yl
and is given first.
Example: ethyl ethanoate